
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 217 - Forward and backward~

Tang Mo kept his head down, not speaking.

There is something wrong with ....

There must be something wrong!

The Truth Clock confines Tang Mo to a one-square-metre space, and he simply leans back against the invisible wall, head bowed in thought.

TV and old-fashioned table lamp, table and longbow.

Between these two pairs of items, he actually found the wrong individual truth for once.

In this game, Tang Mo starts at the 6 o'clock position, he is the 6 o'clock player according to the truth clock. The black rabbit stands at 0, which is the 0 point player according to the truth clock. Then, just now, the truth clock says -

'Player advances one square at 0, player retreats one square at 6.'

Tang Mo backed up a peg.

This clock travels counter-clockwise. Going against the clock is the way forward. And he had just stepped back one frame.

"Of all the items on the Truth Clock, the only truth that is common to both is the solitary truth." Tang Mo reads in a low voice.

Tang Mo has just moved back one frame, which proves that of the six items he eliminated, the truth is wrong for four of them and correct for only two. Of these, Tang Mo was most unsure about the owl and the gumbo. But he was puzzled as to which of the other four items was incorrect.

Whether it was the television and the old-fashioned lamp, or the table and the longbow, perhaps the truths he identified were not the only separate truths, there were other separate truths for these two pairs of objects and others. But there is no doubt that what he found was definitely a separate truth.

Tang Mo's head is bowed, his face clouded.

Finally, he breathed a long sigh of relief: " Is what The black tower has decided, the truth ..."

It can only be explained by this answer.

Tang Mo is not looking for a separate truth, but what he understands as a separate truth may be different from what The black tower recognises. In this case ...

Tang Mo lifted his head and looked coldly at the black rabbit.

The black rabbit is humming a little tune with delight. The distance between him and Tang Mo had narrowed, and he was shaking his strong body excitedly, humming an unknown song. He looks like many of The black tower monsters Tang Mo has seen, all of whom like to sing off-key songs and are content to eat the player. It looks silly and easily angered. But it's the one that has just moved one frame forward, while Tang Mo has moved one frame backwards.

Perhaps because the black rabbit is The black tower monster, he knows more about the truth clock game and knows how to get through it. But Tang Mo takes it more seriously.

One cannot underestimate every opponent.

Tang Mo has his hands in his pockets, fondling the gold coins in his pockets. He would not use the king's gold coins unless he had to.

With five minutes to go before the next round of items appear, Tang Mo sits down again and looks up at the black rabbit. The corners of the black rabbit's mouth twitch slightly as it sees Tang Mo sitting down again. It grunts disdainfully and turns its head to look in another direction. But Tang Mo asked indifferently, "Which one are you wrong about."

The black rabbit didn't expect Tang Mo to ask itself such a question, it gave Tang Mo a strange look and sneered, "Stupid human, do you think I would tell you?"

Tang Mo looks at it calmly and does not speak.

The rabbit and the man stared at each other in silence until five minutes had passed and sixteen blue lights flashed in the centre of the truth clock. At the sight of so many beams of light, Tang Mo froze for a moment, then curled his lips. With risk came opportunity, and the more items there were, the more squares he could advance once he managed to eliminate the correct ones.

"Time: 0:20pm, Location: truth clock, sixteen truth-rich items appear."

"In one minute, ask the 0-point player and the 6-point player to eliminate the truth.

The long second hand began to travel once more, and as the clock of truth announced that the player was ready to eliminate the item, Tang Mo glanced up absently and he noticed that the delight on the black rabbit's face was surprisingly more pronounced. His expression was one of surprise, followed by ecstasy, with a hint of relieved relief in that delighted smile.

Tang Mo's brow furrowed: was there something familiar to it among these sixteen items?

There was no time for further thought as Tang Mo took a closer look at the sixteen items. The items that appeared on the Clock of Truth this time were not simply those known to man. There were three items Tang Mo had never seen before, and one he had seen before, but his face gradually sank at the sight of it.

It was a tin of banana wine.

While in Nanjing, Tang Mo once saw Xiao Jitong take out a jar to save a girl with short hair who was dying.

The presence of banana wine suggests that items from the world of The black tower can also appear on the truth clock. It was then impossible for Tang Mo to identify the individual truths of the items he did not know. With time running out, Tang Mo first sorted through the 13 items he knew and quickly identified the pairs of items that had individual truths.

Finally, he set his eyes on the banana wine and the three unfamiliar items. Those three items were -

A grey mouse with a small horn on its head.

A blue transparent stone with a red drop of water suspended in the centre of the stone.

Finally, there was a lump of fluffy stuff that looked very much like hair.


A minute later, the second hand is fixed at 12 and the blue wall slowly descends, pressing down on the head of the grey mouse. Tang Mo and the black rabbit each spoke their answers. Each time Tang Mo says an answer, a blue glow emanates from the two items he is talking about, indicating a selected status. When he has finished with the 12 items, his eyes move and land on the last four items.

Tang Mo looks steadily at the four items, his mouth opens and closes.

As the blue wall slowly rose, Tang Mo looked at the black rabbit not far away and noticed that the expression on his face wasn't very nice either. He raised an eyebrow and waited for an answer from the truth clock.


The hour and minute hands under the feet of Tang Mo and the black rabbit start moving at the same time.

The clock hand under Tang Mo's foot moved two frames to the left, and he went backwards by two frames. However, on the other side of the clock, the minute hand under the Black Rabbit's foot moved clockwise by four frames! Tang Mo saw this and the corners of his mouth curled up as he faintly said, "Four frames back?"

The expression on the black rabbit's face kept changing before he finally roared, "Shut the hell up!!!"

"The 0 point player triggers a level three grey fallacy, the 6 point player triggers a level three grey fallacy. the 0 point player moves back four squares, the 6 point player moves back two squares."

At the end of the sentence, a weak suction force emerged from beneath Tang Mo and the big rabbit's feet. The suction was hard to detect at first, and Tang Mo felt as if his body had grown a little heavier. When he realised that something was wrong, he lifted his feet and saw that on the ground beneath him, a small, dark dot had gradually grown larger and was now the size of a bowl.

As the black dot grows larger, the suction becomes more violent. As the black dot becomes a black vortex half a metre in diameter, the terrifying suction sucks Tang Mo's clothes to a crisp. Tang Mo stepped on the edge of the lattice with both feet and pressed his hands against the lattice wall to steady himself. The black rabbit was in worse shape than he was.

None of them expected that the punishment given by the clock of truth could be such a black swirl without reason. The black rabbit's body is a Russian cylinder nest, and it cannot stabilise itself with its hands and feet as Tang Mo can. He jumps from side to side in a lurch, using his jumps to create a new force under the powerful suction, using it to counteract the suction of the black vortex in the direction of the force to keep himself from being sucked down.

The suction was getting stronger and stronger, and Tang Mo felt his scalp tingling, as if even his hair was being sucked out by the suction.

Finally, the three minutes were up and the black vortex disappeared abruptly. Tang Mo expressionlessly pulled his trousers up and looked across the room where the black rabbit was already lying on the floor too tired to move. At this point Tang Mo was extremely glad that the tighter underwear he was wearing today hadn't been sucked off. He was also glad that he was the only one who came in to attack the tower, if there were other people around, such as Fu Wensheng and Fu Wenduo ...

Tang Mo coughed and pushed down this very uncharacteristic thought.

In this round of truth elimination, Tang Mo was two squares back and Black Rabbit was four squares back. It looks like they are both back, but Tang Mo is back less than Black Rabbit, so when compared, Tang Mo says, "Ahhh, why are we so close all of a sudden?"

At that, the black rabbit looked up and glared at Tang Mo.

Tang Mo's mouth quirked up, "Now ... seems to be back to square one?"

Tang Mo is standing on grid 33 and Black Rabbit is on grid 3. The distance between them has changed back to 30 squares.


The author has something to say.

Tangtang: [expressionless trousers]

Mr. Fu : ...[I strongly request to attack the tower together!