
The Elder Sister has Space

Traveling from the end of the world to the ancient times, before Gu Yundong could even breathe in relief, she found herself was escaping from famine. As for their family, they were kicked out by her grandparents from the fleeing family team, and everyone else was just watching with cold eyes. Her father was missing, her mother was stupid, her siblings were skinny and big-headed, and the dying Gu Yundong only felt a toothache. No way, just roll up your sleeves and do it. Doing business, opening as store, buying fertile farmland, Gu Yundong’s life is prosperous. If there is no one around who is eager to marry her back home, she can go to heaven. Translation of the book of Sanzao.

Lionnes · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 20 The ruthless Master Qian

When the family of four turned around to go to Xuanhe City, they happened to be watched by Gu Qiuyue.

  She immediately went to find her husband Fu Ming and Master Qian, and hurriedly pointed in the direction.

When she saw them chasing after her, she laughed viciously.

   "I told you not to be complacent. Just because you are a thin and stinky girl, do you think you can escape from Master Qian hand ? Just you wait, I asked you to kowtow and admit your mistake, but you refused. Bah!"

  In fact Gu Yundong didn't walk very far. After all, she was carrying a child on her back, and it was midnight, it was inevitable that she would walk skowly.

   Fortunately, there were not many people who took this road, as most of the people went to Wanqing City, which was closer.

Xuanhe City was too far away, those who took this road were in good condition, and most of them had means of transportation.

  Gu Yundong and her group were the only ones walking. She had to enter her space and see what carts could be used here.

   But also because of this, when he heard the sound of rustling footsteps running towards them, Gu Yundong's first instinct was to tighten her nerves and cautiously lead Mother Yang to hide behind the dirt slope not far away.

   Just after hiding, Master Qian, Fu Ming and the others arrived.

  One, two, three, four, five, five shadowy figures were swaying under the moonlight, and they all seemed to be men.

   Gu Yundong held her breath for a moment, and the next moment, she heard an impatient voice from one of the men, "Didn't you say there was someone in front of us ? I can't even see a shadow of a ghost anywhere."

"Master Qian, don't worry, I didn't see it wrong. They must have heard our footsteps and decided to hide. Think about it, there are only four of them, and two of them a small children, so they can't walk fast at all. My wife Qiuyue also said they must be around here, as they have not left for long. You will find them if you look for them."

   "Hmph, I better find your nephew and nieces, otherwise you can use your daughter as payment."

   "Master Qian, don't worry, I promise I won't run away."

  Gu Yundong originally only felt that Fu Ming's voice was somewhat familiar, but she couldn't remember why, until she heard the word 'Qiuyue' and she instantly remembered it. Isn't this her little uncle's voice?

   Sure enough, both the husband and the wife were not good people. They had failed to cause trouble before, and now they brought a helper.

  This Master Qian…

Gu Yundong had also heard about him during the day. As she was inquiring about Gu Dajiang's whereabouts, she was also collecting various informations. She knew that there was a man named Master Qian at the gate of the city who would exchange food for beautiful children regardless of gender. As long as you catch his eye, he could even find a way to take you into the city.

   This Master Qian had a great reputation and and was also ruthless. It is said that there was a child who wanted to escape and he was tortured to death in front of him. If anyone was disobedient, he would whip you until you kneeled down and begged for mercy.

  He not only tortured the body, but also destroyed your dignity.

  Gu Qiuyue and Fu Ming, how many of her siblings were they going to sell to such a person?

Gu Yundong's face was ashen, this couple was a perfect match, no wonder they could meet and get married.

  Since the situation was like this, then she could not be blamed.

  Gu Yundong lowered her voice and said to Mother Yang and Gu Yunshu, who had already woken up, "You guys hide her obediently, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to come out, and you are not allowed to make any noise."

  Mother Yang and Gu Yunshu had developed the habit of being obedient to her along the way, and they nodded immediately.

   On the other side, Master Qian also waved at his subordinates, "Go, look around."