
The Elements of Existence

Existence is an endless contradiction. It is a formation of cycles within cycles. It is where chaos and order overlap, indistinguishable from each other. It is the culmination of the elements of existence. As an unseen cycle comes to an end, It cries out for salvation. It cries for its continuation. The cataclysmic result of one cycle's end spurs another to action. This is the story of cycles that refuse to end. The cover art is not mine. If the creator wishes for me to take it down, please contact me at thedreamingquill@gmail.com.

TheDreamingQuill · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 7 - Revenge

Lilith took the lead in infiltrating the mansion. Using Ray's light manipulation, they got close to the yard without being seen. After getting close enough, they entered and used the shadows to hide themselves. The cold wind blew as the guards patrolled leisurely, unaware that the mansion had been infiltrated.

After making their way inside, the duo started to search the house. Due to the sheer size of the house, they had a lot of rooms to look through. One by one they went through room after room. They searched the living room, the kitchen, the other kitchen, the other other kitchen.

'Who the hell needs three kitchens?' Lilith thought to herself.

"If you weren't such an insufferable piece of shit, I'd tip my hat to you, the gourmet guy," Ray whispered in disappointment.

"Really? Now?" Lilith questioned, exasperated.

"There is ALWAYS time for a quick joke. We should strive to make the world a funnier place." Ray whispered back as he and Lilith ducked into a room to avoid another guard. They could hide in even small shadows, but they would rather use as little energy as possible.

"Shut up and focus you idiot," Lilith slapped him lightly in the back of his head after the guard had passed.

"You're mean. I'm going to tell my sister on you." Ray whined, which earned him a demonic look from Lilith.

"Do you want these knives to be used on you or him?"

"Ahem! One should know when to fool around and when to be serious. I, Ray the focused, will do whatever task I am to do to the best of my ability."

"That's what I thought," Lilith muttered as she continued looking through the house.

After some time, they came across an office where they saw a young lady, younger even than them who were about 20 years old, in secretary attire with brown eyes and hair tied in a bun, working on the computer in the office. The young lady seemed to have tears in her right eye as the other was swollen and so was her left cheek.

Looking in, they could hear the young lady muttering some words in fear and anger, "Why did he have to be in a bad mood? Why did they have to start pressuring the company so much? Why did I have to end up in this situation? How am I supposed to solve this? What am I going to do? He's going to kill me. He's going to hurt me!" the young lady rambled on, almost breaking down into tears.

Ray and Lilith didn't have to be told anything after witnessing that. She was a victim. Plain and simple. She had even been forced to work for him. In which case, they might be able to get her help. All they needed to know was if he had anything scheduled where someone would visit him in the next 2 or so hours. They both entered the room, closing the door.

When the young lady saw them enter, she flinched and fell out of her chair muttering, "Please don't hurt me! Please don't kill m!. Please don't hurt me!" as she curled into a ball.

"We aren't here to hurt you," Lilith said as she approached the girl slowly.

"You're lying! You're lying to me!" The girl raised her voice.

"Shh!" Ray put his finger on his lip and the girl immediately covered her mouth in fear, thinking she had angered them.

Ray sighed and approached the girl shaking on the ground. He put his hand on her forehead and activated his ability, "We really aren't here to hurt you. We're people who were also victims, but we were lucky. We're here to stop him from hurting anyone again." The girl's body stopped shaking and she managed to calm down a lot. He had reduced her fear and increased her rationality. He could have done it from afar, but he had learned that direct contact with their target results in a stronger connection, which means better control, and less energy use.

Lilith continued after Ray, "We wanted to know if he is home and if he has anyone visiting him in the next 2 or so hours."

After processing the situation for a bit, the girl asked, "Are you sure I won't get hurt?"

Lilith looked at that and smiled gently.

"You'll be fine. We'll come back for you when we're done. There's no need to worry."

The girl was afraid. She had gone through a lot of 'discipline', so it was difficult for her to comply, but with the help of Ray's ability to reduce fear, she finally helped, "He is here. He is usually on the top floor in a very spacious room. No one should be visiting for the rest of the night. Someone came out and revealed a lot of his bad deeds in the past few days, so nobody wants to be associated with him. At first, it was only scandals, but yesterday and today the claims became much more severe. As a result, he's been a lot more agitated and on edge."

"I see, thank you for the help. What's your name?" Ray asked.


"Well thank you, Emily. Just go back to work and we'll come back for you in a little while to take you away from this hell," Lilith said as the duo left to room to continue their hunt.


Outside the window, the woman from the store was listening in on the conversation, 'So, their objective is to kill someone. This might have saved my pride if seeing them carry out their objective wasn't the most painful thing to watch. I guess I'll continue observing for now,' the woman thought to herself as she disappeared back into the shadows with a sigh.


"We're pretty lucky. It would have been a problem if we had to go through computers to find out. Worse comes to worst. We could have just eavesdropped on him to find out. We'd be delayed by a day but it's better than being caught." Ray commented.

"I had expected this to be easy, but it's as if the universe wants him dead as soon as possible, and for good reason." Lilith chuckled.

With a clear destination, the two made their way through the mansion, advancing quickly. Eventually, they made it to the top floor, just below the roof. They quickly located the room, which was around forty meters in length and width. The room was lit so there was nowhere to hide upon entry, not that it was a problem. Ray and Lilith got ready to enter the room. It was time for their revenge.



The woman felt a chill run down her spine and hid herself immediately with every ounce of her power. Not far from her location, she saw a strange, child-like creature with four distorting red eyes and long, flowing black hair appear. It looked like a little girl, but far creepier. In its mouth were serrated teeth that appeared with its smile. It wore a strange, shadowy cloak that formed a tentacle of shadows every now and again.

'What the hell is that thing? Just its mere presence brings me a sense of dread I can't begin to understand,' The woman thought to herself in fear.

Its strange eyes turned to crescents and its mouth curled upward as it revealed a sinister grin. Then it spoke in creepy, child-like, overlapping voices like a child that won a game of hide and seek, "Found you! FOUND YOU! Hahah! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FOUND YOU! CHANGE, I TOLD you that you COULD NOT hide him from ME. Even IF you CAN sacrifice yourself to hold ME down, you CAN'T stop MY LOVELIES, hahaha!" Then it disappeared.

After confirming that it was gone, the woman revealed herself once more, her body shivering, and her back drenched in a cold sweat as she gasped for air, 'What kind of dreadful, demonic monster was that? Such a thing should never be allowed to exist.'


Inside the room, George, who would usually be playing with women in this room, was sitting on one of the sofas in the center of the room, around a glass table drinking whiskey. His expression was warped from anger, yet he was also rife with worry. He hadn't gotten any contact from the overseer whose name he was too lazy to remember. He was supposed to contact him once a day, except for the days that he visited. To make matters worse, whichever bastard had been putting so much pressure on him, started making claims about embezzlement and blackmail. Even worse is...He had proof!

Thinking about it made him even angrier until he picked up the glass holding his liquor and threw it at the wall.

"ARRGHHH! BASTARD IF I FIND YOU, YOU'RE DEAD!" His anger flared. He had failed to notice the room temperature dropping slowly. After some time he finally realized that it had gotten quite chilly, which irritated him even more, "How the fuck did it suddenly become so cold?" He questioned with annoyance.

Knock! Knock!

"Who the fuck is it? If you have something to say to me, notify me beforehand for fucks sake. Can't any of you do as you're fucking told?" George shouted at the door in his anger, but no reply came.

Knock! Knock! KNOCK! KNOCK!

The knocks resumed, but this time it was four knocks with the last two being significantly louder.

George was livid as he got up to open the door, "Who the fuck do you think you are? You dare to try and play games with me. I want to see who thinks they're-" George's words got stuck in his throat, and his face went pale as he opened the door. There he saw Lilith and Ray standing in the hall smiling at him.

George fell on his ass as he looked up at the smiling duo in horror. His anger dissipated like smoke, "H-How? I killed you with my own hands, I'm sure of it it. And you, you were dropped into a river. You couldn't have survived. How are you here?" He screamed in denial. He had confirmed the two to be dead, especially Ray. It was understandable that them silently appearing in his mansion would scare him silly.

Lilith and Ray could see their illusions, which let them properly control them since the illusions would follow their movements.

"Don't you want to see me anymore? Didn't you like having fun with me? Come let's have some more fun. We'll keep having fun forever." Lilith said as she walked toward him slowly.

"No. No, stay away from me!" He shouted as he crawled backward.

Lilith walked up to him amidst his screaming and leaned forward to kiss him. As he was met with her lips, his body passed through hers and he felt his temperature drop sharply.

She turned around and looked at him with an evil smile, "It looks like we can't play, don't worry. You'll join me soon."

"What are you? What do you want from me!?" He screamed in terror.

"That's a bit harsh. Is that what you say to someone you 'had something special' with?" Ray, who was behind him now as he had yet to move, asked with a grin, "You don't want to disappoint my friend here even in death do you? Have some pride as a man. You have to show her that your 'average' size doesn't matter, it's how well you use it. And considering she came back from the dead for you. You should be ashamed."

George got up and ran to one of the sofas where he pulled out a handgun and aimed it at Ray. Lilith was prepared; she had long moved to the light switch, though it only seemed as if she was near it. She quickly turned off the lights, plunging the room into darkness. When George fired the gun, Lilith used the darkness to hide the sound from escaping the room. After which, she took the gun from him and turned back on the lights. Not before destroying the camera, of course, they had long taken note of its position and made sure that their face would not be seen.

"Don't you know guns are dangerous? You shouldn't play with them." Lilith scolded, still wearing her smile of pure evil.

George was terrified. Even if the lights turned off briefly, he knew that he had aimed at Ray, who hadn't taken a single step from his position, yet not only was he unscathed, Lilith had taken the gun from him, "Are you really ghosts? You can't be. ghosts don't exist!" He shouted in denial.

Ray and Lilith laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" He questioned but they ignored him and just kept laughing eerily.

"So what if you're ghosts? You-You can't hurt me!" He shouted, not wanting to seem pathetic.

Lilith and Ray stopped laughing and just looked at him.

"What?" He questioned. They did not answer.

"What!?" They just kept staring in silence.

"WHAT IS IT? WHY ARE YOU JUST STARING AT ME!?" He screamed out. He was on the verge of a breakdown.

Finally, Lilith and Ray started walking toward him slowly, watching him while wearing their smiles.

"Stop." They did not.

"Stop! Go away!" They kept walking.

"LEAVE ME ALONE! DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" They paid his words no mind as they continued walking toward him, who had begun throwing things in their direction.

Finally, he broke down and started crying, "I'm sorry! Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me. I don't want to die. Please."

They stopped in front of him and...Laughed, "Oh man I fucking knew it," Ray said in his fit of laughter, "This guy, who captures and tortures people for fun, and from what I've heard from those other guys, sells them too, is a massive pussy. I mean it's a given to be afraid of us pretending to be ghosts, but for you to immediately turn into a little bitch is just amazing."

"What? What are you talking about?" He questioned, his body still shaking from both the cold and the fear.

"What we're saying is," Ray slapped him, which jerked his head to the side, before continuing, "We're both 100 percent alive and well. Completely tangible too I might add. How we survived is none of your concern since you won't be able to think much longer, or be alive for that matter."

Ray could spend more time messing with him, but he had no such fetish. A little bit of fun was enough for him, especially since what Lilith is about to do won't be pretty and will more than make up for it.

As his humiliation started to sink in, his anger started to flair up, "You fucking toy! You think you can humiliate me and get away with it? And you, bitch, watch what I'll do to you next." He shouted.

As he was about to get up, he was kicked back to the ground by Lilith, "Oh? What are you going to do? Show me, I would love to see," She said as her eyes turned to crescents while she took out the knives. Then began his hell.


The woman from the store was still outside as she watched the proceedings. She had gotten a well-needed laugh out of the whole situation after that hellspawn appeared. She was still anxious since nothing else had happened so far, and if it returned, she definitely could not fight it. If she even so much as tried, she knew that she wouldn't realize when she died.

She watched George's torture with boredom, since it was, after all, amateur work.

Suddenly, she jolted when she sensed a presence approaching the building. She saw some humanoid shadowy creature walking toward the building. It had a head full of shadow tentacles that seemed to serve as hair. The creature had four arms and two legs shaped like a wolf's hind legs. Now that she looked closer, it looked like a wolf standing upright if the wolf was part human and had tentacle hair with four arms. As the creature walked into the yard, it silently slaughtered every guard it came across before slowly making its way into the house.

'From what I can feel. It's dangerous, but on a level I can handle. It's far weaker than the other one. Well, I'll continue to wait and see. I have questions for those two, but I won't interfere if I don't need to, and I won't be risking my life either.' She thought as she continued waiting in the shadows for the events to unfold.