
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 195 - Mr. Fu school, you let me go

Mu Huixue laughed: "Besides, if by drinking together you mean secretly attending the same reception, each on a different mission, and having a glimpse from afar ... then I've had more drinks with more people than I can count, Fly. "

Bai Ruoyao didn't look embarrassed when his cover was blown.

His expression was helpless.

He scowls at Mu Huixue, who smiles at him with a tilted head. Bai Ruoyao knew it was impossible for this woman to help him, but he didn't give up, instead he acted as if he had been let down: "There are not many people in the circle who have survived, and you are the only one I have seen in over six months. deer, how can you let me die ... "

Before Mu Huixue could reply, Bai Ruoyao seized the moment when Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo let their guard down, his eyes suddenly changed and he ran in the direction of the Temple of Heaven with a stomp of his feet.

In the hot daylight, a black figure fled at breakneck speed. Tang Mo did fidget a little, but Fu Wenduo immediately rushed forward. He lowered his body parallel to the ground, almost to the ground. Elbows and knees collided with the ground with a faint metallic clatter.

Mu Huixue's eyes widened in surprise, her terrifying dynamic vision allowing her to see Fu Wenduo's body turn into a small piece of black metal each time it made contact with the ground. Each collision was an acceleration, and Bai Ruoyao was already so fast that Mu Huixue thought she could not catch up with him after he had fled for several metres, but Fu Wenduo did.

With a swipe of his right arm, the black, three-pronged weapon stabbed Bai Ruoyao straight in the back of the head.

It was as if Bai Ruoyao had eyes in the back of his head as he weighed up whether he could escape and then simply gave up and turned his head to block the blow. The two silver butterfly knives clashed with the black weapon with a clanging sound, and they each slid backwards half a metre.

The small pink parasol arrives in an instant and Bai Ruoyao blocks it again.

What followed was a close fight at the top human level.

In the square in front of the Temple of Heaven, three figures kept approaching and clashing, and soon all three had tiny wounds on their bodies. Bai Ruoyao's wounds were the most numerous. He withdrew his smile and calmly stared at every movement of Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo, cautiously evading them.

Mu Huixue was the only one on the field who could see the three in action.

As the fight continued, her expression grew serious. There seemed to be a light golden glint in her eyes, and everywhere she stared, the next second, the three Tang Mo's would attack.

With a flick of his wrist, Bai Ruoyao flung two butterfly knives together, shooting Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo in the eye. At that moment, he turned and ran, not wanting his weapons anymore. Tang Mo flipped his hand and took a glowing stone out of his pocket, but when Tang Mo threw it into the air, the two butterfly knives flew towards it at the same time.

Bai Ruoyao cried out in disbelief, but the butterfly knife attack did not work and he was quickly tackled by Fu Wenduo.

Fu Wenduo didn't give him a chance to struggle, he took out the causal law prop rope and tied the doll-faced youth up. When he was first tied up, Bai Ruoyao's face was grim and unhappy. He then looked at Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo for a moment, hooked the corners of his mouth and smiled cheekily again, " Mr. Fu School, your posture of tying people up is not good at all, I have a particularly interesting way of tying people up, do you want to try it?"

Tang Mo put away the little parasol and spread his hands to catch the stone falling from the air. "Untie your rope and tie it back up again? Bai Ruoyao , what do you say?"

Bai Ruoyao looked innocent: "I didn't say I was to be untied, Tangtang, you said so yourself."

Tang Mo didn't bother with him. He took the stone and tried to remove the two butterfly knives sucked onto it. The two knives were glued to the glowing stone for a full half-minute, and the moment the 30th second arrived, it seemed to lose its magnetic force and the two butterfly knives fell rapidly to the ground. Tang Mo subconsciously reached for them, and Bai Ruoyao shouted, "Come back."

The butterfly knife was even faster than Tang Mo's and made a beautiful splash in the air, flying into Bai Ruoyao's sleeve.

Tang Mo's eyes narrowed.

This prop is at least rare level!

Tang Mo's eyes twinkled, already thinking of how he would scavenge his opponent's props and how much goodies he could get after killing Bai Ruoyao. But he looked down at the doll-faced youth and his eyes sank suddenly when he saw the expression on the other man's face.

After a moment of silence, Tang Mo asked, "What other means do you have to save your life."

"I've been caught by Tangtang and you still have the means to save your life?" The baby-faced youth looked at him with a smile, his eyes dark and still smiling. He was asking the question, but the answer to the question was clearer to him than anyone else.

Bai Ruoyao also has a means of preserving his life.

He was a man who feared death, and now Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo did try to kill him, but although he was angry, he did not feel that he would die.

Tang Mo couldn't figure out what certainty this man had that he would survive.

Mu Huixue walked over, "I'm curious too, that's it, slippery lucky remote, you can still get away with it? I'm not going to plead for you, we don't know each other well."

Bai Ruoyao's heart was "broken" by her words, and if he hadn't been tied up, he might have made a face to wipe his tears. After a few moments of acting, he saw that neither Tang Mo nor Mu Huixue responded to him. Bai Ruoyao turned his gaze to Fu Wenduo and after a moment he laughed, "Hee hee, Mr. Fu School, I want you to keep me alive."

Fu Wenduo's eyelids twitched, his expression indifferent, and a low voice came out of his nose, "Hm?"

Bai Ruoyao: "Firstly, I've had enough of the game, and I want to save my life more than I want to have fun. In the future, I won't intentionally look for trouble with you guys, but if I accidentally run into us in the same game, it's not my intention. Of course, I won't deliberately harm you guys either." After a pause, the baby-faced young man said, "Actually, I've never killed anyone before. Tangtang, that time in the Queen of Hearts' jeweled corridor, I tried to steal your moon flower, but I didn't. Besides, even if I did, you could have taken this child's Moon Flower and still passed the level."

Fu Wensheng said angrily, "What do you mean you can get through by snatching my moon flower!"

Bai Ruoyao: "I'm just saying, nothing happened that time."

Fu Xiaodi angrily tried to kick the psycho, but was stopped by Chen Shanshan: "You can't beat him."

Fu Wensheng : "..."

Do the weak have no human rights!

The child retreated behind Fu Wenduo and decided to sue his parents, "Help me beat him up, big brother."

Fu Wenduo looked down at Bai Ruoyao: "Is that all?"

Bai Ruoyao looked steadily at Fu Wenduo and continued: "Secondly, I will give you a message about The black tower in exchange for letting me go. Eh Tangtang, don't do it yet, this piece of information is definitely worth it. You haven't even heard me say it yet, so how do you know it won't work."

Tang Mo put away his little parasol and asked with a smile, "So tell me, what's the news?"

Bai Ruoyao pauses for a moment to sell a story. The daylight shone from behind the altar of heaven, casting a shadow that shut him in. His laughing voice sounded a bit mysterious at the moment: "Six months ago, before The black tower was online, the player was chosen for the three days ... I was on a secret mission in Chongqing, halfway through the mission I found my heart racing and tried to control this physical change myself, but I couldn't bear it and fainted in a dark tunnel. But I didn't endure it and fainted in a dark tunnel."

Tang Mo's eyes narrowed as he realised what Bai Ruoyao was talking about.

Bai Ruoyao: "My fastest heart rate was 194 beats at that time."

Fu Wenduo : "Real data?"

Bai Ruoyao winked, "Guess."

Certainly not real data.

Six months ago, at the Shanghai Atak base, Luo Fengcheng told Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo that "very few humans had a fast heartbeat before the Earth went online", and they told Luo Fengcheng that they did have a fast heartbeat. But the three men did not fully trust each other at the time, so they were telling false data.

Tang Mo's actual maximum heart rate was 532, but he said it was 169. Fu Wenduo said it was 171, but now it seems that this could never have been the case.

But that's not the point.

Tang Mo : "Very few people have a rapid heartbeat, we all know that, so what?"

Bai Ruoyao : "I know what this racing heart means."

Tang Mo was startled, and he and Fu Wenduo looked at each other without saying a word.

Mu Huixue : "What does it mean?"

Bai Ruoyao didn't say anything and looked at Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo with a smirk.

Fu Wenduo : "What is it?"

Bai Ruoyao: " Mr. Fu has promised to let me go?"

Fu Wenduo was silent for a long time and looked at Tang Mo: "Good."

Bai Ruoyao : "The number of heartbeats is not important, it only means how powerful the player who once possessed this ability really is. The higher the number of heartbeats, the more powerful the former possessor is."

Tang Mo brushes his head to look at Fu Wenduo, who is also looking at him, and their eyes meet.

... your powers remarks?!

Hmmm, my alien power docket.

Chen Shanshan exclaimed, "Once owned?!"

Bai Ruoyao looked to her: "Good, the former possessor. There are seven billion people on Earth, some of whom are Earth Survivors and some of whom have become Returnees. Among the Earth survivors, the official players and stowaways started out with psychic powers. Among the Returnees, there are also those who have cleared the first level of The black tower and gained their powers as a result. The case of the returnees is ..." Bai Ruoyao looks to Mu Huixue.

Mu Huixue doesn't mince words: "In that world, on the seventh day of the Dark Ages, all the returnees cleared the ground floor of The black tower, and there were 1.6 billion people left."

The implication is that there are at least 1.6 billion returnees who have acquired psychic abilities. Although there are only 300,000 returnees left today, together with the Earth survivors who have psychic powers, Bai Ruoyao said: "There are at least 1.7 billion humans with psychic powers ...? 1.8 billion? Hehehe, but it doesn't matter."

Tang Mo whispered, " Bai Ruoyao!"

Chen Shanshan : "Could it be that there have been humans with psychic powers long before us?"

"Did I mention the person who once owned it, was human?"

Chen Shanshan was silenced for a moment.

Fu Wenduo : "What's that?"

Bai Ruoyao justified, "I don't know." I don't know," Bai Ruoyao said, "but I do know that everyone whose heart is racing is doing so because a player once had the same powers as them, and that player cleared all seven levels of The black tower. My mortal final death ..." After a pause, Bai Ruoyao sighed helplessly, "It seems like my ability is not even a secret anymore, Tangtang you already knew about it, you still have it."

Mu Huixue looks at Tang Mo for a moment.

Bai Ruoyao has given away information about Tang Mo's powers to Mu Huixue, and Tang Mo can only sneer and kick him in the face.

Bai Ruoyao said pathetically, "My mortal death, your mysterious powers, and Mr. Fu's ability to somehow turn into Iron Man, there have been players with similar powers before, and they have all cleared the seventh floor of The black tower. As to whether they cleared our The black tower or not, and whether it was the same The black tower ... I don't know."

Bai Ruoyao, who is clearly a prisoner and begging for his life, always has a way of making you want to beat him up.

Tang Mo's mind worked quickly and after a few moments he said, "Why should I believe your words?"

Bai Ruoyao: "I'm not lying."

"We don't know if you're lying or not."

Bai Ruoyao narrows his eyes as he decides to reveal one more piece of information: "I was told about this by one of The black tower BOSSes. She is very senior and very powerful. Eh Tangtang, by the look on your face I knew you were going to say, "Why would such a powerful The black tower monster tell me such important information? Hehehe, probably because I'm kind and cute."

Tang Mo was ready to kick him in the face, but Bai Ruoyao quickly said, "Well, well, because I completed a hidden mission and she has the same surname as me, Bai, she decided to tell me an interesting piece of news." Bai Ruoyao's eyes were sincere: "I really, really didn't lie."

Tang Mo knew, of course, that he was not lying. The news was so informative to Tang Mo that he closed his eyes and swallowed his doubts, ready to discuss the matter with Chen Shanshan and Fu Wenduo after Bai Ruoyao was over.

Yes, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo never wanted to let Bai Ruoyao go.

Tang Mo doesn't usually break his promises, and when he makes a promise, he mostly keeps it. Fu Wenduo is even more so.

But this is Bai Ruoyao.

From the look in Fu Wenduo's eyes, Tang Mo knew that Bai Ruoyao was a man who would keep his word. He promised Ning Zheng that he would never give him a hard time again and that he would keep his secret, even though Ning Zheng did not help him to get Tang Mo and they both got screwed together, he did not reveal Ning Zheng's secret.

But Bai Ruoyao only said that he wouldn't intentionally seek trouble, not what would happen if they did accidentally run into each other in the same game in the future. Tang Mo had to be wary of his opponent's strength, and people who are afraid of death always hold a grudge. Bai Ruoyao's fear of death was as great as his grudge.

Given the choice between getting it over with and letting the tiger go, Tang Mo chose the former.

Fu Wenduo made the promise for him because Bai Ruoyao believed that Mr. Fu would keep his word and he did not trust Tang Mo. Tang Mo also admits that there are times when he would not care about such things. But Fu Wenduo would.

However, when Fu Wenduo promised Bai Ruoyao, he told Tang Mo with a look in his eyes that it was okay to backtrack.

Tang Mo's hand quietly touches the small parasol as Fu Wenduo stands by, looking calm.

Just as Tang Mo was about to grip the handle of his umbrella, Bai Ruoyao looked at Fu Wenduo and suddenly said, "There is a third thing."

Tang Mo moves with a start.

Mu Huixue smiled, "Sure enough, Lucky Yao's means of preserving his life never fails to make people tsk tsk. That's interesting, and I'd like to know what else you can come up with to keep them from killing you?"

Bai Ruoyao blinked and looked at Fu Wenduo with a sincere gaze : "July 18, 2014, Myanmar, Myitkyina, N'ngai River."

Fu Wenduo's expression changed: "It's you?"

Bai Ruoyao tossed a wink and smiled, "It's your F-oh."

Fu Wenduo was silent. After a long time, he said, "You can go." At these words, he lifted his hand and withdrew the prop rope that had tied Bai Ruoyao. Tang Mo was surprised for a moment, but did not say anything.

With a heartbroken expression, the baby-faced youth said to Tang Mo, " Tangtang , do you really hate me that much?"

Tang Mo gripped the small parasol and sneered, imitating his tone, " Bai Ruoyao , do you really want to die that badly?"

Bai Ruoyao stretched his hands innocently, but the next moment he turned and ran, quickly disappearing into the woods of Tiantan Park.

Mu Huixue exclaimed, "So it was Fly who reported the letter four years ago."

Tang Mo looks at Fu Wenduo: "What did he do?"

Fu Wenduo explains the events of four years ago one by one.

Tang Mo never really thought that a guy like Bai Ruoyao, who seemed to be such a dodgy, disgusting, deadly guy, would ever save anyone's life. He saved the lives of two of China's most elite special forces at the time.

Four years ago, Fu Wenduo received a tip-off that the Dragon Brigade, along with another special forces team, was gathering in Myitkyina, Burma, to capture a major drug lord. The night before they were due to do so, someone gave them a lollipop through a local child, and when they opened it, there was a note hidden inside.

"Invite the king into the jar.


The note also depicts a large turtle, covered with a faceplate underneath, struggling to turn over its belly.

This F, as it turns out, refers to Fox.

Mu Huixue : "I guess Lucky Yao was on another mission in the area at the time and found out about this by accident, which is why he alerted you in this way. Everyone in the circle is unaware of their companion's mission and whereabouts, and we don't know the identities of the others either. The Myitkyina incident is quite well known in the circle, I didn't think it was him who did it. But don't worry, Fly is as well known for his commitment as he is for his people, he never breaks a promise and he shouldn't come to mess things up in the future."

Fu Xiaodi muttered, "Then we should beat him up before we let him go, we didn't just beat him up hard enough ..."

Tang Mo exchanged a look with Fu Wenduo and the two decided to discuss this important piece of information brought by Bai Ruoyao after they had left the Temple of Heaven.

The sun shone brightly on the five of them, the sun was past the middle of the sky and tilted slightly to the west. Mu Huixue is tall, but she is a woman, not as tall as Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo. Tang Mo lowered her head and looked at the long golden numbers around her partner's neck.


All players in Santa's Curiosity Mall are restricted in their powers and identities. They are not allowed to use their powers, and all of them have the status of Santa's customers. After leaving the copy, Tang Mo finds out that Ning Zheng has become a full player and is no longer a returnee.

Mu Huixue is still a returnee.

You can become a full player by eliminating five full players, including and not limited to the way the game is played. Mu Huixue wants to become a full player, and it's very easy. But she is still a returnee so far.

Chen Shanshan asked, "Why?"

Mu Huixue, who is particularly patient with children, bends slightly to look at Chen Shanshan and asks with a smile, "What for?"

Chen Shanshan thought, "Am I that short?

The young girl added, "You are still a returnee."

It is possible for anyone to be a returnee in this world, only Mu Huixue is not. She is absolutely dominant over the other three hundred and fifty thousand returnees, and she has had several times as many breaks as the second place. There is only one possibility that she has not become a full player.

Mu Huixue laughed, "What's the difference between a returnee and a full player? I'm going to die soon anyway."

This woman really wants to die and is not even interested in becoming a full player.

Perhaps because he had spent a lot of time with Mu Huixue, and the other man had helped himself to a 5-point lucky dice, Fu Xiaodi was much bolder and asked curiously, "That ... number around your neck, is it true that you had killed so many people? "

Mu Huixue is happy to answer children's questions: "Killing a returnee who has no rest time gives the other person ten minutes of rest time. Kill someone with a rest and you get half of the other person's rest in addition to this basic ten minutes. Kid, how many people do you think I've killed? Eh yeah, I don't know your name yet."

Fu Wenduo: "His name is Fu Wensheng."

Mu Huixue instantly understood, her eyes flicked back and forth between Fu Wenduo and Fu Wensheng, and she clapped her hands together, "So I was fooled by you at first." She looked at Tang Mo, "I really believed you when you pretended you didn't know this child in the candy house." She found a reason for herself and laughed, "Maybe it's because Earth is so peaceful that staying there for too long makes people let their guard down."

Fu Wensheng looked at her strangely. Fu Xiaodi had never felt that the Earth was peaceful, although they, the survivors of the Earth, seemed to be living a more "peaceful" life than the world of the Returned. But those who have survived to this day have experienced life and death.

Mu Huixue points to his neck: "There are two reasons why I don't convert. The first is that I'm too lazy to do it, I'm going to die anyway. The second is that with this figure, no one dares to lay a hand on me on my way from Guangzhou to Beijing, it's all so useful." At the end, he even smiled and spoke Cantonese, seemingly in a good mood.

"You want to find Fu Wenduo to kill you?" Tang Mo asked.



Mu Huixue : "There are two reasons for this. Firstly, in the world of returnees, everyone is very life conscious. Except when they are sure, they won't easily challenge players on the time rankings, let alone just challenge those ranked higher than themselves. It's been a long time since I've had a fight with a strong player. I like to fight."

This is something Tang Mo didn't see coming at all, Mu Huixue is so belligerent?

Fu Wenduo asked, "The second reason?"

Mu Huixue looked at him seriously, "This ... point has to do with my supernatural ability. I want to make sure before I tell you about my supernatural ability, Mr. Fu School, do you agree to duel with me?"

Fu Wenduo did not answer, but instead asked, "How many people have you killed."

Mu Huixue, as if she had expected him to ask, replied quickly, "Seventy-six."

Fu Xiaodi exclaims, "So little?"

Indeed, seventy-six sounds like a lot, and at least since Earth went online, no more than twenty people have died at the hands of Tang Mo. But Mu Huixue is a returnee, and a top returnee with 260,000 rests, at the top of that brutal food chain.

"Of those two hundred and sixty thousand, one hundred and twenty thousand were obtained by killing the last number one on the time chart. That man had 240,000 breaks, and I got half of them." Mu Huixue pointed to the string of golden numbers. The numbers were completely transparent, hovering next to her neck as it rolled gently with a faint smell of blood from the sheer number of numbers. "As for the other 140,000, when I first became number one, there were some people who tried to come and kill me, and after I killed them back, I got half of their rest time. Most of those who challenged me were high ranked players on the Time Rankings.

Mu Huixue touches her neck, smiling and curling her lips, but the smile carries a hint of overpowering murderousness that cannot be ignored. She recalls those years: "Before I killed the first place, I had no name on the time chart. Suddenly it appeared and immediately jumped up to third place. A strange female player, perhaps by luck to kill the first place ... She's attractive, isn't she?"

Mu Huixue smiles softly in the sunshine, revealing a sharp tiger's tooth.