
The Eclipse: Kayah's Account

The Eclipse In a world where the planet does not rotate, creating a perpetual divide between the eternal night of the Dark Empire and the relentless daylight of the Bright Empire, power and survival hinge on ancient traditions, martial prowess, and the delicate balance of darkness and light. Kayah, the young prince of the Dark Empire, wakes up in his childhood bed, startled to find himself ten years old again after being betrayed and murdered by his treacherous uncle, Malachai. With the mind of a thirty-year-old ruler, Kayah grasps the extraordinary opportunity fate has given him: a second chance to save his empire and prevent the tragedies of his past life. Armed with foreknowledge of the impending political machinations and betrayals, Kayah begins to maneuver through the intricate web of court politics. He sows seeds of doubt about his uncle’s loyalty and starts laying the groundwork to protect his father, the Emperor. To build his strength and prepare for the looming threats, Kayah chooses to join the Hidden Chamber of the Moon, a secretive academy where the Dark Empire’s finest warriors and mages are trained. In his previous life, he had ranked 49th out of 50 students, but this time, he vows it will be different. Upon his decision, a mysterious screen appears before him, displaying quests and rewards, introducing him to a system that promises to aid him in his quest for power and protection. His first quest, to join the Hidden Chamber of the Moon, grants him the mastery of invisibility, a skill that will prove invaluable. The journey to the Hidden Chamber is arduous, but Kayah, along with forty-nine other chosen children, arrives ready to undergo ten years of gruelling training. The Head Instructor, a formidable Full Moon, explains the ranks of their order: from New Moons to the elusive and legendary Eclipse, a state of power only achieved once, two centuries ago. In this crucible of power and discipline, Kayah must forge himself anew, mastering skills and strategies that will ensure his survival and the protection of his empire. He must navigate the intense rivalries and alliances within the Chamber, all while keeping his true intentions hidden. Kayah's journey is one of redemption, strategy, and transformation. He has two decades to alter the fate of the Dark Empire, to thwart Malachai’s schemes, and to bring balance to a world divided by perpetual darkness and light. The path to becoming an Eclipse, the most powerful warrior of his order, is fraught with challenges, but Kayah is determined. This time, the shadows will not claim him. This time, he will eclipse them all.

Nagra01 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Journey to Eldia

Five years had passed since Kayah entered the Hidden Chamber of the Moon. He had mastered all the skills taught to him, surpassing his peers and becoming the strongest in his batch. Officially, he was recognized as a Half-Moon, but in reality, Kayah had already achieved Full Moon status, a fact he kept hidden from everyone. His time for revealing this secret had not yet come.

The Head Instructor gathered the initiates for an important announcement. "You have honed your physical and martial abilities. Now, it's time for your intelligence training. You will travel far toward the Solar Realm. You are now capable enough to protect yourselves, but be cautious. You must not be captured on your way. You will be divided into two teams. Team 1 will head to the East Branch, and Team 2 to the West Branch. Your journey will be perilous, but it is a crucial part of your training."

The instructor paused, looking at the group with a mixture of pride and sternness. "Team 1 will be led by Half-Moon Kayah. Under him are Half-Moon Neil, Crescent Moon Rai, Crescent Moon Meera, and Semi-Crescent Moon Page. Team 2 will be led by Half-Moon Zavior, with Half-Moon Nova, Half-Moon Creigh, Semi-Crescent Robin, and Semi-Crescent Dave. Do not reveal your name to anyone. Avoid conflict as much as possible. You will be found by the Intelligence Division upon reaching the outer cities of Eldia in the east and Elara in the west. You will train there for four years. Afterward, both teams will meet in the capital city, Sunvia, to complete the final year of training. At the end, a test will be conducted, followed by your official postings. Good luck on your journey."

As the instructor finished, a familiar screen appeared before Kayah:

New Quest Found

Travel Safely to Eldia

Reward: Art of Precise Hearing

With a sense of purpose, the groups moved out at dawn. The instructor watched them depart, a sense of pride in his heart. Kayah's team moved with calculated precision, travelling swiftly and silently for seven days. On the eighth day, they encountered a group of merchants being robbed by bandits.

"We should help them," Kayah said, his eyes narrowing at the scene.

Rai shook his head. "Our movements are secretive. We can't attract attention. We're about to reach the boundary of the Moon and Sun. It's too risky."

Neil, however, insisted, "We can't just ignore them. We have the strength to make a difference."

Rai sighed, knowing the stubbornness of his teammates. "Fine, but we need a plan."

The team huddled together, formulating a detailed and well-thought-out attack. They would use their training to execute a surprise assault, minimizing risk and exposure.

Kayah led the charge, his movements precise but restrained, not revealing his full power. Neil flanked the bandits from the left, Rai took the right, while Meera and Page provided support from the rear. They moved like shadows, silent and deadly.

The bandits were taken by surprise, their disarray evident. Kayah's blade moved with lethal efficiency, cutting down those who resisted. Neil's strength and speed were unmatched, while Rai's strategic positioning ensured no bandit could escape. Meera and Page provided cover, their arrows finding their marks with unerring accuracy.

The merchants, now saved, expressed their profound gratitude. "We owe you our lives," one of them said, bowing deeply.

Kayah nodded. "Can you help us cross the Boundary of the Moon and Sun?"

"Of course," the merchant replied. "We know a safe passage."

The group moved swiftly, guided by the merchants. They reached the twilight zone, a mystical area between the perpetual night and day of their world. The merchants suggested resting there, assuring them it was safe despite the proximity to dragon territory.

"Dragons are strong, but they do not harm humans unless provoked or ordered by their master," one merchant explained.

That night, as everyone slept, Kayah sat outside, observing the moonlit sky. He prayed silently, "Oh, Great Lord of the Night. Bless me, Great Moon. Light my path and guide me to strength."

Suddenly, a shadow passed overhead. A dragon landed near him, its black scales shimmering in the moonlight, its silver eyes gazing intently at Kayah. The screen appeared again:

New Quest Found

Accept the Lunar Dragon

Reward: Dragon Connectivity

The dragon bowed its head, a sign of submission. Kayah, filled with awe, placed his hand on its head.

Quest Completed

Reward Transferred

"Wow," Rai's voice broke the silence. "Well done, Kayah. As expected of you."

Kayah turned, surprised but not alarmed. "You saw?"

Rai nodded. "It's the legendary Lunar Dragon. Dragons are a great species. They can change their size, breathe fire, and fly. This is a great ally for you."

"Thanks, Rai," Kayah said, appreciating his friend's support. "Please, keep this between us."

"Don't worry," Rai assured him. "Your secret is safe with me."

The next morning, the group continued their journey, the Lunar Dragon now an unseen guardian in their midst. 

Parting ways with the merchants at the boundary of moon and sun, Team 1 ventured into the blazing desert, a stark contrast to the cold dunes they were accustomed to in the perpetual night of the Dark Empire. The first few days were a gruelling adjustment. The relentless sun beat down on them, sapping their strength and challenging their resolve.

For a month, they moved in secrecy, navigating the harsh terrain with careful precision. The landscape was unforgiving, with endless stretches of dunes, rocky outcrops, and sparse vegetation. Water was scarce, and they relied on their training to find hidden oases and conserve their supplies.

Kayah led the team with unwavering determination, his strategic mind constantly at work. Neil, with his brute strength and keen instincts, scouted ahead, ensuring their path was clear of threats. Rai's analytical mind mapped out the terrain, identifying the safest routes and potential shelters. Meera and Page worked tirelessly, providing support and maintaining morale.

The sun's relentless heat tested their endurance daily. The nights offered little respite, with the temperature plummeting and the cold biting into their weary bodies. Yet, they pressed on, driven by their mission and the knowledge that failure was not an option.

As they travelled, they encountered various challenges. Sandstorms battered them, forcing them to take cover and wait for the fury of nature to pass. They stumbled upon dangerous creatures adapted to the harsh desert environment, but their combined skills and teamwork allowed them to fend off these threats without sustaining serious injuries.

Despite the hardships, the journey was not without its moments of beauty. They marvelled at the breathtaking sunsets, where the sky blazed with hues of orange and red, a stark reminder of the world they sought to understand better. The desert nights, though cold, offered a stunning view of the starlit sky, the constellations shining brightly in the absence of light pollution.

After a month of gruelling travel, their persistence paid off. They began to notice subtle changes in the environment—the air grew more humid, the sand gradually gave way to rocky soil, and sparse vegetation became more frequent. They were nearing Eldia, the outer city of the Solar Realm.

The city loomed on the horizon, a sprawling oasis amid the desert. Eldia, with its towering walls and bustling streets, was a testament to human ingenuity and resilience. As they approached, a sense of accomplishment and anticipation filled the group. They had survived the journey, and now, their intelligence training would begin.

With the promise of new challenges and opportunities ahead, Kayah and his team prepared to enter Eldia, ready to face whatever lay in wait within the city's walls.

Upon entering Eldia, Kayah felt a familiar surge of energy as the screen appeared:

Quest Completed

Reward: Art of Precise Hearing Transferred to Inventory

Kayah mentally accessed his inventory and activated the Art of Precise Hearing. Immediately, his senses sharpened. He could hear the distant conversations of the bustling market, the rustling of leaves in the wind, and even the faint heartbeats of his companions. This newfound ability would be invaluable in the intelligence training to come.

As they were escorted to the Intelligence Division's headquarters, the gravity of their mission settled in. The city of Eldia was vast and complex, a network of secrets and information that they would need to navigate and master. Kayah looked at his team, confident in their abilities and ready to lead them through the next phase of their training. The journey had only just begun.