
The Eclipse: Kayah's Account

The Eclipse In a world where the planet does not rotate, creating a perpetual divide between the eternal night of the Dark Empire and the relentless daylight of the Bright Empire, power and survival hinge on ancient traditions, martial prowess, and the delicate balance of darkness and light. Kayah, the young prince of the Dark Empire, wakes up in his childhood bed, startled to find himself ten years old again after being betrayed and murdered by his treacherous uncle, Malachai. With the mind of a thirty-year-old ruler, Kayah grasps the extraordinary opportunity fate has given him: a second chance to save his empire and prevent the tragedies of his past life. Armed with foreknowledge of the impending political machinations and betrayals, Kayah begins to maneuver through the intricate web of court politics. He sows seeds of doubt about his uncle’s loyalty and starts laying the groundwork to protect his father, the Emperor. To build his strength and prepare for the looming threats, Kayah chooses to join the Hidden Chamber of the Moon, a secretive academy where the Dark Empire’s finest warriors and mages are trained. In his previous life, he had ranked 49th out of 50 students, but this time, he vows it will be different. Upon his decision, a mysterious screen appears before him, displaying quests and rewards, introducing him to a system that promises to aid him in his quest for power and protection. His first quest, to join the Hidden Chamber of the Moon, grants him the mastery of invisibility, a skill that will prove invaluable. The journey to the Hidden Chamber is arduous, but Kayah, along with forty-nine other chosen children, arrives ready to undergo ten years of gruelling training. The Head Instructor, a formidable Full Moon, explains the ranks of their order: from New Moons to the elusive and legendary Eclipse, a state of power only achieved once, two centuries ago. In this crucible of power and discipline, Kayah must forge himself anew, mastering skills and strategies that will ensure his survival and the protection of his empire. He must navigate the intense rivalries and alliances within the Chamber, all while keeping his true intentions hidden. Kayah's journey is one of redemption, strategy, and transformation. He has two decades to alter the fate of the Dark Empire, to thwart Malachai’s schemes, and to bring balance to a world divided by perpetual darkness and light. The path to becoming an Eclipse, the most powerful warrior of his order, is fraught with challenges, but Kayah is determined. This time, the shadows will not claim him. This time, he will eclipse them all.

Nagra01 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Safe House in Eldia

After the intense confrontation at the boundary of the Sun and Moon realms, Kayah knew he needed to secure the valuable intelligence the SIS agent held.

"I am heading to the Eldia safe house," Kayah declared to his team of Lunar warriors. "Ensure the captive is securely bound and cover his eyes and ears. We can't risk any leaks."

The captive SIS agent, bound and blindfolded, was carried by Kayah on Chandra's back. Flying was out of the question as it would draw too much attention, so they travelled on foot and horseback, moving with utmost caution.

As they travelled, the landscape shifted from the dark, cool expanse of the Lunar realm to the harsh, relentless sun of the Solar realm. The journey was arduous, but Kayah's determination drove him forward. His thoughts were focused on the mission, the survival of the Lunar Empire, and the future that lay ahead.

After several days of relentless travel, they finally approached Eldia. The city, bathed in the ever-present sunlight of the Solar realm, was bustling with activity. Kayah moved discreetly, avoiding drawing attention. He navigated the crowded streets, their destination clear in his mind: the Lunar Safe House, a hidden sanctuary within enemy territory.

Quest Completed

Rewards Transferred To Inventory

"I will save this for later," Kayah thought.

Upon reaching the safe house, they were greeted by Helios, one of the best agents of the Lunar Intelligence Wing (LIW). Helios was a Blood Moon, his presence exuding both authority and amiability. He welcomed them inside, his sharp eyes taking in the captive SIS agent.

"Welcome back, Kayah," Helios said, his voice calm and reassuring. "I see you've brought us something valuable."

Kayah nodded, his expression serious. "This agent holds crucial information about the Bright Empire's plans. We need to extract everything he knows."

Helios gestured to a secure room within the safe house. "We'll handle the interrogation. In the meantime, we need to discuss your next steps."

As the captive was taken away for interrogation, Helios led Kayah to a private chamber. The room was dimly lit, filled with maps and intelligence reports. Helios motioned for Kayah to sit, and they began to discuss the situation.

"The Bright Empire is fostering a Red Giant," Kayah began, recounting the information he had gathered from the drunken Nawab. "They aim to reach the Eclipse level, which is a significant threat"

Helios listened intently, his expression growing more serious. "The Eclipse level is a dangerous power to contend with. If the Bright Empire achieves it, our realm will be in grave danger."

"We need to identify 'Him'," Kayah continued. "This figure in the Lunar Empire is orchestrating their movements. We must uncover his identity and stop him. He was mentioned many times by Fathun as an ally in the enemy estate."

Helios nodded in agreement. "We'll increase our surveillance and gather more intelligence on their operations. In the meantime, you and Neil need to continue your mission. Gain as much information as possible."

Kayah's eyes narrowed with determination. "We will. The survival of the Lunar Empire depends on it."

As the meeting concluded, Helios handed Kayah a small device. "This is a communication stone. Use it to contact me directly if you uncover anything significant. Be cautious, Prince Kayah. The Bright Empire is not to be underestimated."

Kayah took the stone, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders. He knew the path ahead would be fraught with danger, but he was ready. With Chandra by his side and the support of the LIW, he would navigate the challenges and ensure the Dark Empire's survival.

Leaving the private chamber, Kayah rejoined Neil, who had been waiting outside. "We have our orders," Kayah said, his voice steady. "We need to solidify our identities and continue gathering information."

Neil nodded, his expression mirroring Kayah's determination. "We'll make it happen, Kayah. Together."

The two of them met Rai in the safe house. Rai said that he was now an interrogator, his hands always bathed in blood, but it was more satisfying than stepping back into the bustling streets of Eldia. The sun beat down relentlessly, a constant reminder of the realm they were in. But Kayah's resolve was unwavering. He had a mission to complete, and he would see it through.

Over the next few weeks, Kayah and Neil immersed themselves in their new identities. Kane, the well-reputed merchant, and Kai, his loyal brother, became well-known figures everywhere. They continued to gather intelligence, listening to conversations, and observing the movements of key figures within the city.

One day, as Kayah walked through the busy market, a beggar approached him. The beggar handed him a small note, and then quickly disappeared into the crowd. Kayah unfolded the note and read the message: "Nawab Fathun is planning a significant meeting tonight. Be there."

Kayah's heart quickened with anticipation. This could be the breakthrough they needed. He quickly made his way back to their residence, where Neil was waiting.

"We have a lead," Kayah said, showing Neil the note. "We need to be at the Nawab's meeting tonight."

Neil's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Let's do this."

As night fell, the two of them prepared for their covert operation. Using their skills and the tools at their disposal, they infiltrated the Nawab's residence, taking up hidden positions to observe the meeting.

From their vantage point, they watched as the Nawab and several key figures within the Bright Empire discussed their plans. The conversation revealed critical information about their operations, including the movements of the Red Giant and several mentions of 'Him', who they said would meet the Raja in two months.

Kayah listened intently, his precise hearing picking up every detail. He mentally cataloged the information, knowing it would be invaluable to their mission.

As the meeting concluded, Kayah and Neil slipped away, returning to their residence. They quickly relayed the information to Helios via the communication stone, detailing everything they had learned.

Helios's response was immediate. "Excellent work. This information is crucial. Stay vigilant. Your final mission has come before you go to Sunvia. Get rid of Fathun."


Final Quest of Eldia: Kill Nawab Fathun

Reward: To Be Decided Upon Accomplishment

Starts in 24 Hours and 13 Minutes