
The Eighth Paragon

They will need someone else's help to save the Multiverse.

Daoist1PuwrZ · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chaper 2



Superman is thinking about one of the balconies of the deo building, when Kara sees him she decides to accompany him ...

I'm sorry about your mom, says Superman sadly, I couldn't save her

Don't worry, you had no powers in argo -said Supergirl- there was nothing you could do

I feel like a fool -said Superman crestfallen- I thought I could give up the cape and ... have everything I ever wanted

and now Argo no longer exists -said Superman- and this land is in danger ... and I can't stop thinking that we won't make it

I understand ...- Supergirl says putting her hand on Superman's shoulder- lately I've also thought about that

As my mistakes exceed everything I have done ... -Supergirl said- but it's not true ... it can't be, and we're going to save everyone, have we already done it many times, haven't we? Why not this time?

damn ... -laugh Superman- how I would like to be as optimistic as you -said superman- today you have lost a lot, Argo, your mother ...

Before they sent us here -says Supergirl with tears- nobody knew about Krypton ... now there are celebrations, museums and holidays, just like you share your home with the family ... we also share the world -says supergirl- now it is too Our home



we see alex looking for Lena Luthor throughout the building to help the deo build "The Transmateria portal" ... finding her in her office looking from the window across the city ...

Did you come to arrest me in the apocalypse? -said Lena- or to kill me because you weren't successful last time?

I didn't want to hurt you Lena -said Alex- I tried to prevent him from using "myriad"

The reason why the sky is red and falling apart - says Alex- is due to a wave of antimatter that is approaching, and it will destroy the earth if Supergirl and the heroes do not stop it

and what do you want from me? -said Lena-

we want you to help us evacuate as many people as we can -said Alex- we need you to help us ... and I'm sorry I lied to you -continues Alex-

I don't want your apologies Alex -says Lena- but I will help to save those people ... what do they need?



the heroes set out to protect said tower ...

Whatever is inside is working - says Ray Palmer walking towards the tower - the antimatter wave stopped and is slowly dissipating ...

how we protect her - says Batwoman - from an enemy we know nothing about

you have to go in - yells oliver walking together with Mia to the tower - and you have to take strategic positions



What is this? - Mia asks entering along with Oliver- the well-known calm before the storm?

Something like that -answers Oliver walking with his bow in hand- remember Mia, whatever happens ... Find your mother.

Then in the sky it looks like an army appears but these soldiers are a kind of Black Ghosts ...

Okay - Mia says looking at the Army - When Lyla said an Army, I thought she was referring to a normal one

That's right, just that - says Oliver looking at the army - we haven't faced one like that before.

We can see Green Arrow, Mia, Batwoman and Ray Palmer fight hand to hand against the Flying army, each one of them giving their best blows, kicks, and all martial art techniques they know ... but the army begins to subdue them. ...

GET COVERED! -Oliver yells-

Everyone runs for cover under the rubble inside the tower ...

They try to cross the tower -said Mia-

We can't let that happen, 'said Oliver, shooting his arrows at the army.

The battle continues with Batwoman telling Ray palmer that right now an upgrade would be good for him, but Ray Palmer asks for one of his batarangs and starts talking like crazy ...

How wonderful! -Says Ray Palmer with The Batarang- Incredibly balanced. Carbon fiber?

Does your friend talk a lot? -Mia says to Oliver-

Yes, you get used to it - says Oliver - Ray Concentrate! -Oliver says to Ray Palmer-

Concentrating -Says Ray Palmer Charging with the energy of His suit the batarang and giving it to Batwoman to throw it-

Batwoman throws her batarang at the ghosts and they disappear completely

Not bad - says Batwoman to Ray Palmer who just nods-

Oliver and Mia keep throwing their arrows at the army until one of them hits Green Arrow and takes his bow sending him to one side along with Oliver ...

DAD! -Mia yells when she sees how Oliver is beaten and throwing an arrow at the ghost that was about to hit Oliver-

Have dad -Mia says handing the Bow to Oliver-

They're too much -Shouts Ray Palmer-

In that comes Superman Along with Supergirl and Flash ...

Do you want help? -said Barry-




It is not necessary for them to panic -says a woman through a screen in a building- Supergirl and Superman work hard to save this planet -While seeing a lot of ships ready to load people-

at that J'ohn Jonzz arrives in a gigantic ship and gives the order that they begin to group the people and begin to transport them

I hope Alex and Lena have that portal in time, so that we have a place to go -thinks the Martian-


The Tower keeps the Wave at bay, Supergirl is fighting hard to protect her, but we have to have this portal up and running -said Alex to Lena-

I am trying! -said Lena- but if I don't make adjustments, when the ships go through it they will dust.

Yeah, that's not a good option -said Alex-

No ... -answers Lena


We return with the Heroes who continue to fight to protect the Quantum tower ... We see Flash, Supergirl and Superman fight against the army of Ghosts, easily ending them ...

That is all? -said Flash-

Let's not sing Victoria -said Superman-

They're on the ceiling, says Ray Palmer, looking at the monitor on his wrist.

I told you -Superman says to Flash, who just smiles sadly-

At that time the quantum tower begins to fail and the sky turns red again and it looks like the antimatter wave is approaching the earth ...

What's going on out Ray? -Asks Oliver- The sky is red again.

More Army of Ghosts are coming! -Says Mia Pointing to the Window-

Kara, Clark, go up to the roof -says Oliver- And make the tower work again, we'll have to stop you down here ...

Supergirl and Superman fly to the roof of the ship ...

Are they solar panels? -Supergirl says to Superman-

If they are - says superman - Let's use our vision of Heat ...

And superman along with supergirl raise their heat vision by aiming at the panels and trying to power the tower.



Are you almost there? -Alex says to Lena who is in front of the computer-

Almost already ... -said Lena- I think so ... if the systems are already up and running, let J'ohn know ...



We return with Supergirl and Superman to the quantum towers that continue to use their heat vision fueling the tower ... Superman is the first to Fall due to Tiredness, followed by supergirl in the same way without being rescued by flash before hitting the ground ...

That was too close -Says Flash to Supergirl-

I always have to improve myself right? -Superman says Arriving together with ray Palmer with Supergirl and Flash-

It worked? -said Supergilr-

They succeeded -said Ray Palmer- The tower works again, and they warned that the portal is open, but it would be better to hurry because their heat vision did not stop the wave, it only slowed it down -said Ray Palmer looking at the monitor on his wrist- We have 14 minutes to get out of here.

Well, we better make every minute count -Supergirl says-

We will cover them -says oliver arriving along with Mia and Batwoman- we must keep the Ghosts at bay until the last ship leaves

In that, the heroes see the sky as an army of Ghosts arrives on the field ready to fight ...



The agents of the D.E.O tell people to get on the ships as quickly as possible ...

Get on the Ships - Shout an agent of the D.E.O.- Advance Fast and in Order Come on!



The Heroes Keep Fighting the Army of Ghosts. We see Superman and Supergirl use their vision of Heat disintegrating many ghosts, Ray Palmer using Rays that come out from his wrists of the Suit ... Batwoman fought Melee Exterminating Ghosts that can ... Green Arrow and Mia Using their Arrows Exterminating Ghosts ... And we also see Flash Using his SuperSpeed ​​Running to the redeor of heroes Exterminating ghosts, From a portal The Monitor emerges ...

The battle is Lost - says The Monitor to the Heroes - we must retreat and save resources for the coming battles.

The Monitor begins to Transport the Heroes Through Portals starting with Batwoman, then Ray Palmer followed by Overcome and Supergirl continuing with Mia and Finally ....

Oliver! Oli ...! -said Flash while being transported through a portal, leaving only Green Arrow-

Oliver! The time has come -said The Monitor-

Has the Planet already been Evacuated? -Oliver says-

Not at all -Says The Monitor-

Then it is not the time yet -Oliver says-

Then he shoots a calming arrow at The Monitor that cannot move, while Oliver continues to fight the Army of ghosts ... One of the ghosts manages to hit him and send him crashing into a wall ... Green Arrow staggers up and stands He realizes that he no longer has arrows ... The army approaches Oliver and we see him running towards the army to continue fighting ...

While to the lay we see how the Ships with the people manage to Escape through the portals ... while the antimatter wave approaches, erasing everything in its path.




We see how Oliver Queen / Green Arrow appears on a stretcher Dying along with The monitor who brought him through a portal ...

Oliver! -said Flash reaching the stretcher along with Mia, Superman and Supergirl-

I fight until the last breath -said The Monitor- Knowing that every second was a life saved- Says The Monitor Looking at the heroes together with oliver-

Saved? -Supergirl says-

Your world no longer exists -said The Monithor to Supergirl who begins to cry- Only a part managed to survive.

Among them appears Pariah within a light ...

Nash? -Says Barry looking at him-

no ...- Responds Pariah- now I am a man who fulfills his penance.

Penance of what? -Superman question-

Release The Anti Monitor from its Confinement -said Pariah- Only to become Pariah Condemned to bear witness to his actions

In that it looks like Winn, Sara and Lois emerge from a Portal, Sara runs to the stretcher when she sees Oliver ...

Oliver! -Shouts Sara-

It's okay Sara -said Oliver dying- It's my destiny

Oliver -said Flash-

Barry Your friend of mine - says Oliver - you are the best of us ... I gave everything for you and Kara ...

What do you mean? -said Flash-

I need you two ... -said Oliver- Be the ones to save us Now -says Oliver crying-

Mia, says Oliver.

Dad -said Mia Crying-

Do not forget to look for your mother -said Oliver- and William and tell them how much I love them -said Olvier Crying Again- I love you Daughter, Keep me in your heart Yes? -Crying again-

Dad -says mia but is interrupted by Oliver dying-

Agree? -Oliver says closing his eyes and dying in front of everyone-

This is not the ending I predicted -Said The Monitor-

Things are turning out differently -Says Pariah- but one thing is certain, Everything is Doomed

And everyone sees the Body of an Oliver Queen or known as Green Arrow On the Dead Stretcher ...

I hope Alex and Lena have that portal in time, so that we have a place to go -thinks the Martian-
