
The Elemental Path - The Strongest Shaman's Story

In a country town, a series of strange events begin to happen. Many rumors spread on the internet, but are soon erased by the government to avoid unnecessary turmoil. The young Liu Yang and his friends think these rumors are Internet lies to make the city more mysterious. But with each passing day, more rumors appear. It makes them a little scared. Liu Yang and his friend go to an antique store to buy protective amulets to alleviate some of the fear, even if it is fake. But Liu Yang never thought that the item he bought would be something mystical with special powers. His life will change forever the day after he buys that item.

_chomps · Urban
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348 Chs

Surprise Attack

The spectators were surprised by Shysha's powerful attack. This was something much more powerful than they imagined.

Even the young people who were looking at this scene were scared.

The intense heat evaporated most of the ice and snow within twenty meters. Everything was covered by white vapor.


The icy, piercing wind blew and carried the water vapor with it.


The roar of a mighty bear echoed from within the water vapor.

Liu Yang changed his stance to have more power when running.

Shysha's attack was already over and there was no problem doing it to run faster.

The only problem is that his body would suffer the side effects of both postures. But Turtle Stance has not been used for a long time, so the side effects would be less than when used until time runs out.


A shadow came out of the steam at great speed after the wind blew. But quickly, several shadows also come out of the steam.