
The Elf Born Under The Red Moon

A young elf was born different than his peers. An outcast He loves them through all the abuse he's suffered. He fought for their approval at every turn. The late bloomer nobody gave a chance. But on one fateful day, his life would change for the better.... or worse. "no copyright infringement is intended”

Infamoushero · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Ava and Hells Cave

Amy enjoyed her meal and left soon after. Leaving Naralis to replay his memories of last night's endeavor. He lay, all four limbs stretched out into each corner of the bed with a smile bright enough to blind the seeing.

I did it. I've finally had sex.' He raised his fist in triumph. He let out a sigh and headed to the bathroom to prepare for breakfast but stopped abruptly. A soft knock on the door and a feminine voice announced herself.

" Mr. Naralis.I am Ava. I'm here to assist you to get ready."

Naturally, Naralis was suspicious of the woman. His tribemates had been tricked under the guise of kindness, but his nerves calmed slowly.

' I'm not in the woods anymore.'

He put on his best smile and opened the door to greet the servant, but he noticed something different immediately.

" Your eyes are blue!" Naralis leaned closer to Ava's face, who backed away before their noses touched.

" Well duh. I'm a werewolf idiot." Naralis' head tilted, and his brow scrunched. He took note of her dialect. It sounded a bit uppity and arrogant. That wasn't the tone of a mere servant.

" Aren't you a servant here? I'm sure Adam wouldn't be ok with your tone."

" Use your elf brain. If I was scared of Adam, would I be talking to you this way? Yes, I'm a servant temporarily, but I am the princess of the Amarok wolves. Direct descendants of the wolf god Amarok himself." Naralis could see the pride she had in her family with her nose tooted up at him.

" What is the princess of Amarok doing here? I heard that wolves and vampires don't get along. The wolves in the Lunenmore woods don't even get along with the elves."

Ava walked right past him and sat on the bed." It's an exchange thing to make our relationship better with some of the vampire clans, but I'm also friends with Emily. Your bed reeks like sex and from what I smell, Amy you and Amy must have enjoyed yourselves for a long time." She gave Naralis a mischievous grin.

" Wolf relationships with vampires aren't nearly as bad as it was centuries ago. Some of us even create hybrids. Me, I keep my options open to most races besides goblins and the uglier species. And you are a handsome fellow." Her grin made Naralis blush.

" Thank you for the compliment. You look delicious yourself." Ava looked bewildered by his words. " I-I meant beautiful. Naralis waved his hands awkwardly." So, what are you here to do?"

" Do your laundry. Among other non-royal-like things. Take off your clothes."

" What?"

" You're not going to breakfast smelling like sweat and fornication are you? She grinned.

" Of course not. I'll give them to you after I finish bathing." With that, Naralis ran some steaming hot water in the tub and used the soaps to make a bubble bath. There he soaked his muscles and hummed a toon his mother sang to him as a child, not hearing the door open ever so slightly.

" That's the elven organ that had her screaming all night?" Naralis almost jumped out of the tub.

" What are you doing here? Didn't I say I was here to help you get ready?" Ava walked and began to undress. Naralis couldn't take his eyes off the wolf. She had a short bang, barely above her brow. While the rest of her hair cascaded down her back with some curled at her cheek and ears. Her lips, small and lightest shade of pink, and her eyes round. She wasn't nearly as thick as the women he'd met so far, but he realized the female form is beautiful regardless of its frame.

Everything on her body was petite. Her breasts were just enough to palm. Her entire body looked as delicate as a flower. Truly dainty, frail even, but she had curves and sensuality that others didn't.

" You should pick your jaw up. I would hate for you to swallow bath water." Ava giggled, taking pleasure in teasing and toying with Naralis' hormones.

" Why are you doing this? We don't know each other. Unless this is your job." Naralis was utterly confused at the certain turn of events.

" Oh, please. None of the men in this palace has ever tasted an inch of this flesh." Ava walked toward the tub, shifting her hips to Naralis' amusement.

" I heard Amy's cries. A lot of the servants did. The headboard slamming against the wall. The bed begging for its life. Let me tell you Naralis, you are the talk amongst the women here, and let's just say, I haven't had the best experience with men sexually."

The two sat opposite each other in the tub. Ava's lust-filled eyes never left him and her smile only made her more attractive.

" Wolves are wrapped in this whole "Family" thing. I'm currently married to this boy from another clan against my own will." Tradition" is what they call it. I care nothing about customs. I'm a strong woman, who'll only get stronger and I heard your seed has its benefits." Ava seductively crawled closer with her ass sticking out of the suds. She sat on his lap, loin to loin with her arms wrapped around her neck.

" Amy is claiming that your seed allowed her to create a whole new core and it's difficult doing that at her strength level. You know she's stronger than Adam."

" No damn way! Is that why I felt no pressure around her? I even felt Eburhardt's pressure. Does that mean Charlotte is stronger than him too!?"

" By a mile. The fact that you felt no pressure around her was meant to be a threat. She showed you that she is strong beyond measure, but you were too ignorant to realize it. I too want that power and I'll do anything to get it."

Naralis could smell her heat. The musk of a female wolf. " You want my seed to gain strength. And here I thought you liked me," Naralis pouted and looked away. Ava grabbed his face and looked at him deeply in his eyes. " I can tell you have as much experience with women as a gay man. Let me tell you a secret." Ava leaned in toward his ear. " Women are no different than men. We want relations without strings, even though we are called harsh words for it. Adam doesn't even know the names of half the servants he's slept with, but I would get called a slut for the same. At least I know your name."

They both erupted in laughter. " I know it's sudden, but I wasn't sure when you were leaving and the third years are still on break at school, so I won't see you until after the physical exam takes place. So now that we are here. How about you do me like you did Amy, though we have such little time."

Ava placed her hand in the middle of his shaft, enjoying the weight of his phallus. " Before you ask, I'm not part orc."

" I heard so. Come." Ava stood with her hand stretched. Naralis grabbed her delicate hand and lifted himself. He towered over the skinny woman like a horse beside a child.

" Catch me, you big elf!" Ava jumped into his arms and ravished the insides of his mouth. Naralis' experience with Amy had boosted his confidence. His tongue matched hers as his hands sunk into her supple but small ass. He kissed her neck with the utmost care, rewarding him with soft moans and kisses on his neck.

" We don't need foreplay. Give it to me now. I feel like I'm about to melt!"

Naralis lowered her enough for her to balance herself on his member. It was only then that she realized the sheer size of his organ.

" You're going to split me in half." She giggled. " But I'm up for the challenge." They locked lips again and Naralis lowered her on his shaft slowly. He forgot to ask what type of girl she was like Amy said too, but he figured slow was the safest bet.

He could feel her nails sink into his skin harder the deeper he went and when her cervix was penetrated, he was almost crippled by her scream.

"My apologies. It feels like you're rearranging my insides." She could barely talk in-between breaths.

"Do you want this to be romantic or rough?"

" Rough. It'll be time for breakfast soon."

With lightning speed, Naralis plunged deep into the depths of her body. Shrieks of pleasure and pain flooded his ear and his back leaked blood from her nails. Naralis pounded away, with her legs on his shoulders, allowing him to hit any sweet spot she may have had. It didn't take long for her body to spasm and a gush of warm juices dripped from her to him and then to the tub, but Naralis didn't stop. Stroke after stroke. Her mound sounded like someone playing in water each time he thrust himself into her body.

" You need to hurry before I die of pleasure!" He could feel Ava's drool running down his back. A wave of ecstasy rippled down his spine and he poured a gallon of his seed inside her deepest parts. Naralis stood strong, the only sound in the bathroom being their pants and their juices hitting the water below.

" I Thank Fenrir you stopped." She could barely speak while trying to catch her breath. " And you still are hard. Dear god I wish we could continue, but when I return to school, we can do it all we want." She said with a smile and kissed him. The two washed clean and parted ways. Naralis put on the clothes Ava had set out and made his way to the dining room. He'd finally acknowledged the gazes of the female servants around him. He returned their smiles, giggles, and compliments with those of his own.

"Naralis, you finally made it. A bit late, but you made it and you reek of wolf. I hope you didn't do what I think you did." Edward eyed him with curiosity

" Come on in Naralis and explain to us why you smell like mutt." Adam snickered. Naralis made his way to the seat beside Amy, but he was surprised that Emily sat beside him.

" Care to explain yourself, buddy?" Naralis filled his plate with eggs and bacon before returning his attention to the family interrogating him.

" I may have did what you guys think I did."

The room erupted with disappointing yells and sighs. " The enemy Naralis? Really? Was my mother not good enough?" Maurice finally spoke up.

" No, she was great! It's just I-I can't help myself dammit!" Naralis slammed his hands on the table."

" Calm down baby. We are just joking." Amy caressed his arm. " But you do stink like a dog. God those people make me sick."

" Enough of this conversation. Naralis, I've been meaning to discuss something with you. How are your martial arts? Adam asked. He'd been wondering ever since he saw him. His body was excellent for martial arts, but what were his beliefs and morals? The two usually went hand and hand.

" My tribe didn't teach me anything but the basics. They didn't think I was worth teaching anything more. If you're wondering about my beliefs, I worship no god, but I do walk the path of righteousness. Even though my past actions didn't show it. Tanyl was my parental figure and he was a good man. He taught me right and wrong. "

" I know Tanyl. I know he didn't mislead you. Still, you need proper teaching. After taking your physical exam, I've arranged for you to train in the hell cave."

" Father!" Edward yelled. Adam stared into his son's soul and Edward backed down immediately. " Father, are you trying to kill my friend?"

" If I wanted to kill your friend, he'd be dead when he stepped foot in my home. He's going. He should be able to survive for six months pretty easily, but there's no sunlight, so that may make things a bit more difficult. You up for the challenge, boy?"

Adam could see it in his eyes. The hunger for power. Even now Naralis could barely sit still at the opportunity.

"I've survived death before. I'll survive it again. I'll go."