
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 13 - Laxus's Memories

Sensing the awkward tension, Elion quickly got down to business. "Ma'am, what's your offer for these necklaces, the rings, and the bracelets?" he asked, optimistic while displaying the items.

Catheline's eyes widened at the sight of a particular ring, and the group thought that she couldn't help but gasp at its exquisite beauty.

"I'll go as high as ten…No! Fifteen thousand gold coins for this ring!" She declared, surprising Kael with her generous sum. He realized it could sustain them for at least a year or more without additional 'missions' to meet their daily needs.

Laxus remained poker-faced, not showing any reaction.

Conversely, Elion was intrigued and asked, "Your offer is tempting. But why such a high price?"

Catheline paused, carefully choosing words to explain the ring's worth without losing it before her eyes. "This ring is made of a rare metal from Icera Mountain in the Central Region, mixed with gold. It's a scarce metal, and only a few rings from it are sold in Solara. The people who own them are no ordinary folks. Selling it in a big city could fetch you many gold coins, maybe more than twenty thousands. However, selling it yourself could bring some unwanted attention...and harm." 

Actually, that wasn't the truth. There was something about it that only Catheline knew about. Catheline's curiosity was piqued when she asked Elion, "From where did you get this ring?" 

"It belonged to my mother," Elion replied.

Elion's mother had owned the ring, but he had never seen her wear it. Its worth was unquestionable, but Elion decided to part with it without hesitation since he assumed that it held little meaning for her.


Something seemed stirring within Catheline's heart. Still, she kept her emotions under wraps as she looked at Elion keenly.

Elion didn't notice anything amiss in her gaze. Still, he realized that selling the ring to others might arouse suspicion, given their youth and origin, only if what Catheline said was true.

"Okay. We have a deal for fifteen thousand gold coins," Elion said.

He then displayed the necklaces and bracelets alongside the ring. Elion was eager to get the best possible price as well for the necklaces and bracelets he was selling.

"What about these necklaces and bracelets?" he asked Catheline. He needed to make as much money as possible to add to their savings.

Catheline, however, wasn't too impressed with the items. "Hmm... Ten thousand eight hundred gold coins," she replied, not showing much interest.

Elion was satisfied with the price. "Alright. It's a deal," he said, ready to wrap things up quickly. He needed to return to Alexa and Wendy, who were hungry and hadn't eaten anything all day.

Catheline grinned at Elion's straightforwardness and pulled out a pouch before gold coins coming out of her elemental storage rings into the pouch.

"There you go, all the gold coins I promised. Count 'em first," she said, handing the pouch to Elion. 

Even though Solara had advanced banking systems, the group preferred to stick with the old-fashioned way since they were ineligible to open their own savings accounts. But before Elion could take the pouch, Kael snatched it from him. 

"Let me count. I want to feel rich for a bit," he said, grinning from ear to ear. 

Catheline and Elion couldn't help but laugh at Kael's excitement. Laxus, who was usually serious, even cracked a small smile, finding his friend's antics amusing.

After Kael counted the coins, they headed back. Catheline was known for being trustworthy and offering better deals than other merchants, so she was their go-to. 

"I've been searching for you for so long," exclaimed Catheline with an overly excited expression as the boys left her shop.

"Your son is quite amazing, very much like you when you were a kid, not like your mother. Foolishly following the prophecy," she chuckled. 

"I won't keep you suffering any longer, princess," said Catheline as a portal appeared before her. Without a trace, she walked right into it and vanished.

Laxus was excited as he remembered the Elemental Orbs he had taken from the Black Bandit's hideout.

Those stolen orbs were supposed to help the rest of them connect with the elements and become Elementalists.

Once everyone had control over the elements, they could form their hunting group and take on missions offered by Estola City's Hunter's Association. 

These missions ranged from hunting Elemental Beasts to gathering herbs or catching criminals or others — all of which paid well. Laxus believed that they could have a better life outside the Waste District with their elemental skills and lucrative missions.

He clenched his fist when he suddenly felt eager to avenge his family, but he didn't have many memories of them and didn't know why he was seeking revenge.

There were many mysteries surrounding Laxus. He didn't know how he ended up in the Waste District and didn't understand his connection with the element. He did know that shortly after he woke up in the Waste District, he gained the ability to control metals.

However, something stopped him from exploring his own memories. Every time he tried, he experienced a pounding headache that forced him to stop. So, he chose to leave the past as a mystery.

But, every six months, fragments of his blocked memories would surface. These memories felt distant as if they belonged to someone else.

There was a time where Laxus got a flashback in which he led a vast army of Elementalists, all shrouded in dark auras.

A loyal general, donning black and gold armor, asked Laxus or the owner of the memories, "What's our next move, my lord?" 

My lord? He couldn't recall his response; everything from him was muted in that memory. However, the general stepped up, declaring, "Understood, my lord. I'll take command." 

The millions of Elementalists stood at attention, awaiting instructions. 


The general announced, "We're heading for Orion, an ally of the…." He could not hear the rest.

The army, shouted as their bodies were pulsing with dark energy, prepared for battle. As they approached Orion, Laxus struggled to recall the origin and significance of his role in the conflict.

The general led the Elementalists resolutely, and they marched until they reached the borders of Orion. 

When the general asked, "My lord, should we attack?" 

Laxus knew he or the owner of the memories hesitated before nodding.

The Elementalists, fueled by loyalty and dark energy, unleashed their powers upon Orion. After the battle, Laxus felt a sense of regret and questioned the aggression's motives.

He couldn't shake off the feeling of being a pawn in a larger game, and these fragments of memories urged him to uncover the truth.

As it turned out, the key to unlocking his past lay hidden within the shadows of elusive memories. His journey of self-discovery had just begun, promising to reveal revelations that would reshape his destiny and the entire universe.

"Laxus?" Kael called.


"Laxus!" Concerned, Kael shouted his friend's name, but Laxus remained lost in thought.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Laxus was taken aback when he finally heard Kael's voice.

"Are you okay, Laxus?" Elion asked, sensing something was amiss. "Are you thinking about Wendy?"

Laxus was at a loss for excuses and simply nodded in agreement with Elion's concerns. Kael interjected, expressing his own worry about Wendy's deteriorating health.

"I'm worried about her too. She's been unwell for almost a week now. She's not getting any better."

"Wendy..." Laxus muttered her name under his breath, his mind racing with concern. "We need to act fast," he said, "if Wendy's condition hasn't improved, we need to take her to the Medical Centre immediately. She's been refusing every time I suggest it."

They had all been preoccupied with their tasks, and Wendy didn't want to burden them. But now, it was clear that she needed their help.

Elion was too focused on the mission to retrieve his mother's belongings from their old home, and Kael regretted not paying closer attention to Wendy's health.

They were overwhelmed with guilt, but they knew they had to act quickly. They hurried their steps to return home and take care of Wendy.

The residential area of the Waste District had been abandoned for ages, dating back to the founding of Estola City.

Rumor had it that this land once belonged to a mysterious figure who left the same warning in the Black Market.

Despite efforts to demolish the area, the elite started a psychological war by dumping scrap iron. With no retaliation, more and more trash piled up. The region earned its name, Waste District, from scrap iron to all kinds of garbage.

Elion, Laxus, and Kael walked towards their home, a small, rundown house with a leaky roof, cracked walls, and a dirt floor.

Water seeped into their humble abode during storms, and the temperature dropped. Laxus, annoyed by his metal affinity, once wished for the warmth of the fire.

However, Elion reassured him, sharing his wisdom on using elemental power. He suggested that once Laxus improved his Elemental Mastery, he could reinforce their home's structure with permanent and stronger metal pillars.

Although Laxus was considered a newbie in metal control, he showed remarkable progress in Elemental Mastery. Elementalists advanced through different levels within each rank.

Level 1 marked the starting point for Elemental Apprentices, going up to Level 10. Moving up to the next rank, Elemental Soldiers, happens when you hit Level 11.

Laxus currently stands at Level 11, Elemental Soldier. Despite their challenging situation, he reached this level thanks to his natural elemental talent, absorbing Elemental Essence from the surroundings.

While many Elementalists had various energy sources, making real progress needed energy and skill at their current level. Elion's advice fueled Laxus's desire to climb higher and build a robust home.

Initially, Laxus dreamed of making their place entirely from metal, but Elion disagreed. The constant heat in their area would make a metal structure too hot.

Elion stressed the importance of understanding each element's strengths and weaknesses to keep Laxus focused.

Their home in the Waste District was temporary, and a better future awaited where they could leave and live in a nicer place.

Suddenly, a distant voice called out, "Elion!"

Elion and his companions exchanged waves with Uncle Kasan and Sakan, whom Elion first met five years ago.

As predicted by the uncles, they frequently bumped into each other almost every week and grew closer.

Elion hurried over to them, smiling broadly while saying, "Uncle Kasan! Uncle Sakan! What brings you here?"

It was unusual for the Chief and Deputy Chief, responsible for the Waste District's ingress and egress, to be present in this area.

Usually, they were confined to overseeing the gatekeeping duties. When Elion asked about their presence, both uncles' expressions subtly changed.

Kael noticed a worry in the uncles and asked, "What's the matter?"

Uncle Sakan took a deep breath and replied, "We came across the Rodox and Black Bandits in the Waste District today, and we're concerned about their motives for being there."

Elion's curiosity was piqued upon hearing these names. "Aren't they always around?" he asked.

"Yes, but today, we saw an unusual increase in their numbers. We're worried about the people living in the Waste District. Not all of the people here are bad; some are just unlucky. So, we want to ensure they're safe," Uncle Sakan explained.

Uncle Kasan interjected, "And to make matters worse, this is the place of that mysterious figure. If he decides to take any action, it will create trouble for us to investigate the disappearance of these groups."

Elion, Laxus, and Kael exchanged meaningful glances. At first, they suspected a connection with their recent activities. Still, they quickly dismissed the idea, knowing they had been discreet during their recent mission.

"Why? Do you have any relevant information you can share?" Uncle Sakan inquired.

The three of them shook their heads, knowing that even if they had any information, revealing it would only worsen matters because of their potential involvement. They didn't want to burden Uncle Sakan and Uncle Kasan. 

"Alright then. If anything comes up, let us know right away. You must stay vigilant, so please be careful," warned Uncle Kasan. 

After the uncles left, Elion, Laxus, and Kael returned home. They were silent all the way home as they were anxious and worried that these groups might be looking for them.

"Do you think we're involved?" Kael asked, his apprehension clear, breaking the silence. 

"Maybe. Maybe not," Elion pondered. 

"I'm sure no one recognized me earlier," Elion assured them. 

"Same here. I had my face covered with a mask," stated Laxus. 

"I trust both of you. It seems like it was just a coincidence," Kael tried to calm their nerves. 

Nevertheless, they picked up their pace, knowing the potential risks. However, the safety of Alexa and Wendy was their top priority. They were afraid that one mistake could lead to disaster.

Second chapter for today!

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