
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 23 - Mysterious Elementalist

Despite his words, caution underpinned his stance; he knew better than to underestimate an opponent. His movements were deliberate, embodying the grace and precision of a seasoned martial artist.

Solandar had taught Elion the Basic Ancient Combat Arts, a name he came up with, which was once lost to the sands of time.

The manual of these arts was discovered by Solandar amidst the ruins of a fallen Ancient Empire, revealing forgotten mysteries.

These venerable arts were paired with a rare body tempering technique that the current generation of Elementalists hardly practiced.

This technique focused on channeling elemental energy to strengthen the body from the inside out, enhancing everything from individual cells to the muscles.

When combined with the power of the Phoenix, the Fire Elemental Guardian, and Elion's golden aura, even the simplest techniques were able to display an extraordinary power.

If he was to harness the Phoenix's might fully, Elion would exceed any of Solandar's accomplishments and be on the right path of being the Greatest Elementalist.

"Hiarrggggh!" Kasum's right hand lashed out toward Elion in a mighty swing, seeking to bring Elion down. 

With a deftness borne of countless hours of practice, Elion parried Kasum's strike, his movements as fluid as cascading water.

With no vulnerabilities exposed, Elion swiftly turned, delivering a lightning-fast chopping strike with his left hand toward Kasum's neck.

Kasum, reacting just in time, raised his left hand to deflect the attack, making him move a few meters sideways.

The sound of bone breaking reverberated through the air as Kasum's left arm grotesquely twisted under the force of Elion's chopping strike.

Despite the searing pain, the realization that his injuries could escalate to life-threatening spurred Kasum into action.

With a grimace, he unsteadily got to his feet and, utilizing his uninjured right foot, he deftly summoned an Elemental Circle.

This mystical gesture coaxed a sizable chunk of the earth to rise up. With a determined push of his right hand, he launched it at Elion.

Unperturbed, Elion's calm voice cut through, "You're too slow," a testament to his rigorous training under Solandar. 

Kasum's display of power barely registered as a threat to him. Elion then showcased his mastery over his element.

Golden Elemental Circles materialized beneath his feet as his feet were engulfed in golden flames, propelling him upwards. His evasion of the earth chunk was nothing short of elegant—a graceful spin culminating in a backflip that traced a stunning arc of golden fire through the air.

This maneuver wasn't just for show. As Elion completed his backflip, he delivered a precise kick to Kasum's top of the head, the force of which sent Kasum crashing to the ground, screaming in agony.

The impact was so severe it cracked the ground, leaving Kasum motionless, half-buried in the dirt.

"Wow…You're incredible, brother…" Alexa exclaimed, marveling at Elion's combat finesse and style.

Until now, she had only known him as the quiet, studious type. Witnessing this new, formidable side of him filled her with excitement and a renewed sense of kinship, sharing in her love for battle.

Elion's prowess also caught the attention of Laxus, who watched in admiration, tinged with a hint of self-doubt. Witnessing his friend confidently face off against far stronger enemies made Laxus feel inadequate for not contributing to the fight.

Meanwhile, Dr. Camille, ever the analyst, was deep in thought. "Elion's a mere Level 11 Elementalist, and yet, he's taking on opponents between Levels 15 and 20," she pondered silently.

This observation led her to speculate, "Could he now possess the Elemental Might?"

The concept of Elemental Might is an Elementalist's ability to contend with or even defeat opponents several levels above them.

For example, Elion, at Level 11, managing to match Kasum, at Level 20, would indicate his Elemental Might is at least nine levels—a staggering achievement.

If Elion could defeat Kasum so effortlessly, his Elemental Might isn't just a matter of a few levels; instead, he might possess the Elemental Might of an entire rank.

His combat abilities could very well be on par with those of a Level 21 Elementalist—the esteemed rank of an Elemental Knight!

Should this be true, Elion's potential and abilities are extraordinary, eclipsing even the most talented individuals from Solara's Supreme and Ancient Families.

When he reached Level 50 Elemental King, he would undisputedly become the strongest in Solara!

"Who are you really, Elion?" Dr. Camille pondered, driven not merely by curiosity but by a genuine desire to aid him on his journey.

She was determined to meticulously document every aspect of Elion's extraordinary abilities for her research, craving new insights. His capabilities far exceeded anything she had previously encountered.

In the aftermath of Elion's devastating fireball attack, Kasum's henchmen were left in shock, struggling to grasp the reality unfolding.

The notion of Kasum facing defeat was inconceivable to them; after all, Elion was only known to be a Level 11 Elemental Soldier.

"What do we do?" questioned one of the henchmen, his voice laced with uncertainty. Panic began to spread among them, with some contemplating retreat, subtly inching away.

"Thinking of fleeing?" The biting sarcasm in Elion's voice halted them in their tracks. He had made a solemn vow that day – no one from the Black Bandits' ranks would escape their fate.

After the injustices they had inflicted upon Kael, how could Elion not retaliate?

"Inferno Vortex…" With a swift motion, he conjured a massive golden Elemental Circle beneath the enemies' feet, ensnaring them all.

The atmosphere turned blisteringly hot instantly, a golden aura enveloping them. Then, as flames roared to life, the enemies were consumed by a fiery tempest.

The air was filled with their agonized screams, a sound that deeply unsettled Wendy and Alexa. They closed their eyes tightly, hands clasped over their mouths in horror, unable to watch the ruthless onslaught.

As the flames dissipated, nothing remained of their enemies but ash. Kasum alone was left, teetering on the brink of death.

"Now, it's your turn," Elion announced, his tone grave, his resolve unwavering. In the world of Elementalists, it was a stark choice: kill or be killed.

Yet, Elion's intentions were driven by the desire to protect those dear to him; the thought of losing them was unbearable.

"Don't, Elion!" Wendy's voice pierced the tense silence.

"Don't do it, brother!" echoed Alexa.

Elion momentarily turned towards them, his expression blank, before looking at Laxus. "What about you, Laxus?" he inquired.

Laxus was caught in a moral quandary. The necessity of dealing with Kasum was clear, yet the act of killing weighed heavily on him.

Elion observed Laxus's troubled expression, then gestured towards Kael. "Look at what they did to Kael," Elion said, his voice tinged with sorrow.

"If I hadn't inherited this power, we would all die." His words were bold, with the knowledge that others who were present were too terrified to eavesdrop.

A heavy silence followed, the gravity of his words settling over them. Even the residents who had betrayed their trust were now trembling with fear, awakening to the harsh realities of their cruel world.

"This world is cruel, and it will only get worse. Our enemies aren't limited to just these individuals. The demons will return, and with them, we'll face even greater evils from both them and humans alike," Elion declared with a grim certainty.

"Demons?" Dr. Camille's expression was one of intrigue and concern as she processed Elion's words. Stories of the demons' past incursions into Solara and the prophecy of their return were familiar to her. Still, Elion's confirmation lent a new sense of urgency and truth to those tales.

"To kill or be killed? That's for you to decide. As long as I act in defense and protection, I won't hesitate to take down my enemies."

As he concluded, a golden Elemental Circle emerged before Elion, morphing into a formidable fireball. Its intense heat radiated outward, showcasing his determination to annihilate Kasum. With unwavering resolve, he propelled the fireball toward Kasum, sealing his fate in ash.

However, a sudden gust extinguished Elion's fiery onslaught, prompting him to search for its origin. It was the work of a strong Wind Elementalist, whose skill was evident in neutralizing his attack.

"Enough! Let's put an end to this," declared a deep, hoarse voice, slicing through the tension. A tall figure approached, emanating immense power, evidently surpassing Elion's. A Level 30 Elemental Knight!

During sessions with Solandar, an astonishing revelation came to light. As the Phoenix successor, Elion was endowed with Elemental Might and heightened perception, allowing him to sense others' auras and ascertain their levels and ranks.

To gauge Elion's Elemental Might, Solandar, and Tigas matched their strengths and auras at various levels up to Elion's limit. It was observed that Elion's Elemental Might was not merely a few levels higher — but an entire rank above!

At Level 11 Elemental Soldier, Elion could confront a Level 21 Elemental Knight, equating the combat skills of an Elementalist above his rank.

Yet, faced with this formidable newcomer, Elion knew his limited chances. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, not from the fear of defeat but from concern for the safety of others.

Even if he could delay the newcomer, it would only afford a brief moment for the others to escape.

It was evident they couldn't prevail. Even if Elion managed to delay the inevitable, escape would be temporary at best.

Doubt and disappointment clouded his thoughts as he faced his limitations. In the world of Solara today, elemental power reigns supreme.

Strength dictates everything, and those who wield it dominate. Yet, he remains weak, with a challenging journey to claim the title of the Greatest Elementalist.

"Are you really going to let us leave?" Elion asked, stalling for time. 

The man nodded, moving to Kasum's side and kneeling to check his condition. How did Kasum lose? His opponent was only at Level 11, the man pondered, baffled by the outcome.

He proceeded cautiously, aware that the youth before him might present a threat. Despite knowing Elion's capabilities, he refrained from acting hastily. Feeling the aura of a mysterious and formidable Elementalist observing him, he understood the implicit warning in the directed aura.

"I'll allow your departure this time. But..." The man paused briefly before effortlessly lifting Kasum onto his shoulder.

"Don't think the Black Bandits will let you off easily. We'll be back," he warned before departing, leaving a lingering sense of unease.

His words struck a chord of anxiety among the group, realizing they lacked a refuge and were ill-prepared for retaliation. Elion quickly joined Dr. Camille and Kael's side as the man left.

"How's Kael?" Elion inquired anxiously, deeply concerned for his friend's condition.

Kael's injuries were severe, especially for an ordinary human, leaving Elion fraught with worry. He placed his trust in Dr. Camille's expertise but feared they were racing against time.

"He's improving. Your golden aura arrived just in time to save him. The internal bleeding has ceased, and his blood flow has stabilized," Dr. Camille reassured.

"However, he requires a longer time to recover from the damage to his vital organs," she added slowly, acknowledging the fortunate timing of their arrival. Without it, Kael's life would have been in jeopardy.

"Kael..." Laxus murmured, overwhelmed with guilt. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault."

Laxus slumped beside Kael, covering his face in remorse for his reckless actions that endangered their lives. Elion and Wendy offered comfort, placing reassuring hands on Laxus's shoulders.

"Not your fault, Laxus. Destiny has spoken," Elion said gently.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have received this legacy, and Wendy wouldn't have been healed earlier. Without you, defeating them and our survival would have been impossible," Elion affirmed.

Removing his hand from Laxus's shoulder, Elion approached Kael. Placing his hand on Kael's chest, a denser golden aura began to radiate from his palm.

Gradually, the aura enveloped Kael's body once more. Kael's wounds healed instantly. Every injury, split, or charred part of his body vanished without a trace, a miraculous sight to behold.

Even the most advanced treatment pills couldn't achieve such rapid results. Dr. Camille was speechless and the others were awed, especially Alexa who was still clueless of Elion's power. 

A high-level Mysterious Elementalist watching from the shadows was equally astonished by Elion's power. "Who is this teenager, really?" he pondered.

"I need to inform His Majesty immediately. I've also located the princess," the Mysterious Elementalist said, producing a jade from his elemental storage ring.

It vanished in a fleeting flash of light after whispering a few words to the jade.

Even though Solara boasted of advanced technology, communication jades were still preferred for their ability to keep secrets.

The Elementalist, whose intentions were still a mystery, disappeared into the darkness unnoticed.

It was unclear whether he and the princess were allies or enemies, but their identities remained shrouded in secrecy.

Third chapter for today! Don't forget to vote.

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