
The Elemental Lovers [Sample]

[Full novels on Goodnovel!] Would you trust your lover with a secret that could be government to your feet? Love stories with a bit of a dash of magic! First, we have Alexander MacWatters who was ensnared by Azalea Johnson and offered her marriage of convenience for something in return. Then, we have Brandon Cornwall who offered to help Barbara Brown a spot in an excavation with the sacrifice of her freedom. Then, we have Cameron Hayes who returned to school and get stuck with Ella Lattone who was known for her clumsiness. Then, we have Dylan Windell that was studying aerospace before his spot was being taken by Daisy Dyer and they struck a deal. How will their lovers reacted when they find out who they really are? Find out their stories in this new series by Nikki Larousse.

Nikki_Larousse · Urban
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37 Chs

Chapter 4: The Papers

Present Day

Daisy Dyer's POV

It has been 2 years since I was sharing the lab with Dylan. I don't think I ever had a problem with him since the beginning of my studies.

Well, until recently.

"What do you mean it was not like what I stated in this paper?" I asked Dylan as he was looking at the mass spectrometer for his readings. I know that he was more into the aerospace thing than my paleoclimate theory but that does not diss him to make fun of me.

"As I said, it was ridiculous to think that the meteorite can be another element that can prove the paleoclimate of the Geologic Time Scale. It was preposterous!" He said as he was laughing at me before he took my paper and read out loud about my thesis.

"It was believed among the scientific community that the meteorite was one of the sources for the old Ocean to form. Without its impact on the Earth, the living organism will not be sustained thus the world cannot be well-developed as we are today," he said as he slapped my paper on the table.

"I told you, people would laugh at it," he said as I was narrowing my eyes at him. He chuckled before he stood up and went to collect his readings.

"Look, I know you mean well to carry on the legacy of your discovery and such, but you have to admit. That theory was a bit…"


He turned to look at me before he sighed as he was taking notes of his readings before he focused his stormy orbs on me.

"Far fetch,"

"So you don't think that my theory is correct?"

"I did not say that. You were concluding on your own on that matter," he said as I was rolling my eyes at him. I cannot believe this guy!

"So much for being a partner for this matter," I said as I took the paper and I went to my side of the lab before I was stuffing my papers, my father's anyway, as I was about to leave the lab.

"You're making this a huge deal. It was not that huge anyway," Dylan said before I was laughing at him.

"Oh really? And your theory that the Big Bang was the fact that this world existed was not a joke then?" I asked him as he was opening his mouth before he closed it again. For once, Dylan was speechless.

"I thought so," I said as I was looking at the watch and I think it was not too late to catch the subway to get home.

"I'm done. I don't think I can work with you anymore for the day, have a good day, Dylan," I said as I was rushing off from the lab before Dylan could call my name.

Dylan Windell's POV

"Daisy!" I shouted as I was looking at her retreating figure. For the first time in 2 years, I smirked to myself. Way to go, Windell.

I was looking at her table before I noticed familiar handwriting. I don't think she would notice if I take a look at the papers that she was putting on her table. Daisy was very careful with the papers as they were precious.

"What do we have here?" I asked myself as I took the paper and my eyes widened. I cannot believe it before I was re-reading the title.

'Theory of Meteorite was the cause for the Old Ocean to happen,'

I was blinking a few times before I was looking at the title. It was very intriguing that I had to take it home and maybe have a deeper look at it. I did not notice the writers but I don't care.

I think Daisy got her fascination with this paper after all.

Back in my study room at my house, I was looking at the paper after my servant was putting the food in the study room. I dismissed it before I was looking at the paper. I sipped on the coffee before I was reading the introduction.

It was to believe that the Earth was forming when the bombardment of the asteroid and debris of the space matter into one big rock. It was to be known that it has to be included with the fusion of the hydrogen and helium before the rock has its axis.

The orbit was not formed until the big chunk of rock stopped from bombarding another matter and they have enough gravity that they did not pull another debris. Then, the chunk of rock did something that the scientist called Density Stratification.

It was frown upon when it was introduced back in the 1800s. Because science was frown upon by the Church and religious leaders as they think it will taint the holy grail that was known to them for decades.

If it was to be exposed that the Earth has been created before the religion, it might cause some wars between the believers of science and religion. How to convince them both if we don't know how to communicate with them? Maybe it was the right jargon and terms will make then understand.

Hence, by using that method as well, I have introduced to the scientific community of my newest theory; Theory of Meteorite was the cause for the Old Ocean to happen,

I blinked a few times before I was scoffing at this journal. Now I know how Daisy got her radical idea that the meteorite was making an appearance in her paper. I cannot let her go through this before she embarrassed herself.

Then I turned to the front page of the scientific journal before I read the names; J. W. Dyer, A. T. Diaz, R. O. Johnson, and T. G. Windell. I blinked a few times before I was looking at the names. There was a Windell. I don't think anyone else would have another surname like that on this side of the world.

But I might be exaggerating. My father never told me in his journal that he has published any papers. And that Jayson's name did not have any surname. So I don't think this has anything to do with my father's work.

Besides, it focused on paleoclimate like Daisy's research, not mind.

She must have a good reason to use this as a scientific notation to compare with her research as a buffer or something like that. I was laughing and shaking my head as I was making useless points. I don't think that it would be the case.

I was being paranoid.

Then, what I did not know was my father did note something in his journal as I was reading it after I was looking at the scientific journal.

June 26,

I cannot believe that we have made it. Jayson and I have made our papers to be known. And I have to say that I was relieved that we have so much faith from the scientific community to use our theory to prove it.

Jayson was benefiting from it as well. He told me that his research was taking another turn as he was granted to have been funded by the NSF. I congratulated him before I told him that I wanted to have such funding as well.

He told me that I will have one soon and I think I cannot wait for my theory of the meteorite that has been used in the formation of the Big Bang will take another big step. And I have also formed another theory for the circulation of the hurricane, storms, and typhoon. I hope that I will be called upon for funding.

Wish me luck!

June 29,

I have been called by the NSF. I was excited at first to know that I was happy to be called by them before I was referred to the Jurisdiction Affairs. I was not happy. I asked them why before they were stating that I was stealing from another researcher.

I laughed at them before they were proposing the papers that have been written by someone. I did not notice who it was at first before I took a turn in the body paragraph and the data that has been collected. It was the same as me.

But it was for a different reason.

I was looking at the data that was being recorded for the Paleoclimate theory that Jayden has been developing while he worked for my research as well. We both used Meteorite to show that indeed the Old Ocean and the Big Bang have a big impact on the development.

I was angry and frustrated as I was being suspended by my researches. I tried to call my best friend but he was not responding. Jayden has abandoned me. I could not believe that my best friend would stab me in the back.

I promise my sons will take revenge on you, Jayden and your little family will suffer for it.

And here are the names that have ruined me for life; J. W. Dyer, A. T. Diaz, R. O. Johnson, and T. G. Windell.

I took a breath as I saw Windell again. T. G. Windell. Theodore Gregory Windell. My father and his best friend, Jayden Will Dyer, and when I searched it, it was like Fate was laughing cruelly at me.

Jayden Will Dyer was the father of my partner, Daisy Dyer.