
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 89 - Fu Wenduo isn't going to hit his brother, is he?

The members of the Nanjing team saw Fu Wensheng running out of the gate and back in again, and thought he was overwhelmed by the sight of his family.

Chai Rong patted the little one on the shoulder and said, "Let's not make jokes about Fu Wenduo anymore. Whisper, your brother is here, congratulations on finding your family." After a pause, Chai Rong continued, "Eh, which one is your brother, introduce him to me?"

The members of the Nanjing group laugh at this. A few of the members had just come out of their copies, looked at them for a while and then walked away, minding their own business. Only a tall, thin young woman follows Chai Rong and walks up to Fu Wenduo with Fu Wensheng.

It was the first time Tang Mo met the legendary Nanjing team leader, Chai Rong.

This is a tall, strong young man, not very good looking, with an average face and a simple smile. As Xiao Jitong says, when Chai Rong's feet hit the ground, the ground trembles slightly, bursting with a powerful and heavy force. Some people's power is more internal than external, such as Fu Wenduo, whose power is hidden in the depths and cannot be detected. Chai Rong is different. His powers are power-enhancing. It is similar to the bald man who can transform into a brown bear in the Circus of the Weird duplicate.

Tang Mo looked steadily at the young captain, when he suddenly caught a glimpse and looked down. He saw Fu Wensheng looking at Tang Mo with a very complicated look.

The boy was only twelve years old and his face was not very expressive. Meeting Fu Wenduo was surprising enough, but meeting Tang Mo was beyond Fu Wensheng's imagination. He had no idea that he would ever meet Tang Mo again in his life, and that he would be standing with his super-terrible cousin. He couldn't decide whether he should be surprised that Fu Wenduo had found him or that Tang Mo was here.

After a moment's thought, Fu Wensheng said with a twinkle in his eye, "Captain, it's not my real brother, it's my cousin. He is my cousin." Fu Wensheng reached out and pointed at Fu Wenduo. As he spoke, he made an effort to give Fu Wenduo a wink.

Fu Wenduo raised one eyebrow and quickly said to Chai Rong, "I am Fu Wenxian."

Chai Rong didn't think too much of it and laughed, "Haha, I'm Chai Rong, the leader of the Nanjing group. It's rare that Whisper finds a family member, so you two leave us alone and get talking."

Chai Rong pushes the child over to Fu Wensheng, who reluctantly walks over to Fu Wenduo and stands still. Chai Rong laughed and said, "You're so good when you see your family", then he and the young woman turned around and left. As they left, Chai Rong did not show any sign of abnormality, but the woman beside him looked at Fu Wenduo for a few moments and then at Tang Mo.

Chai Rong was relieved when Fu Wensheng himself admitted that it was his brother.

With Xiao Jitong's guarantee, the matter is 90% secure. Chai Rong is very happy for Fu Wensheng now that his team member has found his family.

When they have gone, Tang Mo's eyes move away from Chai Rong's back and look down at Fu Wensheng. Fu Wensheng is looking at his brother with bewilderment. Noticing Tang Mo looking at him, he gives Tang Mo a quiet glance, then quickly looks away and cautiously at Fu Wensheng.

After waiting for half a day without waiting for Fu Wenduo's words, the child whispered, "Big brother, why are you here? I thought you were out on a mission ..."

Fu Wenduo looked at his cousin and said indifferently, "It's not good to be dismantled by you when you are too far away."

Fu Wensheng: "..."

Looking at the choked look on the child's face, Tang Mo suddenly guessed how Fu Wenduo had bullied his younger brother when he was a child.

It is not easy to talk here, so the three of them soon arrive at the house where Fu Wensheng is resting. The house is small, with only simple beds and furniture. After Earth came online players did not require a high quality of life, nor did they need much sleep, a place to settle down was good.

Fu Wensheng stood honestly by the side as soon as he entered the house.

There are many things that don't need to be explained, all three of them can guess. Fu Wensheng, a member of the Nanjing group, had been in Nanjing for four months and had already worked on many copies with his teammates; there was no way he could have kept his name to himself. His name is very uncommon, and coincidentally Fu Wenduo's name is also uncommon, making it easy to think of a relationship between them.

Fu Wenduo's status in China is somewhat awkward. Even though everyone knew that it was not his intention to drag all the players into the game, and that even without him, sooner or later one of the players would have started the tower attack game, causing everyone to be pulled into the game by The black tower. But there was still some emotion towards him. Fu Wensheng said he didn't know Fu Wenduo and even tried to clear his name to protect himself.

When Fu Wenduo stood in front of him, he also guessed that Fu Wenduo might be hiding his identity. So when Chai Rong asked him to introduce Fu Wenduo just now, he only said that this was his cousin, without saying Fu Wenduo's name.

An intelligent person might have detected a hint of anomaly in Fu Wensheng's previous performance, but most people would not have thought much of it.

Tang Mo thought, "Who was that woman just now? The one standing with your captain."

Fu Wensheng: "She's a member of our Nanjing group, called Xu Rong. Rong is very good."

"She seems to have kind of found out who we are." Tang Mo sounded certain.

Fu Wensheng was startled. Thinking of his not-quite-perfect acting skills after suddenly meeting Fu Wenduo, he whispered, "... It's possible that Sister Rong is smart, but she shouldn't have guessed who Big Brother really is, just a little suspicious."

The atmosphere in the room finally eased up once we had something to talk about. The children were still very nervous and kept peeking at Fu Wenduo. Fu Wenduo was very calm. After letting Fu Wensheng look at him with trepidation for half a day, Fu Wenduo said calmly, "How are you doing after Earth comes online?"

Fu Wensheng swallowed hard and gave a general account of what he had experienced over the past four months.

Nanjing didn't start out so peaceful. Four months ago The black tower had just announced the start of the game and tens of thousands of people had disappeared, sending a wave of panic through the surviving players. It was a time when Nanjing, like Shanghai, was a place where everyone was cautiously wary of all strangers, while searching for their surviving friends and relatives.

"All of them, Grandpa and Grandma, were gone. That morning I heard a noise and immediately went downstairs to see that no one from the family was there. I didn't dare to go out, so I stayed in the villa for a few days, and then ..." The voice stopped, Fu Wensheng's voice unconsciously trailed off, "Then I was taken by you, big brother, to attack the tower game... ..."

Chai Rong burst onto the scene two weeks after Earth went live. It wasn't long before he started the Nanjing group, and gradually the Nanjing Raiders group was added. Fu Wensheng joined the Nanjing group about a month later. He was young, smart and obedient, and often teamed up with Chai Rong to play in games, and soon got to know the Nanjing group well.

"I thought about going to you, but I didn't know where you were. Team Xiao guessed that China 1 was Beijing, but Beijing is too far away for me to go alone, so I stayed here. Brother, did you find me this time ... because of him?" Fu Wensheng looked at Tang Mo and without Tang Mo answering, he himself said, "Was it that time in the Jewel Corridor?"

The child was as clever as ever and Tang Mo laughed: "You also know that your name is very evocative?"

Fu Wensheng: "... I tried very hard that time to disabuse you and that psycho of that idea."

Tang Mo does not deny it.

If Tang Mo did not know Fu Wenduo, he would not have thought that Fu Wensheng had anything to do with Fu Wenduo. In a country the size of China, this name is a bit rare, but not unknown.

Now that the children have been introduced, it's Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo's turn.

Fu Wenduo, whose experiences are well known to all China players, is direct: "I went to Shanghai to find something, and he's my current teammate, Tang Mo. Now we're going to Beijing." At the end of his sentence, Fu Wenduo said nothing more, looking down at his brother.

The child's eyes widened slightly when he heard Fu Wenduo say he was going to Beijing, but he soon calmed down.

China 1 is Beijing, but last month, Fu Wenduo cleared the first floor of The black tower in China 2. Xiao Jitong guessed that China 2 was Shanghai. Originally, Fu Wensheng was excited to hear that his cousin was in Shanghai, as they were closer together and had a better chance of meeting. But when he actually saw Fu Wenduo, he realised: if Fu Wenduo could go from Beijing to Shanghai and from Shanghai to Nanjing, he had a way to get back to Beijing.

Beijing is Fu Wenduo's home base and he will definitely return.

Fu Wenduo did not speak, waiting quietly for Fu Wensheng's answer.

Tang Mo took one look at the two brothers and walked out of the room, leaving room for Fu Wenduo and Fu Wensheng.

To go, or not to go?

This was the question Fu Wenduo threw at Fu Wensheng.

Even before he came to Nanjing Fu Wenduo knew that if Fu Wensheng had been alone in Nanjing he would not have hesitated to go with Fu Wenduo. But if he had a team of his own, he would not necessarily leave his companions. And that team is the powerful Nanjing group. The Nanjing group is safe and stable, and Fu Wensheng seems to be doing well here, so it doesn't matter to him if he goes with Fu Wenduo.

Tang Mo stood outside the door and looked up at the azure sky. He thought for a moment about whether he should go straight to gun practice or wait here for the answer from the children. At that moment he suddenly remembered Fu Wensheng's well-behaved and scared look, and his earlier comment about chopping Fu Wenduo into mincemeat ...

"Fu Wenduo wouldn't hit his brother, would he?"

Tang Mo laughs at the end of his speech. Having spent so much time in the comfort of Nanjing, he is in a much calmer mood.

Tang Mo was waiting for the outcome of the two men in the house when suddenly his gaze narrowed and he strided to the end of the corridor and looked up at a pale white pentagram glow in the sky. Almost simultaneously, a loud cannon blast came from the west, a sound that shook the house. The door snapped open and Fu Wenduo stepped out of the room and soon saw Tang Mo, coming up.

Fu Wensheng followed, and as soon as he saw the white pentagram in the sky, he exclaimed, "Something's wrong?"

The next moment, a dozen players from the Nanjing group's base scurried out of their houses and looked at the western sky in unison. Chai Rong strides out of the factory and his eyes glaze over as he sees the glowing pentagram: " Xiao Jitong?


What the author has to say.

Tangtang: I'm the kind of person who hands a whip to Mr. Fu? That's the author who slandered me in the mini theatre before! It's OOC!

Mr. Fu: Am I the kind of person who bullies his brother?

Tangtang & the readers: You are!

Fu Xiaodi: Boing boing boing ...