
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 16 - The Successor of the Phoenix

Medical Centre

12th Flamisember, Year 10840

LAXUS placed the Original Orbs on the table, hoping Elion would pick one. Elion reached out for the orb on the right.

Suddenly, the middle one started vibrating vigorously as if it was trying to convey something. Elion hesitated for a moment, trying to make sense of the situation.

When the vibrations subsided, he decided to go for another orb. To his surprise, the same thing happened again.

The middle orb started shaking even more violently, causing the ornate Phoenix box on the table to rattle. Clearly, the orb had chosen Elion, but he couldn't understand why.

Laxus, already suspecting the answer, asked Elion, "What's going on? Is the orb telling you to choose it?" 

Dr. Camille shared the same suspicion. Elion smiled, implying that he didn't need to say anything because they all knew. And he didn't need to choose again.

"Okay, I'll pick you up. Don't disappoint me," said Elion, challenging the Original Orb with his words.

As a result, the orb's vibrations grew stronger, indicating its power. Elion reached for the Original Orb in the center and bit his thumb to let the blood drip onto it.

One drop.

Two drops.

Three drops.



Seven drops.

Laxus was concerned whether Elion was the right person to receive the 'legacy' due to the amount of blood Elion had dropped. "How many drops does it need, Elion?" he asked anxiously. 

However, Elion was unperturbed. He believed the Original Orb would soon respond.

After ten drops, the orb ceased absorbing Elion's blood and began to radiate.

It glowed red indicating affinity with fire at first, then shifted to other elemental colors such as blue for water, green for wind, yellow for earth, and silver for metal, alternating seven times for each elemental color.

"What's happening?" Dr. Camille was bewildered, observing this extraordinary process. 

It was unlike anything she had witnessed before. After a minute, a new color emerged, a golden hue. Everyone watched in silence.

The color changed and eventually turned into an unprecedented shade of gold they had never seen before. Elion was perplexed, too. He didn't know what was happening next.

One thing was obvious: he had connected with the element and aroused the Original Orb.

This is the first time I've seen a golden-colored element. Is it a new element or a sign for something? Elion wondered silently.

Suddenly, the air was pierced by a loud scream, similar to a phoenix's cry, that shook Dr. Camille's lab and the entire Solara.

"Arghhh!" Laxus and Dr. Camille screamed in pain, covering their ears, as the deafening scream almost ruptured their eardrums. 

But the same situation was not happening outside. Dr. Camille and Laxus fell to their knees, struggling to withstand it. Even Wendy, who was sleeping weakly, winced at the sound.

However, something strange was happening inside her body. Her symptoms improved as the dark aura within her seemed to recoil at the sound of the scream.


In various parts of the world, Elementalists of immense power, including Grand and Supreme Elementalists, were shocked listening to the cries. It was due to the high elemental level that allowed them to hear it.

Grand Elementalists were the most powerful Elemental Kings of their corresponding elements, while Supreme Elementalists were the most dominant among them.

However, the exact differences in power are based on the levels of their Elemental Might.

A Supreme Elementalist stood in his grand palace, constructed entirely of gold, with his robust figure unadorned. Several women attended to his needs nearby.

"My lord, is that the cry of the legendary bird, the Phoenix?" a woman overseeing the throne room asked. 

The Supreme Elementalist fell silent. Only a few had heard the cry or seen the legendary bird, the Phoenix. If it were authentic, it would fulfill the prophecy of the Old Seer.

After a long pause, he finally commanded, "Waini, order Supreme Commander Waidi to locate the source of the cry."

Supreme Commanders are Elementalists at the rank of Elemental Kings served under the Supreme Elementalists. The lowest rank among them was Level 50 Elemental Kings. Grand Commanders, on the other hand, served the Grand Elementalists.

"Understood, my lord," responded Waini, the woman with a commanding presence that indicated she was a Level 50 Elemental King and a Supreme Commander.

She brought her hand to the front and conjured a small Elemental Circle above her palms. A communication device appeared from the circle. She proceeded to dial a number.

"Waidi," she said once the line was connected.

"Let me guess, you want me to investigate that scream?" Waidi asked, standing tall in his golden-red war armor on a canyon peak, emanating a warrior's energy. He preferred the peacefulness of the canyon for meditation over the clamor of the palace.

"If you know what to do, why wait?" Waini replied firmly. 

Waidi grinned. "Alright, alright. I'm on it," he said, preparing to leave. 

"Do you have any leads? Is it in the Central Region?" Waidi asked curiously. 

"That's your job. Figure it out," Waini answered, ending the conversation abruptly. 

Waidi sighed. "This is what happens when you serve the Supreme Elementalist."

With a mighty leap, he descended from the sky, his fiery wings sprouting from his back as he raced towards the Central Region, entirely focused on completing his urgent mission.

Similar scenes played out across the land as Grand and Supreme Elementalists elsewhere issued the same orders and missions to their commanders.


"What's happening?" Laxus asked, still reeling from the earlier scream of the mysterious bird. 

Elion remained silent, his gaze fixated on the golden Original Orb, now with the legendary bird's seal, Phoenix.

"What does this mean?" Elion's confusion deepened as he stared at the orb.

There was no record of something similar happening to anyone who awakened the Original Orb.

The golden hue and the Phoenix seal mesmerized him, and he felt compelled to touch them. Elion's hand moved instinctively toward the Original Orb with the Phoenix seal.

His fingers brushed the orb's surface, and his eyes turned golden, radiating a bright light. His body assumed a meditative posture, and he was bathed in a golden aura.

"Elion!" Laxus called out in worry and rushed toward his friend, but Dr. Camille held him back, sensing that something significant was unfolding. 

"Wait! I think Elion is receiving the inheritance," Dr. Camille advised, "Let's give it a moment. This is crucial for Elion." 

Laxus took a deep breath, calming himself. He decided not to interfere as long as Elion wasn't in danger.

Meanwhile, Elion remained motionless to observers, but his mind underwent a profound transformation.


Unknown place

Unknown date and time

ELION blinked, finding himself in an unfamiliar place.

The Phoenix Orb's that he touched had whisked him away through a golden passage, the journey breathtakingly swift, everything was golden and blurry.

Now, he stood amidst a world that felt both real and dreamlike. The scenery was stunning—clear blue skies with fluffy white clouds, the air crisp and fresh, a stark contrast to Estola City's pollution, let alone the Waste District.

"Where am I?" he murmured, taking in the beauty around him.

He cautiously moved forward, bewildered by his sudden change in surroundings. Moments ago, he'd been in Dr. Camille's lab; now, he was in a strange place.

His mind was racing, trying to make sense of what was happening.

"What was that scream just now?" Elion wondered aloud about the powerful scream he heard in the lab.

"Could it be the Phoenix's cry?" he pondered, recalling the seal on the Original Orb.

He was determined to uncover the truth as he followed an inexplicable pull towards a raised area. In the distance, he spotted a striking figure adorned with golden armor and a war helmet.

The man's hair was as white as Elion's, and while he had a commanding presence, he posed no threat.

As the figure turned, he smiled, revealing a captivating pair of Phoenix-like eyes. He was a young man, his demeanor serene, and his armor gleamed elegantly.

It was adorned with a Phoenix seal similar to the one on the Original Orb. Unlike other Elementalists who typically concealed their armor under cloaks, he proudly displayed his, highlighting his magnificence.

Elion approached the young man with measured steps, confident that he could provide some answers to the current situation. 

"Hey there, what's your name, kid?" the young man asked, looking at Elion. 

Kid? You're not that much older than I am. He felt uneasy being called a kid, as the young man didn't seem much older than him.

"My name is Elion."

"Where are you from?" the young man inquired.

"I come from Estola City, located in the Aeloria Empire."

"The Aeloria Empire? Hmm, I've never heard of it," the young man replied, trying to remember.

Elion was taken aback by the fact that Aeloria wasn't that famous. However, he thought it should still be recognized by others.

Even Laxus, who wasn't interested, could tell the names of other empires in different regions. At least the Great, Grand, Supreme, and Ancient Empires. 

"What year do you belong to?" the young man asked curiously. 

"10840," Elion replied cautiously, still keeping his guard around the young man. 

"Oh! That explains it! We are ten thousand years apart," the young man chuckled, finding Elion's response amusing. 

"Well, that's ten thousand years of waiting for the Phoenix successor. No wonder I'm bored," the young man continued, laughter still in his voice. 

Elion was perplexed by the young man's words and reactions. However, he caught onto one thing—mentioning a 'Phoenix successor,' which piqued his curiosity about the Phoenix seal he had previously seen.

Five chapters for today? Sure.

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