

the air is so fresh but the world is unfair its hard tobe a human

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I WAS in the car while dad driving .and mom reading a magazine and my brother taking a picture i look at my family looks like im wondering .hayystt but i was wondering the most is the boy i see before after we leave tskk . i hope i will never see her again like damn it hes always in my brain .

"my dear vlaire do you want to eat some a taste food?" (mom's said )

"yeah sure mom why not"(i'd answers)

"ok honey lets get stop on the hera's grill " (mom's said to daddy)

when were going to the restaurant mom said me to ordered some nice food



and then after i orderd the waiters proceed to my family to questioning of her all orderd

after 3 minutes of waiting the food was already reserved and then were going to eat now

while eating i said to mom that im going to use a bathroom

after i pay then i wash my face and go back to the table wher my family was

and then dad pay the bills and were going back to the travel

3 hours of travel

after travel were here in the greenday palace to stay some months so i took a rest at my bed


SHi*t its 7 am now

i woke up and take a bath and also to ready my self were going to the hospital

mom said "dear just stay here ok "

"ok mom i understand "(i said )

while i was setting in the bleachers of the hospital i saw a girl wo is criying so i come near for him .to comport him

"baby are you alrigth"(i said badly)

"no.."(she said while criying)

"oh god whats wrong"??

"my mother is sick and im so sad for him "(she said while criying so loud )

i was thinking of my self .while i was thingking a man help the girl and said "are u ok"

and then the man and me bothe the girl standing im comforting the girl but my eyes is on the man

^what is he again the one who i saw in the airport damn it. he smile at me

shi*t i think im going to melting .i took a deep breathe and then walk out my mom call me to undergo an a diseases test i close my eyes and sleep

after 10 munites of the test disease i open my eyes and no one ther on the room i sleep


"mom??"wher are you"

while i calling my moms name the door is opening and the man i see before is coming inside my room

"oh hi my name is james kayukazi im an college student "(he said nervously)

"and what brings you here"(i said )

" am well im here because your mom send me to be here tobe your guide and also i'll be your protector "(he said)

"ahh ok ok thats god thank you "

"yeah my pleasure"(he said )

while he taking the medicine for me i look at her face sh*t he is so good looking .well i guess oh no .no plsss self dont be inlove

he taking the medicine and i drank it after i drunk it he said to me"you must sleep you need to rest i wil be here for you to protect you "(he said so)

"ok thank you "(i said preasurely)

and then i sleep