
The Elemental Path - The Strongest Shaman's Story

In a country town, a series of strange events begin to happen. Many rumors spread on the internet, but are soon erased by the government to avoid unnecessary turmoil. The young Liu Yang and his friends think these rumors are Internet lies to make the city more mysterious. But with each passing day, more rumors appear. It makes them a little scared. Liu Yang and his friend go to an antique store to buy protective amulets to alleviate some of the fear, even if it is fake. But Liu Yang never thought that the item he bought would be something mystical with special powers. His life will change forever the day after he buys that item.

_chomps · Urban
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348 Chs

Take me to your home

On the weekend…

Liu Yang woke up tired like every day, but he thought something was wrong and decided to go out for a while to relax.

Every weekend, Liu Yang stayed at home to play all day and do nothing else.

Today, he decided to do something different, but he didn't know that this different thing would change his life forever.

Currently, Liu Yang was walking through the shopping mall's bookstore and seeing if there were any interesting books to buy. Besides playing games, he liked to read fantasy books.

After a few hours of walking back and forth, he finally stopped to eat something. Liu Yang had only two bags with about three books.

As his appearance was common, he didn't attract anyone's attention in the shopping mall's food court, he just looked like another person in the crowd.

But that didn't seem to be the case today.

"Hi. Can I sit here? " A sweet, soft voice was heard in front of Liu Yang.

Looking towards the voice, Liu Yang saw a beautiful young woman with long golden hair standing in front of him. She was wearing a thin shirt along with a skirt that goes down to her knees. Her two eyes look like two shiny gems looking at him.

Liu Yang was fascinated with the young woman's beauty and even forgot to continue eating his snack.

Not only did he stay that way, but the other young people around him were also fascinated by her, but soon, those who had girlfriends were pinched by them because of jealousy.

"Is there a problem?" The young woman showed a beautiful smile when she saw the silly look on Liu Yang's face.

"Nothing ..." Liu Yang replied sheepishly.

(This girl is beautiful, but why is she asking to sit in front of me? There are many vacant and better places than this one) Liu Yang thought. He didn't think his charm was good enough to attract a beautiful girl like the girl in front of him.

Without asking again, the young woman sat on the chair opposite Liu Yang. The two were sitting at the same table in front of each other.

Occasionally, Liu Yang would look at the young woman eating gracefully in front of him. She looked like a high-class noble.

(She looks like a foreigner) He thought.

The young woman's appearance resembles European girls.

But what made Liu Yang a little nervous were the looks of jealousy and enviousness around. If looks could have killed someone, he would have died several times already.

To avoid feeling those stares, Liu Yang ate faster and decided to leave. To be together with an unknown beauty would be a great disaster for him.

"I'm leaving. Miss, you can continue to enjoy your lunch" Liu Yang grabbed his bags and the tray.

The young woman just showed a beautiful smile in his direction.

(That girl is very strange. She could have eaten somewhere else instead of sitting at my table. Was that done by that wooden bracelet? That old man said it would bring me luck. Would that luck be luck in love?) Liu Yang was lost in thought as he was looking out the window.

Without realizing how much time had passed, the bus stopped, but looking inside, there was no one but Liu Yang.

"Hey, young man !!! Why are you daydreaming? The bus has already arrived at the final stop, did you miss your stop?" The bus driver went to Liu Yang and asked him.

"What??? Final stop ?? !!!" Liu Yang was shocked to hear those words. He did not imagine that the bus had already passed.

"Young man, the bus won't be back for fifteen minutes. Will you wait or prefer to take another bus?" The driver asked again. He was used to seeing scenes like that.

"Do I need to pay anything to wait on the bus?"

"Not. You didn't go through the turnstile, so there's no need to pay anything. You just have to wait "

"I thank you for that"

"You're welcome, but stop daydreaming again when you're on the bus, it can be dangerous" The driver warned.

"I will do this" Liu Yang was a little embarrassed about this scene.

Fifteen minutes later ...

The bus left again, but at the first stop. An unexpected person got on the bus and sat next to Liu Yang.

When he looked to the side and saw who the person was, Liu Yang was surprised to see who it was.


(It's her again !!!) He shouted mentally.

"Hello, we met again" The young woman spoke amusingly. She showed a beautiful smile when she finished speaking.

The person who sat next to him was the beautiful young woman who sat across from him in the mall's food court.

"Hi ... Do you live around here too?" Liu Yang didn't know what to say, so he asked something to start the conversation.

"No, I don't live around here. I'm just passing through" The young woman replied casually.

Liu Yang felt that the young woman's voice was soft and sweet to hear.

"Is that you? Do you live around here?" The young woman asked.

"Yes ... I live nearby ..." Liu Yang felt something wrong. His mind was clearing and his body went limp.

"Could you take me to your home?" The young woman asked. Her voice was like a powerful spell in Liu Yang's mind.

"I can not do it. My parents told me not to let anyone in the house unless they are at home too. Also, if the neighbors see that I have brought someone home, they will notify my parents" Liu Yang replied in a sleepy, empty voice.

Looking into his eyes, we can say that he was almost lifeless. Liu Yang seemed to be being hypnotized by the young woman.

"If nobody sees me, will I be able to enter your house?" The young woman whispered in his ear in a sweet voice. She looked like a young girlfriend hiding in her lover's house.

"Yes. You can. If nobody sees you, that's okay. " Liu Yang replied in an empty voice.

"I am happy about that. Can you look outside and see if we're coming?"

"We will be here in a few minutes. There are two more stops before I get close to my house." Liu Yang might be under control, but his mind was still awake.

(What is happening to me ??? Why do I look like a zombie ??? !!!) Liu Yang's mind was screaming, but his body couldn't do anything but follow the beautiful young woman's words.

(Who is this girl ??? !!!! What is her purpose in doing this to me ??? !! She wants something from me ???? !!! It's the wooden bracelet??? !!) Many possibilities arise in Liu Yang's mind, but the possibility that the bracelet attracted the young woman made him look a little strange.

The old man said it would bring luck to him, but his situation seems to be reversed to luck. He was very unlucky.