
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 39 - Incident in Lamar Town

"Can't you act your age, Elion? You're only fifteen," Camille teased, her eyes dancing with playful light.

Yet, Elion bore no resemblance to the typical fifteen-year-old. The harsh realities of life in the Waste District had prematurely aged him, molding his demeanor and appearance well beyond his years. He had mastered controlling his emotions, presenting a calm and composed front in Camille's presence.

He smiled before responding, "I've always seen my father treat my mother with the same respect."

"I'd love to meet your parents, Elion," Camille said, her enthusiasm evident. 

However, a shadow briefly crossed Elion's face, betraying a flicker of sorrow.

"I feel the same, Camille," he murmured, his voice carrying a weight of quiet sadness.

Realizing her mistake, Camille hurried to apologize, "Oh, I'm sorry, Elion. I didn't mean—"

"It's alright, Camille," Elion said, his tone gentle yet firm, determined not to dampen the night's mood.

"It's been over five years since I last heard from them. They disappeared on a mission in the enemy empire. The government has declared them deceased."

"But I don't think that way at all. My instincts tell me they're still out there, just not in Solara," Elion insisted, his conviction unwavering.

"What do you mean?" Camille's interest was instantly piqued. Family conversations were a rarity, each typically shrouded in their secrets and sorrow.

"I asked Solandar during our training, 'How can I be sure my parents are gone?' He gazed towards the heavens before answering, 'Talk to God. He'll guide you.'"

"And then?" Camille urged, her curiosity deepening.

"I questioned, 'How do I talk to God?' And he advised, 'Pray from your heart. God will respond,'" Elion shared, his eyes lifting skyward as he spoke of divine guidance.

Elion paused, locking eyes with Camille, a silent stare hanging between them before he continued. "So, I prayed tirelessly for months, until one day, in a dream that felt transcendent, I received God's answer."

"Did you find what you were searching for?" Camille inquired, her voice laden with eager anticipation.

"Initially, I dismissed it as merely a dream, a construct of my longing. But I recognized it as a divine message when the same dream recurred, unaltered for a month straight."

Camille caught her breath, utterly captivated by Elion's narrative. The possibility of divine communication through dreams stirred something within her.

Noticing her reaction, Elion couldn't resist teasing, "Camille, don't forget to breathe, or you'll pass out right here."

Embarrassed yet charmed, Camille offered a sheepish smile. "Sorry. Please, continue, Elion."

"In the dream, I witnessed their fate. My parents were ensnared by a space-time crack. Someone had created the crack but his origin is a mystery," Elion delved deeper into the dream's specifics, his tone somber.

"What I saw next in the vision, they lay unconscious next to a river, beneath a tree not cataloged in Solara's botanical compendium. This leads me to believe they might not be in Solara," he elucidated.

"What happened next?" Camille pressed, her curiosity mounting.

"They were found and rescued by an elderly couple and taken to a village. That's all I saw. But it's been the same vision every night for a month," Elion revealed.

Camille fell into contemplative silence, pondering the significance of Elion's dreams. They may be the key to unraveling the mystery of his parents' whereabouts.

"Fascinating. Dreams can often be revelatory. The Old Seer, one of Solara's most revered figures, is known to receive prophecies through his dreams," Camille remarked thoughtfully.

"That's why I'm convinced it's a sign from God. I'm determined to find my parents, even though I'm not sure where to start," Elion confessed, a tinge of disappointment coloring his voice.

"Don't worry, Elion. I'll accompany you. Your mystery intrigues me, and by solving it, we may uncover valuable knowledge," Camille reassured him.

Elion chuckled softly, sharing Camille's sentiment. His destiny held promise, and he eagerly anticipated what lay ahead.

"I agree. Though there's a hint of nervousness, I'm eager to embark on this journey," Elion replied with a smile.

Their conversation was briefly paused as their meal made its entrance. "Here's our special for today, Grilled Crying Tiger Meat," announced the waitress.

"It pairs wonderfully with Danok Sauce, a recipe steeped in Ancient Narathi traditions," she smiled.

"Crying tiger? What happened here?" Elion quipped, injecting a bit of humor into the atmosphere.

Laughing, the waitress explained, "It's simply a cut of beef, specifically the brisket."

Such friendly exchanges were a rarity, particularly in a clientele primarily of Elementalists, who often carried an aura of superiority in their dealings with regular humans or those in service roles. 

"And this," the waitress continued, presenting another dish with flair, "is our Tom Yum, a perfect blend of sour, spicy, and sweet flavors. It's among our finest offerings."

"For dessert, we have Bingsu. Would you prefer it served now or later?" she inquired.

"Later would be great," replied Camille, her excitement palpable in anticipation of the meal ahead.

"Very well. Enjoy your dining experience, sir, madam," the waitress said, her smile brightening before she left.

As she gracefully moved between the tables, her presence captured the attention of nearly everyone. Her delicate features were complemented by a radiant, welcoming smile that illuminated the room.

Yet there was a hint of something more behind her gentle demeanor—a subtle intensity in her eyes that suggested layers yet to be discovered. Elion and Camille were intrigued by her, drawn to her enigmatic presence. However, they decided not to dwell on it.

"For you, Camille," said Elion graciously, offering her a small bowl of Tom Yum. 

They and the other diners in the bustling restaurant eagerly savored the flavorful dish. It was clear that everyone appreciated the delicious flavors being served. While everyone was immersed in their meals, an angry voice suddenly cut through the ambiance from one corner of the restaurant. 

"What kind of sweet and sour soup is this?!" The disgruntled customer forcefully pushed a bowl away. 

"Do you have no taste buds? How can you serve such trash to your customers?!" 

His outburst stunned all the patrons, halting their meals. They watched, their appetites lost, curious about what would unfold next.

"My apologies, young master. Let me replace it with another dish for you. What would you prefer instead?" the waitress, who had been serving Elion and Camille earlier, inquired.

"Another dish? Do you think the quality of your food will improve if you swap the menu? If it's trash, it remains trash!" he retorted.

Elion, unable to tolerate the rudeness any longer, stood up, driven by a desire to resolve the situation or assist the waitress. Camille held the end of Elion's shirt, silently signaling him not to get involved.

Despite feeling confident in dealing with the rude customer and his group of four Level 21 Elemental Knights, Camille was cautious of drawing undue attention to Elion's golden aura and impressive strength.

Undeterred, the young master continued his tirade before throwing the Tom Yum bowl to the floor and laughing maliciously. "Clean it up now!" he demanded.

Elion was growing increasingly impatient and about to take action when Camille stepped in. With a subtle agility that escaped the notice of the other diners, she discreetly took control of the situation. This was among Camille's unique abilities, her unparalleled speed, despite being a water Elementalist.

Camille's precise, Water Bullet sent the rude customer's face crashing into the restaurant's wall. The impact was so severe that it cracked the wall, sending a cloud of dust into the air. The assault went unnoticed by the onlookers. Her movements were rapid and untraceable.

"Whoa! I didn't see that coming," Elion expressed, clearly taken aback. He was surprised by Camille's proactive approach.

"He crossed the line. Insulting the waitress and disrespecting the food. How could he label such exquisite cuisine as trash and toss it onto the floor?" Camille vented her frustration.

"Who? Who dares to assault a member of the Rogan Family?!" exclaimed a young man rushing to the side of the young master who was now laying on the floor.

The Rogan Family's audacity was rooted in their unshakable belief in their own supremacy within the confines of Lamar Town. This small community, often frequented by low-level Elementalists, was under their watchful eye.

They considered themselves the most formidable force in the area, especially with their Patriarch being a Level 40 Elemental General. This status gave them the confidence to act with impunity.

"So, no one is willing to come forward, huh? Very well then," the young man declared, his voice carrying a weight that silenced the room. 

"I'm left with no choice but to summon the Family Protector right here. Let this be a warning to everyone present: no one leaves."

With a decisive press of his Globecomm, he broadcasted his message, his gaze sweeping over the crowd of restaurant patrons with an almost palpable intensity. A cynical smirk played on his lips the moment the message was sent.

"Since no one seems eager to admit guilt, you'll all face the consequences," he declared, his threat echoing ominously through the space.

Despite the presence of several powerful Elementalists, with abilities ranging from Level 30 to Level 35, the knowledge that confronting the Rogan Family on their own turf was tantamount to folly restrained them.

Thus, no one dared to challenge or assert justice at that moment, leaving the threat to hang heavily in the air.

The waitress stood motionless, avoiding eye contact while gazing at the floor, looking quite terrified. A man from the young master's group had slapped her face multiple times. Elion and Camille could tell she was no ordinary human as she was an Elementalist, but oddly enough, she didn't fight back.

The young master was seated, attended to by a blonde woman from their group. His face was bruised, and he visibly tried to suppress his anger.

Nonetheless, he dared not move until the Protector of the Family arrived. It was typical behavior for a young master belonging to an Elemental Family.

However, who would have thought that this foolish event would lead to the involvement of a giant organization in Solara later on? The whole situation brought about a sense of dread that the demons would return.

It was all caused by the foolish actions of this young master!