
the elf princess parts one and two

Aiden_Randall · Fantasy
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64 Chs

chapter 41- arival

We're here finally in the land of the samurai shouted Venessa. Venessa starts to jump up and down while clapping her hands. Andrew told her to quiet down because they are in enemy territory. They went to the shops Venessa stared at the katana until Andrew taped her on the shoulder. They left and went to gins training. They suddenly saw leya all beat up. Imsei started to work with leya. But they were beaten. Leya started to remember her past. Kin asked who are you and where did you come from she suddenly had memories come out of nowhere. She said I'm leya I come from the land of the samurai my mother is Shuri Hana and my father's name is argo drageel. Wait your father's name is what now Venessa and Andrew yelled. Me and my mom were abused by my father he only saw my mom as a play thing. I remember that my own father said he didn't love me. He said he hated me and that I was his worst mistake. He actually had feelings for my mom at one point but then he started to go crazy he said it was because his blood was evil and his family had done terrible things. My real name should be leya drageel and he told me why he hated me was because I had his blood in me. The blood of the drageel clan the blood of evil. Andrew says but leya your hairs not red. Leya says it is in my true form. The demon allows me to suppress my evil blood. Imsei Andrew Venessa why are you backing away from me. Your a monster we have to kill you the blood of the drageel clan needs to be erased from this world. I know my evil blood will take over me. That's why I plan on dying to save everyone. Imsei I love you but please don't cry. Everyone hugs leya and tells her it's alright. Leya notices her hair is turning red even in her normal form meaning she doesn't have long left before she is consumed by the evil blood. Imsei hugs her and says I love you too. And she suddenly starts acting like a different person. She said I hate you all elves. Imsei noticed she was suddenly getting worse. So they asked kin if there was any way they could reverse the process or hold it back. He said Venessas blood control she only uses it for killing and healing herself now it's time for her to heal someone else. Venessa started to try it she saw a face it was the true face of evil the devil. She noticed that to heal leya she had to defeat the devil. She tries to attack the devil but it doesn't work because she is not and elf or an angel shes a dark elf meaning the devil is not effected yet it's not the real devil it's his blood. The drageel family was cursed by the devil to have his blood and all become evil. Kin said that she will get taken over by the evil no matter how strong the person is unless they have holy light magic and blood magic they are helpless oh wait we bought these fusion rings Andrew Venessa put them on then hold hands. Andrew and Venessa suddenly fused together. And they went into leyas bloods spirit. Andrew suddenly called forth a holy sun. And the devil started to fade. He finally disappeared but the noticed there was bones meaning he was probably dead.