
the elf princess parts one and two

Aiden_Randall · Fantasy
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chapter 39-Vennesas inner demon

Come on give into the evil you know you want it Vennesa you know you want the power of immortality. No I will not talk for your tricks you evil demon. Come on you want to live with Andrew forever don't you. Just give up I can take over your body at any time. Andrew sees Vennesa screaming out of control her power is starting to pour out. Leya states that's what happens when you have infinite magic power. Yeah but she's crying blood that only happens when her demon takes over. But her hair isn't red. Yeah but I want to get closer. Don't it's to dangerous that large overflow of power could send you into space. Ok I won't mess with it. Vennesa starts to scream don't stop please I want my body. Andrew figures out the demon is trying to take over her body. He does not know what to do because he could kill her if he try's to help. Leya asks why is Vennesa like this right now. Andrew says it's because he senses a large spiritual presence ahead. Imsei says oh yeah that that's the spirits of these waters it means we are half way to our land but I don't think anything interesting will happen. Andrew asks if Vennesa will be ok. Imsei says it depends on if she is strong willed enough to fight her own darkness. Leya says but I already had her make a contract with her demon. Imsei says that it doesn't matter in a spiritual zone such as this the demons become more powerful. Leya says does that mean I'm more powerful here? Imsei says yes and let's off a shrug. Andrew asks if that means he's weaker. Imsei says no your just at your usual power. They go to check on Vennesa but they see the energy is gone. They notice her eyes have gone back to normal. But Andrew noticed she was acting different. She seemed super calm and cool like how she looked but she usually acts different. She still went on and on about sword fighting and the users of legendary swords. Andrew knew something was going to happen Vennesa just got really serious. Vennesa tell me what happened. I defeated my inner demon. You did that's good what happened. But it wanted me to kill it so I could achieve what I desired. What power did you want? Immortality so I can be with you forever. He didn't give you the power your bleeding like crazy. Please don't cry I'm trying to protect you. Well if we defeat argo you can at least live with me until you die. Well yeah but what's the fun in that all that will happen is you will forget me. Well actually I can die from old age but it's just that I age slower then all other speices. Andrew I know that but you can't die fully because of your angel powers. Yeah but who cares about that you technically can't see me after you die because you made a deal with the devil. Ok so let's enjoy ourselves while we are still alive.