
The elf in Hogwarts

He was a wealthy businessman that had everything that he ever wanted, but one night on the way home, he was his by another car. He woke up and talked to a goddess who offered him a second chance at life and he’s not going to let this chance go. ***I do not own Harry Potter or any of the character except the mc This is my first time writing so please go easy on my in the comments

Jaxp_0502 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Second chance and growing up

When I open my eyes, I'm no longer in front of the goddess, instead I'm in a room that is a soft blue. Lifting my hand to rub my eyes, I notice that my hand was too small. 'So it wasn't a dream huh,' I thought sitting up. The moment I thought that a splitting pain in my head made me fall back into the pillow.

The pain lasted for what felt like hours as I assimilated my new memories. When the pain ended, I laid there with sweat covering my whole body. 'So, my name is Jason Potter-Black, the son of Sirius Black and Alice Potter. I'm five years old today. It seems like I'm Harry Potter's cousin. My mother died in child birth, and my father never went to Azkaban. And apparently Harry isn't a complete orphan because Lily apparently survived.

While I'm thinking this, I got up and went to the mirror to see what I look like. When I get to the mirror, I stop with all the thoughts going out my head. I had the Black's aristocratic features mixed with the elven features I asked for, grey eyes, black hair with white at the tips, and the most eye catching is my delicately pointed ears.

It seems like instead of my body being pure elven, the goddess made me a half elf. Turning away from the mirror, I check the time on the clock by my bed. Seeing that it's still in the middle of the night, I sit back on my bed and try to feel my magic. I had trouble banishing my excitement out of my mind, but when I did I tried to find anything that even remotely felt like magic. Unfortunately though I didn't. I kept at it til the alarm clock went off, jolting me out of my trance. Looking around, I noticed that it was light out. Getting up and stretching the stiffness out, I froze up as a certain thought went through my mind, 'what if Sirius realizes that I'm not Jason, not really?'

I stood there frozen in panic till a knock on the door startled me out of it, "Jace you awake?" My panic rising even further, I hurried and answered, "yeah dad, I'm awake." "Okay, we'll breakfast is ready." He said, walking back down stairs. Trying my best to calm down, I opened the door and walked down to the dining room.

The meal was tense as I kept expecting him to notice I took over his son's body. After breakfast was over, I steeled my nerves and asked, "dad, do you think I can get some tutors on magic?" He arched his brow before answering, "I don't mind, but why?" I sat there trying not to fidget, "so I can be ahead for when I go to Hogwarts." He looked at me for a few minutes before saying anything, "sure, but first I'm also going to be hiring some tutors of my own to teach you how to act like an heir, even though I hated it when I was growing up, it's still important for you to learn it."

I quickly agreed before he could change his mind. And with that my new routine was quickly established. In the mornings I would do exercises so I could be in shape, after breakfast it was learning proper etiquette till lunch, then my magic tutoring till supper. I would relax the rest of the day and meditate for an hour before bed. During the weekends I would either do some self studying or we would to to the potter residence for the day. It surprised me first time we went there because Harry wasn't like what the books made him out to be. I guess that having one of your parents survive and teach you about magic would make you different. He was more confident, and not as ignorant of his heritage as I thought.

I also started studying occlumency and tried to incorporate it into my meditation, and let me tell you, it's a lot easier than my continuous failed attempts to feel my magic. I made my mind space be an old mansion filled with many monsters of varying strength guarding it. I put various high tech security from the movies I watched in my past life and my memories in a high tech super computer with an encrypted password.

This went on for a year before I had a breakthrough with my magic. I was doing my nightly meditation when my alarm went off after an hour. Frustration hit me hard and I through one of the blocks I've been using to practice along with the meditation. To my shock, I felt an energy swell up and transfer to the block before it burst into flames.

When the shock went away i put the fire out and tried to find that energy again. It took another thirty minutes before I found it. Giddy with excitement I reached out to the other blocks and made them float up. My control was terrible, but I still had fun till I had a flash of pain in my head. Taking this as my body's way of telling me I'm at my limit, I laid down and went to sleep. This continued till I got the letter that would change my life.