
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 34 - A New Beginning

Estola City

25th Flamisember, Year 10840

WITH just a few days left before embarking on their new adventure, Laxus, Kael, Alexa, and Wendy were excited about their enrollment at the Estola Elemental Academy.

To be admitted, aspiring Elementalists had to be fifteen or younger and have achieved at least Level 10 as an Elemental Apprentice.

Having each reached Level 15, achieving the rank of Elemental Soldiers, and fitting the age criteria—except for the prodigiously talented twelve-year-old Alexa—they were eagerly poised to start their journey together.

Elion, in particular, felt a sense of relief knowing they would soon be living in the academy dormitory, their visits home becoming infrequent.

As they convened around the dining table, eagerly awaiting the culinary delights prepared by Camille, they couldn't help but admire her ability to juggle her studies, elemental training, and her prowess in the kitchen. Engaged in lighthearted banter, time seemed to fly by.

"Are you all ready?" Kael asked, his voice tinged with excitement about the journey ahead. 

Once resigned to a life in the Waste District, the prospect of discovering his elemental affinity at the academy now filled him with hope.

Unbeknownst to him, their futures held far more than just connecting with elements. They were destined to connect with Mutant Elemental Beasts as well, granting them extraordinary abilities and strengths far beyond those of other Elementalists.

Elion shared that it was rare for Elementalists within the same or even several generations to bond with Mutant Elemental Beasts. While geniuses from Supreme Families quickly claimed ordinary Elemental Beasts.

Meanwhile, connection with Legendary Elemental Beasts, which appeared once every hundred thousand years or more, offered immense power that was difficult to inherit, given their reluctance to submit to others.

"I'm ready. I can't wait, Kael," Alexa responded, her excitement palpable as she envisioned the adventures that awaited them at the Elemental Academy.

"I feel the same. At last, we're on the path to a brighter future," Wendy added, looking forward to what lay ahead. She turned to Camille, who meticulously arranged the evening's dishes in a large bowl.

"It's all thanks to Camille. She opened this door for us," Wendy continued, expressing her gratitude.

Camille responded with a smile just as Elion moved to assist her with the bowl of food. Observing her cook, he committed every detail to memory despite never having tried his hand at cooking himself.

Understanding and executing were distinct skills for Elion, and he knew mastery required practice. In the future, he'd experiment with some recipes himself.

"Oh, it's all in fate's hands. I'm merely acting on God's will," Camille humbly stated.

Elion carefully carried a big bowl of their meal following her, and Laxus was eager to contribute. He held plates and cutleries, ready for the dinner.

"Still, you must promise to seize this opportunity. In four years, you'll be graduating," Camille reminded them, pulling a chair beside Wendy.

"At that time," Camille continued excitedly, "everyone will have reached the minimum age to register as Hunters or Adventurers. We can officially form our group and begin exploring the vast world of Solara." Her eyes sparkled with the eagerness to uncover the mysteries, uncharted territories, and ancient relics of Solara.

"Count us in!" Alexa exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious. 

The others nodded in agreement. This was an opportunity they couldn't miss.

"I plan to take Elion to visit some cities or empires for further research," Camille announced, looking forward to their journey.

"Don't forget to keep everyone's Globecomm IDs for easy communication. Who knows, someone might miss me or Elion down the line," Camille said with a lighthearted jest.

Wendy teased, "As for missing Camille, I doubt that one person will need to use Globecomm. She'll always be right in front of his eyes."

Elion, catching Wendy's insinuation, felt a blush warm his cheeks. He glanced down, momentarily overwhelmed by embarrassment and fluster, his appetite forgotten.

Camille, sharing in the awkwardness, managed a quick glance at Elion. Their eyes met briefly before both shyly looked away, their cheeks flushed.

The group's laughter filled the room, teasing Elion and Camille, knowing they'd miss their friends when they departed for the academy.

Yet, they were determined to cherish their remaining time together, confident they would reunite as a more substantial group in four years, ready to embrace their destinies as Elementalis and stand with Elion, the successor of the Phoenix, against the demons.

With just a few days remaining before their new journey, Laxus, Kael, Alexa, and Wendy anticipated enrolling at the Estola Elemental Academy. 


Solara is home to an Elemental Academy in each city, providing accessible education and early guidance on elemental powers. Today, in Estola City, registration day for numerous aspiring young Elementalists who dream of becoming Supreme Elementalists is marked. Their adventure begins here.

"Come on, Laxus! We might not end up rooming together!" Kael's enthusiastic shout cut through the bustling crowd, his excitement tangible as he looked forward to the new chapter ahead.

"I don't really care about roommates," Laxus replied with a shrug, focusing firmly on his personal goals.

Laxus's indifference surprised Kael. "Oh, don't be like that, Laxus. Your words sting," he teased playfully, then launched into an exaggerated display of mock heartbreak, much to his friends' amusement and passersby's bemusement.

"I can't bear to part with my dear friend, yet my feelings remain unreciprocated," Kael continued theatrically, drawing laughter from his companions. 

With a quick shake of his head, Laxus distanced himself from the spectacle, quipping, "Sorry, I don't know this guy," as he walked away, leaving his friends behind in fits of laughter.

Their laughter echoed around them, filling the air with warmth at Laxus's reaction. Elion stepped forward, gently nudging Kael to keep the group moving. "Laxus isn't one to wear his heart on his sleeve," he remarked softly, "teasing him won't do any good."

Kael flashed a mischievous grin and fell into step, absorbing Elion's words. He understood Laxus well enough, having tried to lighten his friend's mood with teasing antics.

As they approached the gates of the Estola Elemental Academy, Kael's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

It was surreal to finally stand on the threshold of becoming a student here. The entrance buzzed with activity as visitors streamed in and out, many like Laxus, Kael, Wendy, and Alexa eager to register and embark on their academic journey.

Each of them had been equipped with a Globecomm to ease their communication. At the same time, Elion procured elemental storage rings using funds from selling family jewelry, which was a practical investment for their future endeavors.

Clad in the academy's official uniforms, the quartet looked every bit the part. Kael and Laxus, in particular, wore the attire with a certain charm. Kael's presence didn't go unnoticed among the girls, his easy confidence drawing glances.

At the same time, Laxus, with his air of maturity, exuded a quiet allure that intrigued onlookers. His serious demeanor only added to his appeal. Wendy and Alexa caught everyone's eye with their beauty, captivating all who beheld them.

Some students, especially the seniors and the popular ones, set their sights on them as potential partners.

This concern weighed on Elion, yet he found solace in Wendy and Alexa's formidable strength. Few could match their elemental prowess, easing his worries about any ill intentions. He was confident they would earn favor from the teachers because of their potential and talent.

"It seems you both have quite the fan club," Elion quipped.

"Fan club? Look at all the girls who can't take their eyes off you, Elion," Kael teased, sharing a laugh.

Laxus nodded in agreement, his expression serious. Once Elion entered the scene, they noticed how girls often overlooked them. Kael felt a twinge of disappointment, but the thought of Elion not joining them here eased his mind. Otherwise, becoming famous would be impossible. 

Elion chuckled at Kael's banter before turning to Laxus. 

"As the leader of this group, I trust you to look after everyone. And please take care of my sister, Laxus."

"Kael, I'm counting on your smarts to guide this group. Let's make sure you all shine when graduating. I'll be here cheering for your success," Elion expressed warmly.

Turning to Wendy, Elion's tone softened, "You're like a big sister to Alexa, Wendy. Having you around her is a blessing. Please, take good care of yourself and of her for me, alright?" 

He then placed a hand on each of Alexa's shoulders, locking eyes with her as he spoke.

"And remember," Elion continued, his voice steady, "with every hardship, there's ease. It's a lesson Solandar often shared with me. When things get tough, keep faith; success will follow. So, stay strong."

The tranquility of Solandar's wisdom enveloped them as Elion spoke. His words brought comfort to their hearts. "We'll keep your words close, the successor of the Phoenix," Laxus responded, a sense of determination in his voice.

"Count on us, Elion. We'll catch up to you soon," Kael chimed in confidently.

"Absolutely. And even if we can't match you, we'll be ready to face whatever challenges come our way," Wendy declared, her resolve unwavering.

"Don't worry about me, big brother. In four years, I'll be giving you a run for your money in combat," Alexa teased, her tone light yet tinged with melancholy.