
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 54 - Secret Techniques

Rowan, for his part, focused on long-range attacks, his sword strikes imbued with elemental power.

Now, with an Elemental Might augmented by three levels, they stood a chance against enemies at Level 40 and below.

Yet, the sheer number of powerful enemies left them uncertain of victory.

Camille was doing her utmost to fend off the relentless assaults from five enemies, all under the command of Kitol. Their onslaught was vicious and merciless, bolstered by a sinister aura that amplified their ferocity, presenting a formidable challenge for Camille.

In the heat of the battle, Camille thought, How I wish Elion was here. His golden aura can counteract this dark energy and weaken these fiends.

With a battle cry of "Cygnus Strike!" Camille charged at her foes. Her attack, fluid and powerful like the graceful arc of a swan in flight, was stunning yet devastating. 

The enemies, even those formidable Level 41 opponents, found her force challenging to withstand. Many fell, while others sustained injuries.

Under normal circumstances, Camille, with her strength on par with Level 42 Elementalists, would have easily handled them. However, these were no mere mortals but beings imbued with demonic might, making the confrontation far from straightforward.

"It looks like that bald guy known as Kitol will be our main concern," Andre observed, breaking into the conversation.

Wearing a grave expression, Rowan responded, "Don't be too confident, Andre. The other's pact with the demons is not to be underestimated. There's no telling what additional powers they've been granted."

"I concur. The pact likely bestowed upon them unknown strengths," Lisandra added, aligning with Rowan's caution.

The team's collective efforts kept the onslaught at bay. They faced some Level 40 enemies in close quarters, but thankfully, Rowan and Andre were not average Elementalists.

Lisandra did everything within her power, summoning as many Gaia Guards as possible to obstruct the more formidable Elementalists.

At that moment, she couldn't help but lament her lack of diligence since their arrival in Lumera. Had she exerted more effort, she perhaps could've made a more significant impact in this skirmish.

Catching Lisandra's look of regret, Rowan inquired, "What's on your mind, Lisandra?"

"It's nothing," she quickly dismissed, masking her concerns.

Despite the gravity of their situation, the group maintained their composure and continued their conversation.

"Worry not about rushing your progress. Hastening your breakthrough might compromise your foundation as Elementalist," Rowan counseled, intuitively addressing Lisandra's inner turmoil.

His insight revealed his understanding of Lisandra's worries. "There's no need for concern. Focus on stabilizing your power. I'm here for you," he reassured her.

Lisandra's heart raced faster, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red. Andre watched the exchange with a smirk, sensing the blossoming of something more between Rowan and Lisandra.

After all their time together as friends, he had never seen Rowan speak so tenderly to any woman.

"Well, look at you, Rowan. Quite the charmer," Andre teased, his voice light amidst the tension of their situation. "But let's focus on our battle first."

Rowan offered a sheepish smile, a rarity, before his gaze sharpened, locking onto the enemy ahead. With their numbers dwindling, he seized the moment, his decision swift. "Andre, protect Lisandra!"

"Got it, Rowan. Leave it to me," Andre responded, his smile unwavering. 

Andre respected and admired Rowan's prowess in close combat; the young swordsman, though less renowned than those from the Supreme or Ancient Families, possessed undeniable skill.

After being empowered by the golden aura and the three-level Elemental Might, Andre was confident they would carve their names into history.

"Blaze Strike!" Rowan's voice thundered as he unleashed a fiery assault on a massive demon. 

Rowan's aura and the might of his strike reach Level 40, a testament to his strength. The demon countered with its heavily scaled hand, the clash resonating like metal upon metal. 

"Hahaha! Do you think a human-forged weapon can defeat a demon's body?" the demon mocked.

Unperturbed, Rowan danced into battle with his Dragon Sword, a weapon he had mastered since childhood.

Now, with all the benefits of the golden aura, he moved with unprecedented agility; his sword's weight seemingly vanished, allowing for swift, unpredictable strikes.

"Blaze Dragon Dance!" Rowan's technique evolved into an elegant yet deadly ballet of slashes and thrusts, his patterns ever-changing, confounding his enemy.

Andre watched, impressed by Rowan's enhanced combat prowess. "I won't lose, Rowan," he muttered, just as their enemies, tainted with dark aura, unleashed their elemental powers.

"Flailing...Fury!" Andre's retaliation was swift, his flail moving in a blur, deflecting the dark assaults.

His technique, a blend of raw power and precision, kept the enemy at bay, even as he remained vigilant of Lisandra's safety.

Approaching the enemy, Andre's aura intensified, a prelude to the unleashing of a secret technique of the Great Jenkinson Family.

With a fierce cry, "I won't forgive your actions!" he summoned an additional flail from his elemental storage ring.

The battle crescendoed as Andre executed the "Secret Technique: Infernal Havoc," his flails transforming into fiery whirlwinds of destruction.

The demons, overwhelmed, met their demise under the relentless fury of his attack.

The tension on the battlefield diminished significantly when Andre and Rowan unleashed their formidable, secret techniques.

With their efforts, the enemy count dwindled to less than twenty. Yet, the remaining enemies were no minor threat, boasting levels between 40 and 42.

"Damn it! Who the hell are you?!" one of the Level 41 enemies demanded, locking blades with Camille.

"This is all your fault, Kitol! You always underestimate others," another enemy chimed in, frustration evident in his voice. 

Their irritation was understandable; two of the four Level 41 enemies who had joined Kitol in his quest to overpower Camille had already fallen by her hand.

"Ah! When things turn sour, everyone's quick to blame me. Yet, it was you who invited me to hunt humans near Lumera, dreaming of becoming true demons by feasting on human flesh and blood," Kitol shot back, his anger palpable.

Despite the chaos, Kitol had refrained from using his demonic powers, distinguishing him as an uncommon Elementalist with a high potential.

The reasons behind his deviation from the demonic path remained ambiguous. Camille harbored doubts about her ability to defeat Kitol should he start to use his demonic powers, considering her limit seemed to be enemies at Level 42.

"Rowan! How's everyone holding up?" Camille inquired, scanning her allies.

Rowan responded with a reassuring thumbs-up, whereas Andre's vigor seemed to wane further, his energy depleting rapidly.

Lisandra, though not as potent in her attacks as Rowan and Andre, displayed no signs of fatigue.

"Andre's struggling to keep up. What about you, Camille?" Lisandra asked, concern in her voice.

"I'll create an opening for you guys to escape. I'll hold the three of them back. After that, I'll have to resort to my family's secret technique, which, unfortunately, doesn't discriminate between friend and foe," Camille disclosed, reluctant to rely on her lineage's powers.

She had vowed not to depend too heavily on her family's assets and the war armor from Nirmala.

Utilizing such armor in combat, especially away from the watchful eyes of any empire, risked attracting unwanted attention from those lurking in the shadow, ready to claim victory through dishonorable means.

"If someone recognizes the technique, it might deter them from approaching," Camille reasoned, even as Andre interjected, "What about the Lumera city army? Surely, they've been alerted to this threat."

"Ha! Waiting for Lumera's army to save the day?" Kitol mocked with a sinister laugh.

"And who do you think we are?" retorted another Level 41 enemy facing Camille.

Until then, the group had not noticed their enemies' armor insignia, obscured by damage and a dark aura. A closer inspection of Kitol's gear revealed a shocking truth: they were facing members of Lumera's Army!

"Crazy! You're from the Ancient City of Lumera, yet you side with demons?" Andre couldn't mask his disbelief.

Kitol and his cohorts laughed heartily. "Why serve as mere pawns of the Ancient Empire? Despite our potential, we're only dogs to those with connections and royals. Is that the life you want?"

Stunned into silence, Andre and his companions could only listen. The demons' influence was profound, easily corrupting human hearts and inciting conflict among the universe's primary races.

"If that's your stance, there's nothing more to say," Rowan conceded, drawing another sword that mirrored the Dragon Sword. He was prepared to unleash the Great Atkins Family's secret technique, which was now enhanced.

Kitol's demeanor shifted dramatically as he began to exude a terrifying aura. "Is that so?" he sneered, his voice chilling as his physique morphed into a muscular, warlord-like figure but of a demonic kind.

"What the—" Andre began, but words failed him. 

Kitol's aura had escalated to that of a Level 45 Elemental King, far surpassing their own capabilities.

"Run! Run now!" Camille commanded, aware that their situation was dire.

"You think we'd leave you?" Rowan protested vehemently.

"Indeed, Camille. Fleeing isn't an option for us," Lisandra added, her voice laced with determination.

"These aren't true demons, Camille. If we retreat now, what was the point of our resolve to aid Elion against the demons?" Andre argued, unwilling to concede.

"Hehehe! You think I'd let you escape after such a display?" Kitol taunted, amused by their predicament.

Each readied their weapons or elemental powers, bracing themselves for any onslaught from their enemies. "Leave now. There's no need for foolhardy acts. I still have methods to slow down our enemies," Camille responded calmly.

"Slow them down? Not defeat them? And what about you? You think we'd just leave you behind, Camille?" Andre countered, his voice not carrying a trace of anger but excitement.

For him, this was an unprecedented opportunity to face a peril far greater than before.

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