
THE ELITES: Chaos Awaken.

Chaos has awoken in the universe, and the Warlords of the intergalactic force has chosen five humans who will stand out to restore the universe back to order. With the full power of the blue cosmic core in them, their physical self is Supernaturally augmented and they set out to save the universe from chaos as a team known as THE ELITES.

Daniellucky18 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 04

NEW YORK | Arixona.

10:34 Pm

A red car was moving on the empty lane that had few other cars occupying it, as it was dark and many, might have gone to rest.

The car was classic, as it glasses were tinted, and it tires were unique with red rims all over it. Mr Oscar, was seen occupying the driver's seat, as his left hands were placed on the steering and the other on his lap, his head slightly moving to and fro due to the rhythm of the Afro beat, playing not too loud in his car. He was tired of driving, so he decided to activate the ''Automatic driving Mode'' before he folded both hands and watched outside as the car began to drive automatically.

He suddenly sighed, leaning forward, and stretching his right hand to pull a bottle of wine, he popped it open and began to drink without using a cup. He drank till there was nothing left in the bottle and on seeing this, he angrily threw the bottle out the window, before leaning his back on the drivers seat. He was obviously disturbed by something, something that caused him so much pain, something that made his eyes beg for tears, but he wasn't ready to fall into tears, as he couldn't find any either. He might seem okay to the public, but when alone, Oscar is disturbed by his past lives, he had gone to many psychologist and counsel masters, but non seem to have the proper solution to his psychological flaws and breakdowns, and it made him more troubled. He quickly remembered that he needed to set the map location for his car to keep proceeding, but as he leaned forward, trying to touch the location icon on the steering, a bright blue light shone on his face, and his sight was disturbed, causing him to block the radiation of the lights by lifting his hand up to cover face. But the light seemed to penetrate through his hands, and Oscar decided to stop the car, before dashing out to see where the lights was coming from. Oscar blinked his eyes thrice, checking if it was still functioning as before, and when the blurry vision left him, he tilted his head up a little before opening his mouth in shock.

He noticed that the clouds were glowing brightly andbthe lights seem to cover the location he was in, he couldn't believe his eyes, he noticed the lights were taking another form with sparks of lightning on it and before he could think of entering his car, a blast from the clouds, to his chest, took him off his feet in a slow motion, and he began to burn so bright that his body radiating a firey light that melted his car to nothing and just like something negated the energy, Oscar began to disintegrate and he yelled in sudden pain until there was nothing left of him..

Another car was seen elsewhere, driving on the highway as it contained Daniel, Flora and Janet who kept staring at the twins as they talked to each other in harsh tones that made her feel like interfering into their discussion, but whenever she tried to say a word, something always weighed her down and this made her to retort back. But the yells and screams from both of them were becoming too much, and she regretted ever asking for a lift.

"And what right do you have over me huh? Am your sister not your slave." Flora said, before folding both arms in anger.

   "Junior sister to be precise. Am your elder brother and I have the power to control your movement and affairs. Don't ever forget that." Daniel who was driving, suddenly voiced out in anger causing flora to stare at Janet, before turning to face her brother.

    "You are not my elder brother okay. You are just my elder twin, and the birth gap between you and i, is nothing but a minute. So snap out of it."  She said, yelling at Daniel who decided to stopped driving, as he marched the break immediately for a quick stop, causing Janet to spring forward hitting her head on the seat in front of her.

"Hey! What was that for?" Janet who was now furious, asked laying her gaze on Daniel.

    "I am your elder brother for God sake, don't try to deny me my birth right."  Daniel said to his sister, not caring about the other female in the car.

   "Elder brother? You are not!" Flora retorted back sharply.

   "Yes I am." Daniel claimed again.

"No you aren't! "

    "Yes I am!"

"No you aren't!"

    "Yes! Yes I am!"

"No you aren't! You aren't!!"

  "Can you guys just shut up!! And think?" Janet finally voiced out, yelling at the both of them, and she continued as soon as they turned to face her. "You both are so so dumb to not know that we are in the middle of the road!!. I thought you both were experienced!!, but none of you have the word inside of you!!." She said again causing flora and Daniel to tilt their heads down in shame.

  "Am grateful for the ride, have a nice day." Janet said angrily again, before pushing the door open to go out.

   "Hey, where are you going?" Daniel quickly said, after watching as she tried to go out.

"Am leaving your car. You guys can continue your stuffs when am gone. I'll just look for a cab. Thanks anyway." She said trying to avoid his eyes but daniel rushed to meet her.

    "Its late out here, come on hop in. We are sorry." Flora said in a calm tone and Janet turned to face her.

    "Fine. But no argument please. You guys are siblings, love is what matters."

    "Yeah, we are sorry." Daniel said raising a brow and Janet sighed, dipping her hands in her pocket, then took a step towards the car, but as she tried to open the door, a bright light flashed on them and they all turned to see the same thing that attacked Oscar earlier on.

"What's that?" Flora asked and Daniel signaled ''a how I am supposed to know" sign..

   "Guys I think we need to go, now!" Janet hurriedly said as she was beginning to sense danger and Daniel quickly approached the car but as he tried to dragged the door open, he discovered it was lock, all of a sudden. And before they could say another word, the bright light blasted each and everyone of them, taking their motion from them as they remained fixed to a point, including flora who was in the car. Yellow streaks of lights began to move round daniel, then flora and finally Janet whose color was quite different from the rest, and before we knew what was going on, their skin began to burn with electricity running to and fro on them causing a sharp light to explode taking them off sight and as soon as they were gone, the lights died off in the night sky.


Fouth Floor | Ultra Sound Department.

Doctor Boma was walking in the Ultra sound department, ward iv. He was donned in white coat, a black trouser, and a white shirt that was accurately buttoned up to his neck. He was worried, and as he turned to reveal his face, his eyes were swollen in tears. He staggered backwards trying to balance on the wall behind him as more tears ran down his eyes. It has never happened before, Boma was best among the best, but his career has come to an absolute end today, as he couldn't save a 6 year old kid from dying.

He was troubled, really troubled that he wanted to end his life. He grabbed a scissors from the table opposite him, and firmed it tightly in his fist, before raising his hands up, he closed his eyes after breathing for some minutes. Then he sniffed in and a smile came on his face; it was better to join his family in the land of the dead than to remain here for more pain and sufferings to befall him. He raised his hands above his head with a yell, but as he tried to stab himself in the belly, a bright light shone on his face and he dropped the scissors in fear, not knowing where the lights was coming from. He was already sweating and panting heavily, and he took two steps forward to access the source of the bright light that made him shiver in fear, but a voice called out his name and he turned to see a dark manly figure, standing in front of him..

"Who...Who are are?"  He asked in fear, still moving backwards towards the light.

   "My identity shouldn't bother you now, Mr franklin Boma."  The dark figure said in a bold echoing voice that sent a cold feeling into the doctor.

   "You are depressed and worried, you need to shrug it off your shoulders doctor." the dark figure added to his words.

    "No you don't get. I couldn't save a kid from dying. A 6 year old baby boy, dieing in front of me, and I couldn't do anything to save him."  Mr franklin said as more tears came down from his eyes.

    "Humans are never perfect. I've come to know that, you might be good, but not perfect."  The figure said causing the doctor to sniff in.

    "No. I was perfect!!. I was perfect! I cured two people from cancer, saved a patient with exeorgic poison, performed a major surgery in less than an hour, invented my own drugs for curing Aids and HIV. And yet you say am not perfect? Damn you!! Damn you!!" The doctor said, before fallen to sit in tears..

     "I know humans are not perfect. I know humans are full of mistakes and flaws. And that's why we have come to make you....Perfect!."  The figure voiced out again, and the doctor raised his head sharply after hearing his last words.

   "Did I hear you correctly? Did you just say, make me perfect? How? And with what do you intend doing that? Wait a minute, who the hell are you?"  The doctor said, standing up to his feet..

"You will find out soon. Its time to join the others, doctor Boma."  The figure said finally glowing his eyes causing the doctor to gasp in surprise.

   "Holy Shitt!!" The doctor said, after seeing the eyes of the unknown figure. He turned around to run, but it was too late, as the light expanded throughout the room and he fell on his face, still panting, before his body glowed, disintegrating to nothing but dust and after that, the dark figure ascended up into the blue portal that was above him as everywhere returned to being void.


°Artif Solar System | Planet Uwei'

Kingdom's Dimension

A bright yellow star, fixed in the sky, radiated it lights unto the kingdom, forcing the void to remain hidden forever. And from the skies came three huge dark colored birds that landed heavily on the surface of the earth, creating a huge crack that soon disappeared.

  Phylon was the first to jump down as he found displeasure in the hideous creatures that roamed this part of the planet. In Hotull, they were no such thing as black birds or worms or flying snakes of any such.Their transportation was either by true flight, thrust, or via various technologies invented by them..

The queen levitated down with a smile on her face, and the captain followed, jumping down like a fallen horse and he quickly noticed the way phylon was staring at the kingdom, but he dare not ask him why.

   "This way your highness." The captain said, and phylon turned to follow the queen as she followed the captain's lead.. And as soon as they walked past two buildings, a large gate, so large it would allow the whole citizens of new York to go through, was standing in front of them and phylon smirked as they moved closer to it. The gate gave a blue hue, before a crimson light shone horizontally below it, causing the gate to split into two equal parts, paving way for them to go through, and the queen smiled nodding her head in amazement.

    "Its just like I remember."  She said with a smile, and the captain snapped his fingers to reveal the kingdom which was forcing itself out from the wide Ocean in front of them..
