
Ungrateful child

Nero had, of course, seen the Arcanist form many times throughout his life, though admittedly it was less in person and more on television. It was an expression of the immense amount of pure aether within a card master once they reached the higher stages. It was said that activating the Arcanist form more rapidly depleted a card masters aether, but the boost in strength was more than worth the price!

It was more than just the fact that while the Arcanist form was active, the card master would have enhanced healing, super strength, increased endurance and multiplied speed. No, the true might of the Arcanist form was in the fact that all aether related abilities were much more effective.

This of course meant that innate abilities were stronger, but much more importantly, even Eldrim cards would have an improved output. The Arcanist form could use a card that produced a breeze to summon a mighty gale!