
The Echoes of Eternity : A Time Odyssey

In a realm beyond the constraints of time and space, there were once seven mighty beings known as the Multiversal Keepers. Together, they created and governed a multitude of worlds, each a unique tapestry of existence, life, and magic. These worlds thrived under their benevolent care, fostering civilizations and nurturing the wonders of the cosmos. Yet, all stories have their dark chapters, and the Multiversal Keepers were no exception. The most powerful among them, the Warden of Eternity, spiraled into madness. With a heart consumed by darkness, she sought to destroy the worlds she had helped shape, sending ripples of chaos through the tapestry of creation. In the world of Voratia, the other Keepers and the inhabitants united to subdue the Warden, sacrificing countless lives to seal her away. The seal held for thousands of years, ensuring the survival of the Multiverse. But time is an unyielding force, and the seal began to weaken. Now, the cosmos faces an impending cataclysm as the influence of the Warden of Eternity threatens to break free once more. -- Amidst the impending doom, a young mage embarks on a remarkable journey. He must travel through the threads of time, traversing different epochs and eras teeming with magic, myths, and legends. mission: to locate the scattered Power, enigmatic relics left behind by the absent Multiversal Keepers. With these artifacts, they hope to reinforce the weakening seal and prevent the complete liberation of the Warden of Eternity.

just_a_strange_guy · Fantasy
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25 Chs


As Cyrillus approached the tavern's counter, he couldn't help but take in the peculiar atmosphere of the place. The plaza outside was marred by dark red and black stains, suggestive of frequent violence, and many of the surrounding buildings bore the scars of past conflict. People were busy scrubbing away these grim reminders, all the while wearing smiles, their interactions seemingly normal for the dire state of the location.

Inside the tavern, the scene was equally perplexing. Wooden tables, well-worn from years of use, were scattered throughout the space. A diverse crowd filled the room, ranging from those with decent attire and clean faces to individuals dressed in tattered rags bearing signs of wounds and violence.

Cyrillus observed the surroundings carefully, noting the worn teakwood tables and even a billboard in one corner of the tavern. What stood out most about the billboard were the pictures of people, all sharing one common feature: enormous, almost unnerving smiles adorning their faces. It was as if they had each won a massive lottery or stumbled upon some incredible fortune. Their expressions, plastered on the billboard, seemed to convey the same eerie sense of happiness.

Unfazed, Cyrillus continued to the counter, curiosity compelling him to explore this enigmatic corner of the world further.

Cyrillus observed the intimidating bartender and couldn't help but find his presence quite overwhelming. He thought to himself, 'Yup, intimidation is definitely your passive skill... I get it, but turn it off now!' Regardless of his subconscious discomfort, Cyrillus maintained a faint smile as he took out all the copper coins he had, placing them on the counter. He then asked if he could get a drink with the coins he'd just put down.

The towering bartender nodded, swiftly collecting the coins, counting them effortlessly with a single glance, and tossing them into a nearby drawer. He didn't utter a single word. Instead, he raised his right hand, displaying a two-fingered victory sign, a simple but effective way to communicate with patrons.

Cyrillus was initially perplexed but quickly realized the meaning of the gesture and asked, "I can get two drinks?" To this, the bartender once again nodded in affirmation.

Cyrillus considered his options as he glanced at a board listing various drinks, the names written in Norric. While he could read and write Norric, it was still relatively new to him, and some of the names were unfamiliar. He pondered his choices, contemplating the various options. Some drinks, like beer and whiskey, he recognized, while others remained a mystery.

After some contemplation, Cyrillus decided to go with a beer, a familiar and safe choice. It seemed like the best option for biding his time until Sagaris's return.

Cyrillus scanned the various beer options on the menu and found two particular ones that piqued his curiosity: "Angomere," which he recognized as the fruit he had sampled in the market, and "Tearing Joy," which intrigued him with its name. After some consideration, he decided to order "Tearing Joy" along with another beer, and the bartender acknowledged his choice.

The bartender seemed quite pleased with Cyrillus's choice of "Tearing Joy." As he fetched a sealed bottle from a cabinet, Cyrillus couldn't help but notice the giant bartender's apparent joy, or at least what he interpreted as joy, while preparing the drink. The bartender returned with the bottle and poured the liquid into a glass placed in front of Cyrillus.

Cyrillus examined the glass, feeling its weight and texture. It had a quality that was distinct from porcelain, and he found it intriguing. He asked the bartender, "Which one of the two is this?" The bartender responded by raising his two fingers to confirm that it was indeed "Tearing Joy."

Amused and somewhat perplexed by the silent communication with the bartender, Cyrillus couldn't help but think, 'Why am I meeting all these crazy people who don't speak but just use signs? And why the heck can I understand them this easily?' Nevertheless, he took his first sip of the unusual drink, and his reaction was immediate.

The bitterness and sourness of the drink took him by surprise, nearly causing him to spit it out in shock. However, he quickly thought better of it, not wanting to deal with the bartender's potential reaction to a mess. Instead, he forced himself to swallow the unexpected taste, inwardly challenging himself to endure it.

Cyrillus found "Tearing Joy" to be a bittersweet and sour concoction, with a white appearance and a pleasant aftertaste. However, the initial sourness made him cautious, and he decided to take smaller sips to savor the unique flavor without overwhelming his palate.

The bartender, upon witnessing Cyrillus's reaction, turned away with a hint of disappointment but retained a hopeful glimmer in his eyes. He shifted his attention to other patrons, perhaps searching for a companion to unwind or spar with, anything to break the monotony and share in the quirkiness of the moment.

Just as the first half of "Tearing Joy" vanished into thin air, the gentle giant reappeared, lightly tapping the table twice to catch Cyrillus's attention. When he spoke, Cyrillus could hardly believe his ears, and a comical "huh?" escaped his lips, as if he needed a reality check.

The bartender sighed dramatically. "This is precisely why I'm not much of a talker," he admitted.

Cyrillus responded with a grin, trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably. 'Who would've thought that the most intimidating character in the room would possess a voice as smooth as a jazz singer's? If I let out a laugh today, I might just miss tomorrow's breakfast... Inhale... exhale... composure.'

"As I was saying, are you a traveler?" the giant inquired, maintaining a solemn expression.

Cyrillus nodded, his head still buried in his drink. "Yup, traveler extraordinaire!"

The bartender's demeanor shifted abruptly. "You should consider leaving soon. There's word of an impending, ferocious storm."

With that, he poured another glass of 'Angomore,' set it before Cyrillus, and waltzed away from the counter. A few minutes later, a new bartender took his place.

Cyrillus took a sip of his drink, savoring the delightful sweetness of the Angomore. He felt the warmth coursing through his veins, and it was a welcome embrace after the effects of "Tearing Joy."

As he glanced up at the new bartender, he encountered a tall, muscular man with a bushy beard and piercing blue eyes. There was a subtle but palpable aura of suspicion in the new bartender's gaze, and Cyrillus knew instantly that this one wouldn't be as accommodating as his predecessor.

"Can I get you anything else?" the new bartender asked, his voice gruff and deep.

Cyrillus shook his head. "No, thank you. Just this for now."

The bartender nodded, then went about his business of cleaning glasses and restocking the shelves behind the bar. Cyrillus took another sip of his drink, then turned his attention to the other people in the room.

There were only a handful of them still seated, but they all looked like they belonged in a place like this. Rough-looking men and women, some with scars and missing limbs, others with tattoos and piercings. Cyrillus knew that he stood out like a sore thumb among them, but he tried his best to blend in and not draw too much attention to himself.

He glanced outside and saw that it was getting late. He finished his drink, then stood up and walked towards the door, already feeling tipsy.

"Getting high from two beers? Is this really me? This guy probably never drank much, I guess," he thought to himself.

As he reached for the handle, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see the new bartender staring at him with a stern expression.

"You're not from around here, are you?" the man said, his voice low and menacing.

Cyrillus swallowed hard. He knew that he had to be careful with his words if he didn't want to end up on the wrong side of this man.

"No, I'm just passing through," he replied, trying to sound as casual as possible.

The bartender narrowed his eyes. "Well, you better be careful. This town is not a safe place for strangers, especially ones like you."