
The Echoes of Eternity : A Time Odyssey

In a realm beyond the constraints of time and space, there were once seven mighty beings known as the Multiversal Keepers. Together, they created and governed a multitude of worlds, each a unique tapestry of existence, life, and magic. These worlds thrived under their benevolent care, fostering civilizations and nurturing the wonders of the cosmos. Yet, all stories have their dark chapters, and the Multiversal Keepers were no exception. The most powerful among them, the Warden of Eternity, spiraled into madness. With a heart consumed by darkness, she sought to destroy the worlds she had helped shape, sending ripples of chaos through the tapestry of creation. In the world of Voratia, the other Keepers and the inhabitants united to subdue the Warden, sacrificing countless lives to seal her away. The seal held for thousands of years, ensuring the survival of the Multiverse. But time is an unyielding force, and the seal began to weaken. Now, the cosmos faces an impending cataclysm as the influence of the Warden of Eternity threatens to break free once more. -- Amidst the impending doom, a young mage embarks on a remarkable journey. He must travel through the threads of time, traversing different epochs and eras teeming with magic, myths, and legends. mission: to locate the scattered Power, enigmatic relics left behind by the absent Multiversal Keepers. With these artifacts, they hope to reinforce the weakening seal and prevent the complete liberation of the Warden of Eternity.

just_a_strange_guy · Fantasy
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Flip Time?

The dragon fell into silence upon hearing Cyrillus's words. His massive form loomed over the cave, and even in his weakened state, the weight of his presence was palpable.

'No matter what you do now, I know you'll do it so that I can rest in peace, and I would never blame you for this,' he contemplated, his reptilian eyes reflecting a deep understanding of his impending fate. 'You never showed it on your face, but I know you loved me, father, this is where we part our ways,' he thought, his thoughts echoing with the wisdom of ages. He had learned to trust Cyrillus implicitly, and now he was prepared to meet his destiny.

Cyrillus snapped his fingers, and the cavern trembled with newfound energy. A colossal circle, wide enough to encompass the large dragon, materialized under him. The ground itself seemed to bow to the arcane power at play. Inside the circle, intricate star patterns began to form, their luminescent lines weaving a cosmic tapestry. Small, indescribable symbols revolved around the central star.

As soon as the star's formation was complete, an illusory hourglass slowly manifested above the dragon's head. Its upper chamber, nearly drained of sand, froze in place before the grains began to trickle down once more. The dragon felt a profound shift within him, as if a renewed vigor was surging through his veins. His heartbeat quickened, a rhythm of life and vitality returning to his once-weary body.

Cyrillus, in a final flourish of power, snapped his fingers once more. The chains that had bound the dragon, etched into his body like scars of suffering, were violently torn away. The dragon's agonizing cry reverberated through the cave, shaking the very stones around them. It was a sound of pain, but also of liberation, as the last remnants of his imprisonment fell away, leaving him free and transformed.

"Don't act like a puppy who can't handle even a little amount of pain," Cyrillus chided the dragon, his words carrying a stern tone.

The dragon, much like a scolded child, fell into silence once more. He averted his gaze from Cyrillus, fixing his eyes on a solitary rock nestled in the corner of the chamber. A moment later he realised something! His vision was restored!

But as the dragon pondered this newfound sight, he couldn't resist turning back towards Cyrillus. The human, unchanged over centuries, retained an aura of agelessness, an otherworldly presence.

"What? Did your brain start to undevelop itself again? Why are you staring at me like that?" Cyrillus inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

The dragon, in a mixture of wonder and confusion, asked, "How?"

"Time has the power to ensure you carry on with your life until death finally welcomes you," Cyrillus began, his explanation taking on a patient tone. "But time can also be a trickster. I've just turned your hourglass upside down. Think of it as if I've granted you a fresh start, breathing new life into your existence."

"So I can cast this magic too?" the dragon inquired, aware of his own magical abilities.

Cyrillus responded with a confident tone, "No, you can't. This magic is impossible to be cast by others. It's known to only two individuals: myself and one other. Even if you could somehow manage it, the spell would exact a fatal toll on your life. There's no room for error here, and where death is intended, death will follow. I used it on you because it was necessary, and remember, this is not my true form."

He continued, "The manifestation you see will be erased, and it will be as if nothing ever happened."

"Now listen closely to what I am going to say, time is rapidly dwindling. You have a mere three months until your hourglass completely runs out, but it won't end your life. You're destined to return to your original form as an egg, and your quest will be to search for…" Cyrillus explained to the dragon, who was his self-proclaimed son.

"Have you comprehended everything? When you transform into an egg, you will lose all your memories, but I've already cast a spell on you that will eventually bring you back here, where you will recover all of your past."

"Yes, father," the dragon replied, his head bowed to meet Cyrillus's gaze.

"Shrink yourself when you go, I must depart before time runs out."

"I'll see you soon, then, father," the dragon said in a solemn tone as he watched Cyrillus fade into nothingness.

"He's back at last! Hahaha, I can once more traverse the world with him! Yes!" the dragon exclaimed, but the mirth in his voice was tinged with a sense of foreboding. All the suffering, the torment he endured during the long years of his imprisonment had vanished. But the dragon understood there was no need for revenge.

Why? Because he knew where his father was headed, and he also had knowledge of what was to befall those people.

He moved towards the cave entrance, his dance and song carrying a sense of ominous anticipation. He was careful not to damage the cave, recognizing its significance for the future.

"Should I cloak this cave with potent magic? But what if it hinders my return? Perhaps a detection spell? Or a magic that spares only my father and me, exempting his companions and all non-human entities? No, a fragile barrier that shatters with a touch of my magic will suffice..."

The dragon quickly set to work, erecting a barrier that he believed to be impenetrable. Time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford to delay, for he had a mission set by his father.

"Why must I embark on such an arduous journey when I possess the gift of teleportation? You shouldn't have taught it to me if you didn't intend for me to use it," the dragon grumbled inwardly, while he hastened to complete his task.


So, this little dragon, right? People see it, and they think it's huge, like, slowpoke big. But don't be fooled by size, my friends. That dragon? It's like a speed demon on steroids, whooshing through forests and rivers faster than sound itself. Good thing it's got a force field thingy, 'cause if not, bam! Sonic booms everywhere, and a lot of creatures biting the dust across the continent.

It'd totally love to show off, zooming around like a boss, but Daddy-o's like, "Nah, keep it on the down-low, kiddo." 'Cause where that dragon's headed is kind of a big deal, and secrecy's the name of the game.