

Pearl is a member of the Moon Mist bundle and heading to school with joy, waiting for when she turns 1., She will be allowed to finally become her wolf, a  being she could sense from the depth of her soul ever since she was a little child.  She is eager to mate with her boyfriend, Rain, the pack's eventual alpha. That is, till the King of all Lycan packs, arrive at her small village to talk about the conflict tactics to the Alpha. There is an odd sensation that rises at the depths of her belly, a sensation she has never felt before.

Katherineobasi · Fantasy
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9 Chs


"Okay, everyone! It's time," said my mother. "The initial shift of our new wolves. We're going to the northern gardens, men. We're heading to the southern gardens, ladies.

I watched as Alpha Anwar, the king, and other powerful men entered the building alongside Rain.

Saying, "Come on, weirdo." My hand was grabbed by Harmony, who dragged me over to the patio doors leading to our flower garden. "Oh! "Wait a minute!"

Harmony waved at Rich while grinning as she gazed around the room.

"I just want to say goodbye quickly."

I chuckled, "We're coming right back."

"I know. However, I'll be returning as a woman," she chuckled.

She hopped across the room and into Rich's arms as I watched. He turned her around and gave her an intense kiss. A smile appeared on his face as she spoke softly in his ear.

As we made our way to the middle of the group of women, Harmony hastened back to my side. I extended my hand and took my sister's hands in mine.

As we settled in, the moonflowers that blanketed the yard were in full bloom.

With a hesitant smile on her face, our mother came around to us. "All right, ladies. It's now. Nearly at its highest peak, the moon. Artemis is watching over the two of you. Don't worry about it; it aches a little the first shift. Your body is merely adjusting to the change. I adore you both and am really proud of you.

I gently said, "Thanks, mom," and gave her a hug.

I adore you, mama. Harmony entered the embrace.

I questioned, "Together?"

"Always," she answered.

My toes and the tips of my fingers first started to tingle, and it quickly expanded to the rest of my body. I observed Harmony's body cover itself in long, blonde hair. Her face twisted as a snout appeared in place of her nose. As her hold on me eased, her fangs gleamed in the night. I looked down and saw paws in lieu of both of our hands.

A strong internal burn emerged. My body felt like it was about to burst into flames. I felt a painful crunch and snap in my bones, which brought me to my knees in agony. As the moon got brighter and brighter, I screamed. I could not see anything else since the light was all around me.

The pain started and ended in an instant.

However, I had left the circle. Not even on the property of my family was I. It had no substance. an absolute emptiness.

Greeting: "Dear child."

As far as my wolf neck would allow, I took in my surroundings.

Don't be afraid. I've been looking forward to today for a while.

Anyone there?

Before me, the moon appeared encircling a stunning young woman.

That person.

Ich bin Artemis. The moon goddess. wooded area's patron goddess. Likewise your mother.

Can you hear me? I entertained a thought.

Absolutely, my sweet daughter.

Daughter? Why do you say that?

You are my child, I say. A wolf was born during the full moon. Your destiny is to defend the helpless, preserve the natural order, and uphold the customs of the past.

Yet, how? I have no experience being a wolf.

You'll get smarter. You are courageous and strong, and your partner loves and supports you. And I'll always be by your side, leading the way.

"I still have no idea. Why is this taking place? I could sense the beginnings of terror.

This went too far. Everything felt surreal.

"I utilized your earthly mother's body as a vessel eighteen years ago, while she was carrying your earthly sister, to give the earth a physical representation of myself. You."

"Wait. What?"

I am unable to give birth to an earthly child in this form. Someone with divine talents will be needed to assist my beloved wolf with something that is coming, she said.

"That sensation I've felt?" I query

"Yes, my sweetheart. You will need to assist the king in saving your people as it approaches.

It is what?

She gave a headshake. "I am unaware of that. I simply have a sense that something dangerous is on the way for you all.

"Why me?"

"Because you are my child, my sweet Pearl. Me, completely," Artemis said.

"That's impossible, Goddess. my birth. I've spent the entire time with my mother and father. Why didn't you come for me sooner if I am your daughter?

"To keep you safe. You and the other packs would have been in danger if anyone had learned of your existence.

How can I assist? I am not a fighter. I'm not big. I've never engaged in combat.

You'll learn more, I promise. Go now, my little one. Accept your true self, and follow your destiny. The moonlight shone brightly as she kissed my cheek, then darkness descended once again.

I saw a fading of the vacuum surrounding me as well as a pulling back into the real world. When I opened my eyes, Harmony was standing in front of me with a worried expression on her face.

Amelia the Queen moved forward. "Child, you all right?"

My chest grew noticeably larger with each breath as I nodded.

What is that, huh? Staring at my face, Harmony questioned.

I questioned, "Wh-what?"

on the top of your head. Immediately below the hairline. Describe that.

I raised my arm and ran my fingers over my forehead, but I detected nothing. I sighed.

"Pearl. Mom rushed over to me and inquired, "What happened?

"I don't know, um. What should the first shift be like? I queried.

Not quite like that, I suppose.

I asked, "What happened?"

"You shifted, then you fell."


I was standing when I took a peek around. I'm all right.

Mom questioned, "Honey?"


Harmony is the best. What do you see on your forehead?

"I'm not sure. Nothing? I have no feelings. What does it resemble?

It appears to be a moon with a bow in it, she said.


She demanded, "What actually transpired during your shift?"

Can we discuss it when there isn't such a large crowd present? I mutely enquired.

She gave a head nod.

Okay, everyone, let's return to the party and give the gals some space.

Are you alright, she inquired.

"I think so," I remarked, still trying to make sense of all that had just happened.

"Let's go explore our new forms," I said.

With a smile, Harmony ran off in her sleek, nimble wolf form. I followed her as excitement and a sense of purpose grew within of me. We were only at the start of our werewolf journey, and I was prepared to accept my fate. After giving our wolves enough space to roam, we went back to the gardens and transformed back into human form. The men had all returned to the great ballroom, so we quickly changed back into our dresses and went there. I searched the area for Rain.

the flame. It ought to be now.

As each second went, I desperately searched the crowded room, my desperation and despair growing stronger.

He's not here. Where is Rain now?

I then came across him. King Richard and Alpha Anwar were standing nearby, but Prince Louis was unable to be found. When I noticed him sniffing the air and turning around, my heart skipped a beat, and I immediately started to move approach him. I suddenly experienced a spark in my gut, and an odd fragrance took over.

This is it? Is this the chance I've been looking forward to?

But when Rain got closer, he had a puzzled and hesitant expression on his face. He rubbed his brow and took another whiff of the atmosphere before shaking his head.

This is incorrect. He shouted, "This is not right," before shoving me aside and approaching Harmony directly.

As I watched Rain approach Harmony, I stood there in disbelief with tears welling in my eyes. My sister was hugged and given a passionate kiss by him. They all stopped talking as they fixed their gazes first on the two of them and then on me. My throat felt tight with emotion, and my cheeks burned with embarrassment.

Is he really going to do what I predict he will do? Behind me, Ashley muttered something.

"I-I'm not sure. It's open to the public. Right? He would never do something so crude and unacceptable. My face was covered in tears when I turned to face her.

My cheeks felt like they were on fire, and my mouth was hanging wide. In addition to feeling bile rising in my throat, my stomach churned.

But as I looked on, my worst worries came true. Harmony was given a nuzzle by Rain before he bit her, designating her as his mate in public.

Holy crap. Ashley shrieked, "He marked her in the open.