
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 26 - Supreme Elementalists

"I'm fine," she replied, her smile warming Elion's heart.

"You know who I met, Elion? It was Nirmala," Camille shared excitedly, her gaze drifting over her hands and body, feeling the changes as she fully opened her eyes.

"Nirmala?!" Elion was left impressed by the revelation.

Nirmala—a name deeply rooted in the annals of Solara's history. She had emerged as a formidable figure when Solara was besieged by grave threats. Fascinating tales of Nirmala's exploits were meticulously documented.

"Yes. She was one of the Supreme Elementalists of her era, dating back about ten thousand years."

Elion's excitement surged upon hearing this revelation. The timeline mentioned is perfectly aligned with Solandar's existence and its historical records.

It was plausible that she had served as one of Solara's Elemental Guardians. If true, there must be a link between the Elemental Guardians and the golden aura.

Sensing Elion's burgeoning excitement, Camille quickly added before he could delve into further speculation, "No, she wasn't one of Solara's Elemental Guardians."

However, Camille's spirits remained high. To her, the distinction between a Supreme Elementalist and an Elemental Guardian was minimal regarding strength and capabilities.

"And guess what? Nirmala had even surpassed the rank of the Elemental King," Camille beamed, her smile radiant with joy.

To surpass the Elemental King signified that Nirmala was no mere Elementalist; indeed, she had transcended through the Heavenly Gate, achieving the status of an Elemental Emperor.

Elion sensed Camille's level, "Level 35 Elemental Knight? That's awesome! Congratulations, Camille," Elion offered with genuine warmth. He couldn't help but feel a rush of joy for Camille.

Assuming that she had indeed inherited something so valuable, it was probable that the rest of them would receive the same. This could mean a brighter future for all of them, whether in Solara or beyond.

"Even without the legacy and the inheritance, I have no doubt you could attain that legendary elemental rank," Elion praised, acknowledging Camille's talent and potential. 

Reaching the rank of Elemental Emperor seemed within her grasp, especially considering her achievement of Level 35 Elemental Knight at such a young age.

Elion spoke sincerely, "Now fate seems to be smiling upon you, and with such legacy, who knows what lies ahead." He believed that the potential within each group member and the legacy they carried spoke volumes. He was sure the demons' plans to conquer Solara would not prevail!

Camille never thought that joining a group of teenagers would have such a profound impact on her destiny. Inheriting the legacy of an Ancient Elementalist was beyond her wildest dreams. Camille then looked at Laxus, Alexa, and Wendy and asked, "What about the others?" 

Before Elion could even answer, Kael's voice echoed from his room. "Where am I..." Kael's voice rang out, and Elion and Camille rushed to his side. Kael sat up, his eyes wide with confusion.

"Kael! Thank goodness you're awake!" Elion exclaimed, embracing him tightly. His relief was palpable as he patted Kael's back and smiled.

"Is Alexa okay?" Kael interrupted with anxiety, pushing Elion away as he struggled to sit up. He felt guilty for not being able to protect her.

"Calm down, Kael. Alexa is safe," Elion reassured him.

"Really?" Kael's disbelief was evident. He couldn't imagine how they could have intervened in time to save them all, especially against such formidable foes.

Their enemy had surpassed even Laxus's strength, let alone Elion's lack of elemental affinity. Kael searched Elion's eyes, trying to find the truth.

Elion nodded solemnly, meeting Kael's gaze with unwavering resolve. In that silent exchange, unspoken understanding passed between them, finally easing Kael's troubled mind. He relaxed against the pillows, his injuries inexplicably healed, and his energy restored.

"If it's true, then I'm glad," Kael smiled weakly. However, his heart felt heavy after realizing his insignificance before Elementalists.

During his unconsciousness, an Elementalist had visited him. At first, Kael thought it was just a dream. Still, he soon accepted the reality of their encounter, although it remained beyond his comprehension. That was his fate.

As he had succumbed to darkness the night before, he believed it to be his final moment. He had resigned to his fate, regretting his inability to save Alexa. He was also perturbed by the power he gained only after such treatment.

"Where are the others? And who's this enchanting presence?" Kael asked, scanning the surroundings to find their usual companions.

Kael was known for his friendly and engaging personality, and his curiosity was always genuine. It was not surprising that he wanted to know more, perhaps even teasingly.

"Oh, how could I forget to introduce you? This is Camille," Elion replied, gesturing to the woman beside him. 

At first glance, the two seemed to be in perfect harmony, which did not go unnoticed by Kael's observant eye. Camille waved gently at Kael, who smiled back, momentarily captivated by her stunning beauty.

"Ahem," interjected Elion, keen on snapping Kael out of his brief reverie. Realizing his momentary distraction, Kael's cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment.

"We're actually at Camille's place. She took care of you after you were beaten by the Black Bandits," Elion clarified, emphasizing "beaten" to jog Kael's memory.

"Hahaha! I mean, come on, Elion. You're not gonna embarrass me like that. I was hoping to hear your thanks," Kael said lightly.

He knew he hadn't made the best first impression on the stunning doctor, especially considering his condition from the night before. If only he could turn back time and make things right.

"I must say, Kael, your presence beside Alexa was a great relief. She was spared the worst of it because of you. I'm truly grateful," Elion expressed, his gratitude sincere.

His words held a deep appreciation for Kael's help, as Alexa could have faced dire consequences at the hands of the Black Bandits without him.

Kael smiled, his confident demeanor returning. "Let's leave the past behind. If we cross paths with them again today, they'll be begging for mercy," he declared with a playful smirk, showing that he was ready to take on the Black Bandits again if needed.

Standing up, Kael straightened his attire and stretched, with Elion and Camille watching quietly. They were fully aware of what Kael was hinting at.

Meeting Elion and Camille's gaze, Kael's face lit up with a mischievous grin. The duo couldn't help but hide their smiles, already aware of Kael's next move.

With a dramatic gesture, Kael summoned a luminous yellow Elemental Circle.

"Surprised?" Kael asked, his tone conveying both pride and amusement. 

Those who didn't know him well could have interpreted it as arrogance. Unperturbed, he began to recount his journey to a mystical land, a tale full of mystery and intrigue.

Elion and Camille listened attentively to every word, eager to uncover the secrets of Kael's extraordinary adventure and the enigmatic Ancient Elementalist who had significantly impacted him.

"I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but while I was unconscious, I discovered myself in a realm of towering mountains and breathtaking landscapes," Kael shared, his voice filled with wonder and bewilderment as he narrated his experience. 

As Kael continued his tale, his voice grew solemn. "In my travels, I stumbled upon a woman whose beauty was beyond words," he began.

"Initially, I was speechless, convinced she was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Yet, now that I've met Camille, I believe Camille might even eclipse that standard," Kael teased, eliciting laughter from Elion. Camille, taken aback by the compliment, couldn't help but blush.

Kael's smile broadened, clearly relishing the moment. "She was an Ancient Elementalist named Terra. She boasted of being one of the most powerful Earth Elementalists of her time, hailing from an era some twelve thousand years ago."

"Wait a minute. Is it Terra... Grace?" Camille chimed in, her interest piqued.

Kael paused, taking a moment to ensure he had the Ancient Elementalist's full name correct before nodding affirmatively.

"Yes, that's correct. I remember now, her descendants are among the Supreme Families of Solara, the Supreme Grace Family," Kael confirmed.

"Kael, you're incredibly fortunate! Terra Grace is a legend, particularly among female Elementalists. Few have made such a lasting impact on Solara's history," Camille said, her voice tinged with awe.

Kael shivered as the total weight of Terra's legacy hit him. "Yes. I am 'fortunate'.

The year he had spent training under Terra in the ancient world felt like a lifetime of challenges and growth. "At first, I believed it all to be a dream," Kael's voice quivered, memories of his questions to Terra flooding back.

Despite the ordeal with the Black Bandits the previous night and cursing his fate for his lack of elemental affinity, perhaps Terra's mentorship was a divine intervention, offering him a glimpse into the realm of elemental powers through his dreams.

"Yet, every time I questioned her, Terra assured me it was all real but not with words. She would slap me a few times," Kael mused, his fingers tracing the spot where Terra's slaps had left its mark.

Elion and Camille exchanged uneasy glances, their earlier laughter now seeming insensitive. The laughter, followed by silence, felt out of place and awkward.

Another five chapters for today!

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