
The Echoes of Eternity : A Time Odyssey

In a realm beyond the constraints of time and space, there were once seven mighty beings known as the Multiversal Keepers. Together, they created and governed a multitude of worlds, each a unique tapestry of existence, life, and magic. These worlds thrived under their benevolent care, fostering civilizations and nurturing the wonders of the cosmos. Yet, all stories have their dark chapters, and the Multiversal Keepers were no exception. The most powerful among them, the Warden of Eternity, spiraled into madness. With a heart consumed by darkness, she sought to destroy the worlds she had helped shape, sending ripples of chaos through the tapestry of creation. In the world of Voratia, the other Keepers and the inhabitants united to subdue the Warden, sacrificing countless lives to seal her away. The seal held for thousands of years, ensuring the survival of the Multiverse. But time is an unyielding force, and the seal began to weaken. Now, the cosmos faces an impending cataclysm as the influence of the Warden of Eternity threatens to break free once more. -- Amidst the impending doom, a young mage embarks on a remarkable journey. He must travel through the threads of time, traversing different epochs and eras teeming with magic, myths, and legends. mission: to locate the scattered Power, enigmatic relics left behind by the absent Multiversal Keepers. With these artifacts, they hope to reinforce the weakening seal and prevent the complete liberation of the Warden of Eternity.

just_a_strange_guy · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Mister Dumba- s.s

Shortly after Cyrillus and Sagaris went their separate ways upon arriving in the city, a group of people began to gather together. They wore simple, unassuming clothes that varied in colour from person to person. However, one thing they all had in common was the red armband that each person sported. It was a bold and eye-catching contrast to their otherwise unremarkable attire. They did not utter a single word, communicating only through hand gestures. It was clear that they were a tight-knit group, united by a common purpose or cause. The way they carried themselves suggested a certain level of determination and resilience, as if they had been through difficult times. They seemed capable of speaking, but it was evident that they had been instructed not to.

A simple order was given to them: "Split up and spread throughout the city and await further instructions." This specific group was tasked with heading towards the centre of the city, where a senior member was waiting for them with further instructions. "Everything is for freedom!" they had been taught since a very young age. The plan to overthrow the oppressive regime had been in the works for years, and this group was just one small part of a larger resistance movement. Each member was fully committed to the cause, willing to do whatever it took to achieve their ultimate goal of a free and just society, or at least what they believed to be an oppressive regime.

As they walked towards their destination, another member came running towards them from the opposite direction, panting and out of breath. He quickly approached the group and signalled for them to stop. The group halted and gathered around him, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity.

The man who had run towards the group from the opposite direction was gasping for breath and barely able to speak. He frantically waved his arms in the air, making swift and sharp movements as if he was trying to convey an urgent message. He pointed in different directions, gesturing with his fingers as if indicating the movement of troops. He made a fist and then opened it repeatedly.

The message was simple for their group: their destination was currently under surveillance, and an order had arrived for them to split up and move as a smaller group, and then gather towards the centre. One of the group would receive the next order from the senior member that was still hidden in the crowd, waiting for the right moment to act. It was decided that they would meet at the plaza in the centre of the city after a few hours.

They split up into four smaller groups, with each team having a temporary assigned leader.

Mr. Dumba.AS, an experienced and smart leader, had been assigned to lead a team, but his tendency to overanalyse every situation had kept him at the bottom of the ranks. Nonetheless, he was determined to prove himself and be promoted. He took his team through a narrow alleyway that was rarely used by the public, making sure they were well hidden. Mr. Dumba.AS led the way in the front, with his partner behind him keeping watch for any potential threats. The other two pairs followed suit. As they walked, Mr. Dumba.AS couldn't help but feel anxious, knowing the risks they faced. He tried to calm himself down and remain focused on the task at hand. They walked for what felt like hours, avoiding main roads and sticking to the shadows. Suddenly, they heard footsteps approaching from behind. Mr. Dumba.AS signalled for everyone to stop, and they quickly hid behind some nearby crates. Peeking out, they saw a group of armed guards walking past. Mr. Dumba.AS's heart raced as the guards neared their hiding spot, but to their relief, the guards passed without noticing anything.

After the guards were out of sight, Mr. Dumba.AS and his team resumed their journey towards the plaza. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they reached the plaza. They looked around, trying to find any signs of their fellow rebels.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the crowd and signalled to them

Mr. Dumba.AS did not know who the senior was supposed to be but knew that the senior would definitely recognize them. He wanted to confirm whether he really was the person they were supposed to meet, but when the man signalled by raising his hand to his heart, then up towards the sky and back down, they knew it was him! How could he not be? It was the way fellow rebels greeted each other since the inception. Mr. Dumba.AS ordered his team to standby and moved towards his senior alone. He did not want anyone else to take away his only chance to progress through the ranks! As Mr. Dumba.AS approached his senior, he could feel his heart racing with anticipation. The senior member looked at him with a stern expression, and Mr. Dumba.AS could sense that he was about to be put to the test.

The respected senior, who had hidden himself from the public for many years, now stood right in front of Mr. Dumba.AS. A sense of respect rose from the bottom of his heart. The person in front of Mr. Dumba.AS then started communicating with him using the sign language that only trained rebels could understand. To others, the person would seem to have gone mad and randomly flinging his hands. The senior first pointed a finger at Mr. Dumba.AS and then made a fist and spun his other hand. The message was simple - Mr. Dumba.AS will lead all the people gathering there. Next, he placed his right hand on his heart, meaning "I respect you a lot!" He made a fist with his thumb remaining straight like a thumbs up, placed it to his lips, and drew a circle above his cheeks with a finger, implying that the plan was going down sooner than expected, and it was an emergency! Mr. Dumba.AS's face became stern, and he stood straight, nodding slightly to imply that he understood. The senior then made a sign of an unfinished triangle like a hut roof and then widened his hands above his head as much as he could. This meant that they would have to detonate the spells placed inside them for the plan to work anymore! They needed to call all their people there, and they would do it together!

After receiving the orders from the senior member, Mr. Dumba.AS was crestfallen, his ambition to climb the ranks of the rebel army was burning inside him like an unquenchable fire, but now he was being asked to make the ultimate sacrifice - to give his life and those of his team for the success of the rebellion. Despite the weight of the situation, Mr. Dumba.AS knew that his duty to the cause was greater than his personal ambitions. He realized that if the rebellion was successful, his name would be etched in history as a true hero who fought until his last breath for the freedom of his people.

With a determined nod and a quick salute, he turned to his team and relayed the orders that they had received from the senior member. Time was of the essence, and he knew that they had to act fast. The team was initially taken aback by the orders, but Mr. Dumba.AS reassured them that they were doing the right thing for their cause. He reminded them of the sacrifices that the senior member and others before them had made to ensure the success of the rebellion.

As the team set about their tasks, Mr. Dumba.AS couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in being part of something greater than himself. He recalled the days when he was a young and vulnerable boy, saved by the rebels who had taken him in, fed him, and kept him safe until he was able to stand on his own feet. Now, he had the chance to give back to those who had given him so much.

Together, the team contacted all the rebels they knew and gathered them in the plaza. The mood was somber yet determined as they prepared to carry out the orders that had been given to them. As Mr. Dumba.AS looked around at the faces of his fellow rebels, he knew that they were all willing to make the same sacrifice he was. They were a family, bound together by a common cause and a deep sense of duty to their people.

Within a few hours, a sizable group had gathered, all of them sporting a resolute expression on their faces. As the sun began to set, Mr. Dumba.AS stepped forward to address the group, explaining the plan and the sacrifice that they would all need to make. The group listened intently, their determination growing stronger with every passing moment.

At last, the moment they had all been preparing for had arrived. The rebels united, clasping hands as they readied themselves to trigger the spells within them. While a wave of sadness swept over Mr. Dumba.AS as he thought about the life he was about to leave behind, he knew that he was making this sacrifice for something much greater than himself. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and linked hands with his fellow rebels. The last thing he felt was an overwhelming surge of magic coursing through his veins before he was consumed by darkness.

When he finally opened his eyes once more, he found himself in a new world. No longer a rebel, he was now hailed as a hero, a symbol of hope and liberation for his people.