
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 87 - Cursed be this murderer of Mr. B!

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo have voluntarily revealed their names in the real-life copies of the Great Turkey. Tang Mo's name is not very important, he is not well known in Nanjing and The black tower has not announced his name worldwide. Even on the first level of The black tower on hard mode, the name "MOMO" was announced, and only the most powerful players in the world could hear it.

The name Fu Wenduo, however, is different.

He was the first to start a tower attack game, bringing all the Chinese players into the game; the first to clear the first and first floors of The black tower, making his presence felt in the hearts of players all over the world. And he was also a stowaway.

Tang Mo asked himself, if he hadn't possessed the hot egg and hadn't known Fu Wenduo well in advance, he would have looked at him through tinted glasses when he first met him. So when he agreed to reveal their names, he revealed Tang Mo's first, and then made sure that Xiao Jitong was okay before revealing Fu Wenduo's name.

Like Xiao Jitong said, the Big Turkey game may seem like a game you can survive by killing your teammates, but they both understand that when it's really down to the last person, the game won't go through and killing your teammates will never win the game. No one knows why they can't win this way, but with Tang Mo and Xiao Jitong's cautious nature, they're not going to take any chances. They won't give up on any of their teammates unless they have to, let alone kill them themselves.

That's why Xiao Jitong was so decisive in using banana wine to save the short-haired girls. That's one of the reasons.

When they found out Tang Mo's name and didn't go around saying anything, they pretended they hadn't heard anything, so Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo knew that there was a 50-50 chance that the three so-called Nanjing Raiders could be trusted. At least they wouldn't give out their names. Later, when they found out Ningning was a stowaway, the chances increased to 60 per cent. That's how the name was revealed.

With Xiao Jitong leading the way, the five of them headed towards the base of the Nanjing Raiders.

As he walks, Xiao Jitong laughs: " The situation in Nanjing is perhaps a little different from outside, and although I haven't left Nanjing since Earth came online, I can roughly guess that the city outside hasn't established too much order. At any stage, only when the ruling class has great and unstoppable power can a rule-based social order be established."

Tang Mo was keen to hear something else in Xiao Jitong's words: "Does Nanjing have such a powerful force?"

Xiao Jitong nodded: "Yes, it doesn't have to be too powerful, as long as it can deter people with different intentions from moving. This is not confidential information, you don't know it yet because you've only been in Nanjing for a short time, so wait a few more days and you'll know the details of Nanjing." Xiao Jitong didn't hesitate and said, "Have you ever wondered why Little Qiao has so many props?"

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo look down at the young blonde boy, who raises his chin in triumph.

Xiao Jitong recognized Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo's identities, and the young boy was no longer hostile or suspicious of them. Seeing Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo looking at him, he said confidently, "Each member of our Nanjing Raider group may not be as strong as you individually, but we definitely have more props, WEAPON, than you, much, much more." With that, the boy stretched out his arms and compared them to the largest circle possible.

Xiao Jitong said, "We do have a lot of props, and there are more at the base. Most of them we didn't get through The black tower game." Xiao Jitong is a bit of a cynic as the words trail off.

Tang Mo Mo thought carefully about what he meant by this statement, he vaguely caught a bit of truth before he could be sure, he heard a deep voice ringing out beside him, "Did you get your props from someone else?"

Xiao Jitong: "It's good. Our props were given by players all over Nanjing."

Tang Mo raises an eyebrow in surprise.

Xiao Jitong explains, "As I told you before, Nanjing has powerful reserves who have created an organisation that tells players all the information they know about the copies, how to raid them, and also acts as a deterrent so that players don't dare to kill random people in Nanjing city. This organisation is not directly related to our Nanjing raiding group, it's called the Nanjing Group."

Xiao Jitong smiles as he explains the situation in Nanjing to Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo.

As Tang Mo learned shortly after Earth's launch, there are now three main players in the world: full players, preppers and stowaways. Full players and stowaways necessarily have powers, and reserves can gain powers after passing the first level of The black tower, giving them the status of full players. However, this does not mean that reserves are not allowed to have powers.

Chen Shanshan is a prepper, but she has powers that even books on psychic powers would marvel at. The same can be said of Nanjing's reservist.

His powers are so powerful that Ningning is no match for him in terms of force. But there's also a downside - the captain of the Nanjing group only has a horrible force, and he can't do anything when he's raiding a copy of The black tower with a limited force, or a force stronger than his. He's not very good at the game."

Xiao Jitong has simply put the phrase "this man is a simple mind" on the head of Nanjing's most powerful prep player.

Little Qiao sniggered at his words. Ningning's expression remained the same as he said calmly, "If the Chai team hears you telling people he's stupid again, I won't stop you."

Xiao Jitong didn't seem to hear a thing. Without changing his face, he continued, "In conclusion, the Nanjing group is indeed strong, but they need an organisation that can provide them with more information about The black tower, advise them on how to play the game according to The black tower's preferences. That would be us, the Nanjing Raiders."

Tang Mo guessed the truth: "Your group is in a hiring relationship with them, and you cheat dangerous games, such as The Great Turkey, to reduce the danger to Nanjing players. At the same time, you sell information about the games you play to the Nanjing group, so that they know more about The black tower game." After a pause, Tang Mo said, "The currency that ... sells is props?"


Now Tang Mo understands perfectly.

Why they knew as soon as they entered Xiao Jitong, a copy of the Great Turkey, that it was very dangerous. It was because the copy was too dangerous and over a hundred people had died that they entered it and raided the copy. Xiao Jitong had prepared a whole bunch of props early on in order to get through the copy. Nanjing's raiding team may seem to be a good-looking group that can get props from others, but every gain they make corresponds to an unavoidable danger.

They are making a living at the point of a knife.

Tang Mo then learnt from Xiao Jitong that the Nanjing group does not release information to players for free. Like paying taxes, every other month, players have to pay a certain amount of money to the Nanjing group as a "protection fee". The more information they actively obtain, the more props they have to pay. Information such as the location of the entrance to a normal copy of the game is free of charge, but only important information has to be paid for.

The Nanjing group gets props from thousands of players, and the Nanjing raid group gets props from the Nanjing group.

The five of them walked further and further away from Nanjing's busiest downtown, step by step. The black tower hovers above the bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen at Xinjiekou, weighing heavily on the earth. The five of them turned their backs on it and gradually walked to a less crowded area. In the distance Tang Mo sees a large food processing factory and he identifies the large golden letters outside.

At this point, Xiao Jitong smiled slightly, "Here we are."

The black tower, first floor, Snow White's Little Forest.

Two short, thin, middle-aged men ran forward as hard as they could. They peeled away all the branches and thorns in their way, and the sharp, thin needles cut tiny slashes into the backs of their hands and bodies, but they kept running forward as if they hadn't noticed, their eyes wide open.

When they reached a giant cedar tree, Wang Yinggui stopped in his tracks first. He propped one hand on the thick cedar trunk and kept panting heavily: "No, I can't ... do it, old bird, I can't run anymore. I just can't run anymore even if I die, you ... run, I won't run, I definitely won't run."

Hearing this, the old bird sat straight down on his butt. His face was red from running and his dry lips were flushed with white skin. He leaned against the trunk of the tree and also said, "I, I won't run either. Eagle, you go and run, you go and ... let him kill me alright, I just die, die and I won't run."

Once the jar was broken, the two men ignored it and sat down directly under the tree to rest.

But they were scared after all. After a three-minute break, Wang Yinggui and the old bird looked at each other and quickly found a hidden bush and dove in with a flourish. The dense foliage blocked the pair's form as they held their breath and looked around cautiously.

A cool breeze blows through the forest, rattling the leaves. A round sun slowly rises in the sky, dispelling the darkness of the night and revealing the brightness of the morning. After waiting for half an hour without any sign of movement, Wang Yinggui's heart swells with gratitude. He couldn't help asking himself, "Is he ... gone?"

The old bird also shuddered, "We're just two unimportant little people, did he, did he go and do the tower attack game and stop thinking about chasing us?"

The more they looked at each other, the more they thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

Wang Yinggui swallowed: "Anyhow we are all teammates, all human, and although he is a stowaway, getting through the first floor of The black tower is more important than killing us. He's definitely gone, for sure ..."

"Hehehe, I'm not a stowaway, yo."

Wang Yinggui nodded: "He really doesn't look like a stowaway either, and he's so powerful, does he ..." His voice stopped abruptly. Wang Yinggui felt all the blood in his body freeze as he stiffly lifted his head and looked above his head. The old bird's face also went white in that moment as he looked up, looking above him.

On the trunk of a huge cedar tree, a tall, thin, white-faced young man was sitting on a branch, looking at them with a smile on his face. No one knew how long he had been sitting there, and when he saw Wang Yinggui and the others looking at him, the baby-faced youth cocked his head, propped his face up with his hands and smiled cheekily, "I'm an official player, oh."

The next moment.


Two screams rang out as Wang Yinggui and the old bird raced as fast as they could out of the bush and onwards.

But Bai Ruoyao was quicker than they were. A silver light sliced through the air like a delicate fluttering butterfly, the thin silver butterfly blade slicing through Wang Yinggui's left cheek and then to the old bird's right ear. With a seemingly gentle stroke from Bai Ruoyao, a thin, bloody gash appears on the faces of both Wang Yinggui and the old bird. The scar is a bit funny, as if someone had placed Wang Yinggui and Laojiao side by side and cut a straight line from left to right.

In the next turn, Bai Ruoyao stomped the two players in the chest, kicking them straight out and sending them flying to the ground.

Wang Yinggui was so frightened that he could not even speak, and as a big man, he felt like he was about to burst into tears. He turned his head to look and, good lord, the old bird had long since pissed himself and cried, "Brother, big brother! We were wrong, we shouldn't have backstabbed you, please spare us. We'll give you all our props, all of them, please spare our lives."

Wang Yinggui hurriedly followed the example of his companions, kneeling and begging for mercy: "Brother, please spare our lives."

Bai Ruoyao finger moves, beautiful butterfly knife disappears in his fingertips. The two The black tower tier one players were shivering and begging for mercy, his lips hooked up with a look of aggravation: "But you guys are really breaking my heart ..." he said, putting his hand to his chest, making a Xizi cupped heart shape. "I'm new to the game, unfamiliar with the place, trying to work well with my own teammates and work together. You guys, you've been counting on me, how sad I am. I've been so nice to you guys, we don't have a grudge, and you guys are trying to set me up ..."

Wang Yinggui's mouth twitched, "It's all our fault, our fault, big brother, please ..."

You've been good to us, Mr. B. You've been good to us? We've got nothing against each other?

Wang Yinggui was so angry that smoke was coming out of his head.

When he and his companions team up to enter the second level of The black tower, they open their eyes and see two strange players. One of them had already died at the hands of The black tower monster earlier, and the other player was this baby-faced young man who kept smiling strangely. Almost at first glance, Wang Yinggui thought the man looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before. Then, when the man spoke in that strange voice, Wang Yinggui knew for sure: "Damn, that Mr. B!"

Mr. A and Mr. B are players not The black tower monsters, the glasses man told all the players long ago. Wang Yinggui hated it, as soon as he entered the game, he was caught by Mr. B and thrown into the monster cage by him and kicked by a big rat as a ball for 3 days and 3 nights!

And Mr. A and Mr. B also took all the rewards that belonged to their players. This means that Wang Yinggui and Old Bird got kicked by the big rats for free for three days and three nights and didn't get a dime when they left the copy.

Although Mr. B's face is covered by a mask, Wang Yinggui will never forget this cheeky grin.

It's you, that pervert Mr B!

At the start of the game, Bai Ruoyao looked at the two players with a smile on his face. He was curious as to why these two men had suddenly developed such a strong hatred for themselves, but he didn't think to ask for an explanation, instead he watched them with relish and let it unfold. It eventually developed into him hunting down and killing these two men.

Wang Yinggui and Old Bird kept their heads down and dared not speak, but begged Mr. B not to kill them. After all, Mr B hadn't killed them in the circus, just thrown them into the monster cage and kicked them in the balls. Maybe Mr. B wouldn't kill them this time either?

"It's rare to see players as naive as you guys. Hee hee hee, in thinking that maybe I won't kill you guys?"

Wang Yinggui and the old bird stiffened.

"What is it that gives you all this hope ... Well ... where did I give you this illusion, and from whence did I make you hate me so much? Ah, is it because I'm so handsome?" Bai Ruoyao said very seriously.

Wang Yinggui and the two men dared not retort. Cold sweat broke out on top of their heads when suddenly a cold knife was pressed against Wang Yinggui's throat. Wang Yinggui's eyes went wide as he looked at Mr B in fear, his legs trembling. At that moment, he heard Mr. B's voice ask in a cold voice, "Tell me, who did you mistake me for?"

Wang Yinggui is stunned.

Next, Wang Yinggui and Old Bird poured out everything they knew. Realising that this man was not really Mr. B, they then gave Mr. B a hard time, hoping that the doll-faced youth would spare their lives. When Bai Ruoyao heard that someone had actually imitated him, not just in his smile but also in the tone of his voice and in a few of his common catchphrases, Bai Ruoyao stared for a moment and then laughed cheekily.

Wang Yinggui gave him a detailed description of Mr. B's height and build, and if they didn't really know what Mr. B looked like, they would have drawn his face and brought it to Bai Ruoyao.

By the time they had all finished, Bai Ruoyao was doubled over in laughter. He put away his butterfly knife with a snap, and Wang Yinggui and the old bird sighed with relief as they thought he had spared them. Suddenly, Bai Ruoyao turned his head and said, "Assemble the copies? What's that Zhao's name and where is he from?"

"Shanghai! It's a copy of Shanghai's rally!"

Bai Ruoyao touched his lips, "Well ... what's his name?"

Wang Yinggui and the old bird were completely stumped. They hadn't deliberately remembered the names of Mr. A and Mr. B, and The black tower had only broadcast them once, so they couldn't tell who was Mr. A and who was Mr. B. But they knew that none of them was Mr. A, and one of them: " Fu Wenduo! But they knew that none of them were named Zhao, and one of them: " Fu Wenduo! It's Fu Wenduo! One of them is Fu Wenduo!"

Bai Ruoyao narrowed his eyes, "He doesn't look like Fu Wenduo. What's his name?"

Old Bird: "He, I don't think his surname is Zhao, I think his surname is Tang. What's his name, we really can't remember ..."

Bai Ruoyao smiled and swept the two men away, causing them to fall to their knees again. A murderous look, sharp as a knife, hovered over their faces as Bai Ruoyao watched them steadily for who knows how long before he turned to leave. The sound of cheeky laughter was like a nightmare, haunting Wang Yinggui's and the old bird's brains, making it difficult for them to breathe.

They thought they heard someone laughing in the forest and said, "So it's not Zhaozhao, it's Tangtang". Without hearing anything, Wang Yinggui and the old bird fell to the ground, already sweating.

"At last ... survived ..."

Nanjing, Raider Group Base.

This is an extremely large food processing plant. Tang Mo walks past the packaging area of the factory and sees mountains of boxes piled up on the floor from a distance. The boxes were full of names he had heard of before, of famous food brands. After a brief glance, Tang Mo gets a general idea of the map of the factory and follows Xiao Jitong, together with Fu Wenduo, into the factory.

The large factory was empty of a single person.

It was only when the five men reached the largest factory in the innermost room that Tang Mo heard the sound of someone speaking. After a banging sound, a short young girl rolled down the factory stairs. Not caring whether her body hurt or not, she came up in a flash, grabbed Little Qiao and said, "Are you hurt? Ah, it's hurt, it's a big cut!" she said, distressed. She was in great pain.

Little Qiao muttered impatiently that she was "not hurt", but her body let the young girl pull her around and look at her.

After looking around for a while, the young girl noticed Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo standing by. She looked at them curiously.

Tang Mo said, "Tang Mo."

The young girl nodded and then looked at Fu Wenduo.

Fu Wenduo's voice was calm: " Fu Wenduo ."

The young girl's eyes widened to their maximum in a flash: "Fu, Fu, Fu ... Fu Wenduo ?!!!" The words fell, and she twisted her head in shock to look at her own captain.

Xiao Jitong smiled and said, "Well, it's the Fu Wenduo you're thinking of."

For the first time, Tang Mo realised just how famous his teammate was in China.

On the way Xiao Jitong told us that there were seven members of the Nanjing team. Apart from him, Ningning and Little Qiao, there is one other member who is in charge of logistics (this young girl), called Xiao Wei. The other three members are always on the road, so they don't spend much time back at the base.

Fu Wensheng is not a member of the Nanjing Raiders group, he is a member of the Nanjing group.

If the Nanjing Group is the most powerful organisation in Nanjing, then the Nanjing Raiders are a sharp blade employed by the Nanjing Group. They are the front-line army, looking for clues and avoiding risks for the Nanjing team.

"The Raiders are the most dangerous. There are very few players who are young and strong, Fu Wensheng is one and Little Qiao is one. They are similar in age, Fu Wensheng is three years older than Little Qiao, and he is close to Little Qiao, so we know each other." Xiao Jitong explains, "The Raiders are too dangerous and we don't usually accept children as young as Fu Wensheng. Of course, he wouldn't be happy to come either."

If you can make it to the Nanjing group, you certainly won't come to the Raiders. Even though the average strength of the Raiders is much higher than that of the Nanjing group, the risk of death is much higher than that of the Nanjing group.

Tang Mo: "What about Little Qiao?" Little Qiao is even smaller than Fu Wensheng.

Xiao Jitong smiles: " Little Qiao was an accident. His powers are important and very useful. And he ended up with his family in our Raider group and he wanted to stay with Vivian."

Tang Mo didn't ask any more questions when it came to other people's private matters.

On the other hand, Little Qiao is still not quite convinced that Fu Wenduo is really Fu Wensheng's brother. He is very smart, but still very naive when it comes to human interaction. He said, "Fu Wensheng keeps saying he doesn't know Fu Wenduo, and that's what he told me. How can it be his brother? Is he lying to me?"

Fu Wensheng hides his relationship with Fu Wenduo, and once everyone thinks about it, they understand what is going on. Xiao Wei patiently explains to Little Qiao as Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo slowly walk away.

Xiao Jitong said they would contact Fu Wensheng and ask him to come over. Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo walked to an unoccupied factory and looked at each other as they pulled tiny chicken nests out of their pockets. Tang Mo drove off to check the effect of the prop.

[Props: My Chicken Coop]

[Owned by: Tang Mo].

[Quality: Fine].

[Grade: Level 3].

[Attack Power: None]

[Function: Spatial storage for three inanimate objects].

[Restrictions: No props can be stored.

[Remark: I planted an egg in the chicken nest in spring, and I will harvest a flock of eggs in autumn!


What the author has to say.

She Huiyao: Someone imitates my face, someone imitates my smile, but none of them are me, this pure, clean, good boy me!

Tangtang: Aww shucks!

Mr. Fu: #Today is also the day to get ready to beat up Fu Wensheng

Fu Xiaodi: QAQ Brother !!!!!!