
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 175 - Cinderella's little pumpkin!

Chen Shanshan walks up and looks up at Wang Xiaotian.

Cinderella, in her beautiful dress, looked at her with dismay and asked after a long time, "Are you sure you want to go through now? No, I have to tell you that I, Wang Xiaotian, am very busy and I don't have time to listen to you talk slowly about the food chain. If you don't make it through this time, you'll have no more initiative and you'll have to pray that you get lucky and the other players say the food chain in the same order as you and take you through. Have you thought about it?"

Chen Shanshan nodded, "Yes, think about it."

Wang Xiaotian's face changed: "You can change the puck again, to get new clues ... Don't you want to see it again?"


Wang Xiaotian : "..."

Cinderella jumped down from the carriage and said, "Well, you can tell me quietly then."

Chen Shanshan went up to Wang Xiaotian's ear, stood on tiptoe and whispered something. Wang Xiaotian said that she could tell her the order of the food chain in private, so that no one else would hear her. Tang Mo listened intently, but did not hear Chen Shanshan's words, so she must have used a special method to isolate the sound.

When Chen Shanshan finished speaking, Wang Xiaotian's mouth twitched and he waved his hand.

The balls in the hands of Fu Wenduo, Fu Wensheng and Chen Shanshan suddenly flew up and gathered in the air, colliding with the balls of the other three. Chen Shanshan said one more word and the ball in Tang Mo's hand also flew up. Seven balls hover in the air.

Tang Mo had a vague feeling that something that had been binding him was gone. It was a shackle that had been wrapped around the players since they entered the game. Although the game was not quite over yet, Tang Mo had already cleared the game. All they had to do was wait patiently for the last night to end and they could leave the game.

Wang Xiaotian was in a terrible mood, her mouth puckered up and she made a face at Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo as she walked away, "Next time I'll make sure I eat the meat of you bad guys!"

The pumpkin wagon rumbled out of the room and the seven little balls hovered in the air for a while, three of them falling and flying to the three returnees. Four more orbs stopped directly in mid-air and did not fly back to the four Tang Mo's, symbolising that they had finished their game.

The expressions on the faces of the three returnees seemed to have tipped over the palette in a brilliant way. They looked at the backs of the four Tang Mo men with complicated eyes, and the middle-aged man gritted his teeth and clenched the small ball in his hand.

The young man's body trembled and he said as if in disbelief, "How is it possible, how can you get through so quickly, not yet, not yet ..."

Haven't brought any of their three returnees yet, only four through!

Rule 6: Find a complete food chain of your own to win. At the same time, all players in that food chain can win.

When Tang Mo said he was going to pass the game, Dunder's mind was more amazed than lucky. As soon as someone named the food chain, the other players in that food chain passed straight through. If Chen Shanshan had said his name was on the food chain, he would have been able to pass the game together, even if he didn't know anything about it.

But no.

Only four Earth survivors made it through, three of them returnees, none of them.

Dunder and Liao Feng's faces were hard as they clutched their little balls, jealousy in their eyes.

"You're using me?!"

A shrill female voice rang out and the crowd swept their heads around to look at Xing Siqi.

The young woman in the shirt suddenly seems to understand something and stares angrily at Fu Wensheng in the crowd. The child swallowed hard and subconsciously walked behind Tang Mo. Fu Xiaodi : "When did I, when did I use you?"

Xing Siqi's eyes were wide open, as if she was trying to see the seemingly clueless boy to the bone. She turns her head to Chen Shanshan, followed by Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo. Her eyes pause on Fu Wenduo for three seconds and then Xing Siqi's eyes light up and she closes her eyes quickly, her chest heaving and a heavy panting sound coming from her mouth.

After half a minute, she slowly crossed her lips and smiled.

She looked at the little ball in her hand and then at the four little balls in the air that hadn't fallen. She smiled and said, "For the first time I am thankful that my reaction time was not fast enough to grab the question but you guys, so I am still in first rank and my little ball is still the same one from the last round. Did you guys do that on purpose?"

Tang Mo narrowed his eyes, "Deliberately what?"

Xing Siqi pointed to the four balls in the air and then to the other two returnees, "What a coincidence that our three returnees got the same three balls from the previous round."

Tang Mo said lightly, "Just a coincidence."

Xing Siqi : "It is indeed a coincidence, after all, even if the points for answering the questions are the same, two balls of the same rank, no one knows which one will fall into your hands, and this you cannot decide. But the fact remains that the balls of our three returnees have not changed overall, nor have the four balls belonging to you, only the person who has them has changed."

Chen Shanshan asked, "What do you want to say?"

The young woman walked to the centre of the hall and pulled up a chair and sat down. Surprisingly, she had no intention of going into the room to read the clues, instead she smiled, "I'd like to say thank you, even though you've used me ... but it's time for me to get through."

As soon as the words hit the ground, the four Tang Mo men looked unchanged, as if they had expected this to happen. The other two returnees were not happy, and the younger man approached Xing Siqi: "What do you mean by that? You know how you're supposed to get through?"

Xing Siqi points to Chen Shanshan: "Thanks to that little girl, she told me about a food chain that belongs to me."

Dunder said, nervously and expectantly, "What about me? What about me?"

Xing Siqi : "How do I know you."

"You ...!"

Alliances between returnees are not strong, and after learning about one of their food chains, Xing Siqi has no further intention of working with the other two returnees. The middle-aged man's tone is eerie as he asks the young woman to reveal her food chain, which she refuses to do. The two male returnees return to their room, sulking, and open the puck to check for clues.

In the middle of the room, Tang Mo slowly walks over to the chairs and pulls them out to sit down. The other three sit down as well.

Four Earth survivors and one returnee.

The five men looked at each other in silence, none of them speaking.

After half an hour, a door was thrown open with great force. The young man ran out with red eyes, he ran straight to Chen Shanshan and tried to grab the young girl's wrist. There was a blinding flash of metal and Fu Wenduo was sitting on a chair, his head not looking up, but a dagger was held to the young man's neck to stop him from taking a step forward.

The young man's cheeks flushed red as he panted heavily and finally gave up on the idea of grabbing Chen Shanshan and went to sit down in his seat. A short while later the middle-aged man also emerged from the room, his expression also bad, but not as impulsive as the younger man's. He stared slyly at the four Tang Mo's and finally at the younger woman before pulling back a chair and sitting down.

The middle-aged man sighed and spoke, "What are the conditions, say so."

The young man looked at him in surprise.

Tang Mo seems to have been prepared for this. He leans forward, bracing his hands on his knees, locking the middle-aged man in a deadly stare with an extremely aggressive sight. He curled his lips and his voice sounded gentle and calm, but no one would have taken him for a nice person to talk to. For he smiled and said, "I want both your arms."

The middle-aged man jerked his head up, "What?!"

Tang Mo repeated, "I want both of your arms." Fu Wenduo duly handed his own dagger to Tang Mo, who took it obediently. He gestured the dagger at the middle-aged man's shoulders and made a movement of his wrist. The middle-aged man's body shuddered and a cold sensation came from the place where his arms joined his shoulders.

Fu Wenduo said for Tang Mo, "A pair of arms for your passage would be appropriate. You're a returnee, at least through the second level of The black tower, and while it may take some time to regrow your arms, it's not impossible to grow them back."

The middle-aged man suppressed his anger: "But in seven days of Eve's game, I'm sure I won't be able to grow my arms back fully."

Fu Wenduo lowered his eyes, "That's your business."

Middle-aged man: "..."

After a few moments, "Yes!"

The middle-aged man's bargaining chip is negotiated and the younger man is next. Dunder keeps his head down and buries his expression in his hair.

There were two rounds of the Darwin test and the player changed the pins twice. At the beginning, Dunder was fourth ranked and he was lucky enough to draw the highest ranked ball. However, the next two times he performed poorly in the Darwin test, he was always given the second ranked ball, the ball Fu Wenduo started with.

He wasn't stupid, he had reacted to the clue of what the middle-aged man was getting in exchange for his arms.

A pair of arms for a food chain of your own, for a life, it's well worth it.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, Dunder looked up again with a firm gaze: "How do I change?"

Tang Mo : "A pair of arms and a prop."

Dunder exclaimed, "Why should I have one more prop than him?!"

Tang Mo : "Because he didn't have any props on him, all his props were searched by us long ago."

The young man had nothing to say.

Tang Mo wasn't lying, the middle-aged man almost escaped from them in the end with his special powers, but not before Fu Wenduo had scavenged all his props.

The decision to trade both arms for the food chain was made by Chen Shanshan and Tang Mo after long deliberation. A pair of arms is not that important to the Returners, and with the strength of these two men, they could grow back in ten days. It's just that in Eve's game they will be too weak to pose much of a threat to the Earth survivors.

This condition is within the range of what they can accept.

Also, this is the extent to which Tang Mo may get their powers.

Tang Mo forced Bai Ruoyao to cut off his own arm, thereby gaining his powers. A pair of arms should have been able to get the powers of both men.

The two returnees originally wanted to get the food chain from the young woman in exchange for a deal. Xing Siqi's eyes darkened and she was about to agree, but the middle-aged man saw through her lie at once: "You don't know anything about our food chain."

Xing Siqi shrugs.

She really doesn't know the food chain of these two men, she just pushes out her own food chain from the behaviour of people like Tang Mo.

The middle-aged man walked up to Tang Mo with a grimace on his face, and Tang Mo grabbed Fu Wenduo's dagger. The dagger slashes through the adult man's arms as if he were cutting tofu, and blood spurts out instantly. The middle-aged man roared in pain, his cheeks twitching. After three minutes his bleeding stopped, Tang Mo came up to his ear and whispered.

Next up are the young men.

Tang Mo cut off both of his arms and took one of his props, as he had done.

Four arms landed in a pool of blood, Tang Mo snapped his fingers and tongues of fire instantly curled around the four bloody arms.

The young woman narrowed her eyes and muttered, "Alien powers ..."

Tang Mo smiled lightly and said, "Or is it a prop?"

The young woman closed her mouth and stopped talking.

The middle-aged man looked up and said, "You took my arm to vent your anger?"

Just chopped off his arm and burned it with fire, Tang Mo didn't need his arm at all!

Tang Mo : "Guess right."

Half an hour later, Wang Xiaotian drove the pumpkin carriage back to the room. As soon as she got out of the car, she hurriedly covered her mouth with a look of panic and exaggeratedly said, "Ah, what is this, where did all this blood come from? It's horrible, I'm so scared." After shouting for days and not seeing any response, Wang Xiaotian looked up and realised that none of the humans had any intention of comforting her.

"Do you know how to show mercy?" Wang Xiaotian bristled, stepped into the pool of blood with one foot, leaving a bloody footprint, and walked up to the seven men.

Wang Xiaotian leaned against the pumpkin carriage and said lazily: "This is your last chance, I'm going to be a princess and I don't have time to play such childish games with you. Now, do you have something to say to me? No? Then I'm leaving, so get lost."

The young woman said directly, "I know my food chain."

Wang Xiaotian looks at her suspiciously.

The young woman said calmly, "One of my food chains - Xing Siqi → Fu Wensheng → Tang Mo ."

Wang Xiaotian grunted, "Well, you're right. How do you know your food chain, you heard it from these bad guys?"

"This little girl just said two food chains to you, didn't she. One is 'She → Fu Wensheng → Tang Mo' and the other is 'She → Fu Wensheng → Fu Wenduo'." Wang Xiaotian did not deny it, and the young woman pointed to Chen Shanshan , continuing, "Because she said it twice. The four of them contain four ranks, and if all four were from the same food chain, they would only need to say it once to get through all of them. This proves one thing, the four of them split into two food chains. It was stupid of me, if I hadn't revealed my clue when I answered Darwin's test they wouldn't have known the answer so easily."

Fu Wensheng scowled as the woman glared at her again.

That's right, during the second round of the Darwin test, Fu Wensheng suddenly said that even if he lost he wouldn't eat Chen Shanshan, he would eat the young woman. The young woman never took Fu Wensheng seriously because the young boy had been playing so badly before, acting like a player brought up to this level by his older brother.

Fu Wenduo and Fu Wensheng.

Everyone knew these were two brothers as soon as they heard them.

Fu Wenduo is very well known and quite famous in the returnee world. Fu Wensheng is just a mere rice worm following him around, and would never have made it this far without his brother. Xing Siqi guessed so, so she never thought that this weak little boy would lay a trap on her, and she was set up to say, "I was the one who told them that this little girl was also food for this little boy."

Chen Shanshan → Fu Wensheng → Fu Wenduo .

Chen Shanshan → Fu Wensheng → Tang Mo .

These are the two food chains that Chen Shanshan told Wang Xiaotian about in the last round.

In the first round, the young man was fourth rank, and Chen Shanshan easily got his clue: his food was a woman.

By this time his targets had become two: Chen Shanshan, then in the third rank, and the young woman, then in the second rank.

In the second round of the game, Tang Mo got Chen Shanshan's ball, making sure that he was the highest rank and that no one could eat him. The other answer is instantly ruled out; it is the young woman's ball that the young man should have taken. Switching to the second round of the game, it is Fu Wenduo who should take Fu Wensheng's ball.

Add to this the young woman's remark in the first round of the game that Fu Wensheng must be her own food and almost eat Fu Wensheng. By this time a complete food chain has emerged - the

Xing Siqi → Fu Wensheng → Fu Wenduo.

There is no shortage of intelligent returnees, and Tang Mo would never dare to take any of them lightly. This young woman is very clever and she is absolutely right in her assumptions.

The young woman wondered, "But I don't understand, how did you determine that Tang Mo could eat this little boy?"

In the second round, Tang Mo was the third and highest ranking player. But why did he eat Fu Wensheng's ball and not the young man's? How did Chen Shanshan determine the answer?

Chen Shanshan replied, "The first time we exchanged clues, Brother Tang Mo said his clues didn't make sense and you all didn't believe him. But ... do you remember what clues I was talking about then?"

Tang Mo is the senior player The black tower has put into the game's rules, naming the player to be killed for a reward, and Chen Shanshan is just an unimpressive little girl. When she said that, none of the three returnees remembered the clue she had given. The young woman recalled it for a long time, then snapped and muttered, "You said that your clue didn't make any sense ..."

Chen Shanshan looked calm: "Yes, you all believed me when I said my clues were meaningless. You don't even believe me when Brother Tang Mo says that. Because in my eyes I was just a passer-by, and what you really wanted to eliminate was Brother Tang Mo, it didn't matter if you eliminated me or paid attention to me. So I lied then and you all didn't pay attention."

The young woman suddenly understood: "Wait, you've been ... from that time"

"Well, I knew right from the start that your balls were my food. That is, for the next two rounds, Whisper's ball was Tang Mo's brother's food." It just wasn't said.

The young woman was silent for a long time and then suddenly smiled, "So the only thing you suspect is that your ball is not his food." She pointed at Chen Shanshan and Fu Wensheng , "You didn't get a clue from this little boy, maybe because the clues he saw really didn't make sense, maybe because he couldn't give you his clues. So you've put your attention on me, because this ball used to be mine ..."

During the intense Darwin test, every player's nerves were on edge.

The young woman had sworn that she knew Fu Wensheng was lying, so Chen Shanshan didn't dare take it lightly. It was not until the eleventh question that she got Fu Wensheng to play along, allowing the young woman to take Fu Wensheng's words, "Then I'll eat you," lightly.

Because she knows that Fu Wensheng's ball can eat up two first ranks.

Both first ranks are his food.

All the truth came out and the young woman sneered, pointing at the two male returnees, "You really know the food chain for both of them?"

Chen Shanshan hesitated and did not speak.

Fu Wenduo's low voice rang out, "Did I say we knew?"

The two returnees swiped their heads and looked at him incredulously.

"What did you say!"

The young man roared and rushed forward, and if he had his hands, he would have smashed Fu Wenduo hard into the ground by now. What stopped him was a small pink parasol, the rounded tip of which rested against his throat, right over the flashing golden three digits. Tang Mo cocked his head and smiled slightly, "You were the ones who said you wanted to trade terms with us, we never said we knew your food chain."

" Tang Mo , Fu Wenduo !!!"

Chen Shanshan had the idea, but it was Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo who attracted the hate. After all, they are the most famous. Fu Wenduo raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything.

Chen Shanshan : "Your food chain is my speculation, because there are so few clues, I can only speculate so much. There is an 80% chance that your food chain is right."

The young man is furious and wants to tear the young girl apart with her calm face, the middle-aged man is a little more mature. Although he hated it so much that his eyes were bloodshot, he tried his best to calm down, looked up at Wang Xiaotian who was smiling and watching, and gritted his teeth as he uttered the words, "My food chain, Xing Siqi → Dunder → Liao Feng → Fu Wenduo."

The smile on Wang Xiaotian's face froze for a moment, then she waved her hand: "It's no fun, you've all passed, it's so boring. Here's your reward. The pumpkins my stepmother grows are delicious, so you can have them, no thanks to me." As she said this, Wang Xiaotian took seven pumpkins out of her pocket and tossed them to the seven players.

The two male returnees had no hands and the pumpkin smashed into their cheeks.

Tang Mo held the pumpkin and a bad suspicion suddenly flashed through his mind. He rubbed the pumpkin hard three times, and soon a line of small letters emerged.

[Props: Cinderella's Pumpkin]

[Owned by: Tang Mo].

[Quality: Rubbish]

[Grade: Level 1].

[Attack: None, may hurt a bit to hit]

[Function: Delicious, the dwarves quite like it].

[Limitations: Nothing works, probably its biggest limitation].

[Remark: After working so hard to play the game, you are back to your former self. Think happy, at least it's pretty tasty.]

Tang Mo : "..."

The young woman also found it incredible as she said, "Is that the only reward for passing the game?!"

Wang Xiaotian said impatiently, "What for? What do you want? Isn't this enough? You greedy humans!"

Fu Wenduo said coldly, "What happens if you don't find your food chain and you don't pass the level?"

The crowd was astonished.

Wang Xiaotian looked at Fu Wenduo , slowly she crossed the corners of her mouth and gave a nasty smile. "Ah, how about ... not so good ah. You guys can't get my pumpkin if you don't pass the level, and you can't eat something so delicious if you don't get my pumpkin. Wow, you guys are at a loss, it's great to get through."

Crowd: "..."

The men who had lost both arms gritted their teeth in anger and made a crunching, grinding sound.

Pass the game and get Cinderella's little pumpkin.

There is no penalty for not passing the game, you just don't get her little pumpkin.

From start to finish, this game is a safe game. It prohibits violence and The black tower will even outright obliterate the perpetrator. The only way to be eliminated is to be eaten by someone who then chooses to throw you into The black tower and become a slave to The black tower.

Other than that, this game is safe as hell.

Tang Mo reads silently: " Eve's game copy 315 ..." So it's just a copy ...

Wang Xiaotian smiled and said, "I'm going to be my princess and not talk to you stinking humans."

The huge pumpkin wagon whistled and left the room. The seven players stayed where they were as a low female voice rang out, "Pass the game and only get pumpkins. But eliminate Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo and you can open Eve's reward ..."


A steel needle broke through the air and grazed the young woman's cheek, leaving a bloody mark.

The steel needle flew past the young woman's cheek before disappearing into thin air, Tang Mo withdrew her hand and looked back at her, curling her lips, "Wanna try? Guess if it's a power, or a prop this time?"

The young woman's cheeks were a burning, stinging sensation as she stared at Tang Mo in awe, her lips parting before she finally clenched her teeth and did not speak.

She values her life more than the reward of opening Eve.

"Dingdong! Players Xing Siqi, Dunder, Liao Feng, Tang Mo, Fu Wenduo, Chen Shanshan and Fu Wensheng have successfully cleared 'Eve's Game Copy No. 315'."

A blinding white light lit up before the eyes of the crowd, and as this white light lit up, the four Earth players and the three returnees were still staring coldly at each other. Whoever dared to make a move, the other side would immediately strike back.

As the icy wind blew in Tang Mo's face, his eyes blinked and he was back on Earth. Without hesitation, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo rushed towards the young woman, but they were still a step behind. The woman was already standing at a distance from them and she only needed to escape, while Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo needed to find her position and go after her.

After a few moments of pursuit, the two men gave up.

The other two male returnees also took the opportunity to escape.

When faced with weaker Earth survivors, these returnees will kill without mercy. When faced with the stronger, they will also flee without mercy.

Tang Mo said helplessly, "Regardless of the strength of the returnees, everyone seems to be running fast."

Tang Mo was joking, but Chen Shanshan was serious in his analysis: "With the time charts, every returnee is an enemy to each other. They have encountered many more life-and-death hazards than we have, so they run fast to survive. This is also the survival of the fittest."

Chen Shanshan has a point.

Fu Wensheng: "This game was a big loss, there was no reward for passing and no penalty for not passing. If I had known, I wouldn't have been so scared. But luckily, we are not the worst losers. The worst offenders are the two men. Their powers have been copied by Brother Tang and their arms are gone. They won't be able to play Eve for the next seven days."

Taking the arms of those two men was on the one hand to help Tang Mo replicate their powers and eat them dry without paying for them. On the other hand, it was also to weaken them. Eve's game lasts seven days, and these seven nights are the seven most intense days of conflict between the survivors and returnees of Earth. Chen Shanshan will not miss the opportunity to weaken the other side.

But there was one thing Fu Wensheng couldn't figure out: "Actually, if one of them knew the food chain, the other one could have gotten through. The food chain that Sister Shanshan deduced had both of their names on it, and the middle-aged man could have helped the other one get through without him cutting off his arm."

"Would you be happy with that?"

Fu Wensheng froze and looked up at his elder brother.

Fu Wenduo moved his fingers and took the dagger back into his sleeve. Tang Mo looked down at his little friend and explained for Fu Wenduo, "The middle-aged man didn't intend to tell the other man about his food chain when he found out about it. Because he had lost his arm, the other man was not happy not to lose his arm. If it was a relationship like mine and Fu Wenduo's ..." There was a pause in his voice as Tang Mo said, "If it was a relationship like the four of us, I certainly wouldn't let my teammates lose their arms too, as long as I lost mine alone. But they are different, they are never just allies, allies who can betray each other at any time."

Chen Shanshan : "That woman ... Xing Siqi , be a little careful, she's very clever."

Tang Mo nods gently.

The four of them sorted themselves out and moved off to prepare for the Chosen Base.

The day dawns slightly and a ray of sunlight rises from below the horizon, waking the land. Tang Mo looks at the blood-red numbers on The black tower and murmurs, "3, 2, 1 ..."

"Dingdong! The 'Game of Eve' is temporarily over, please continue the game and try to attack the tower!"

As if breaking through the tense air that had been filling the air over Beijing all night, the bloody countdown on the giant The black tower faded violently. It was as if everything had gone back to the days before the 4.0 update, when tens of thousands of The black tower hung calmly and heavy over the planet.

With the breeze in their faces, Tang Mo The four men looked at each other, went around into the alley and advanced quietly.

As he walks, Tang Mo remembers something.

He had just taken the time to look at the two men's psychic abilities. The middle-aged man's psychic ability turned out to be an escape type of psychic ability; to be precise, he could speed up a certain aspect of his ability at a certain moment. For example, he could enhance his eyesight, see through houses to see his enemies and shoot with bullets; for example, his speed, he could suddenly run extremely fast, but then his eyesight would plummet.

Not just his vision and speed, but he can also significantly enhance his body's sense of hearing, smell or touch, but that's when other abilities are violently weakened.

Focusing his abilities on one aspect of complete manifestation, while other abilities are weakened, is his psychic ability.

This ability looks very powerful, but in fact it's also chickenshit. If you are fighting someone, it is good to weaken other abilities and only enhance one against a weaker enemy. However, against an enemy as powerful as Fu Wenduo, the moment he enhances one of his abilities, Tang Mo will be able to catch his weakness and kill him with a single blow.

"That woman's powers seem a little better ..."

Being able to detect that Fu Wensheng is lying is a type of ability Tang Mo has never had before. If he had this ability, it might be easier for him to attack the tower in the future.

"You want to have that woman's powers?"

Tang Mo froze and turned his head to look at Fu Wenduo. He nodded: "Well, it's sometimes important to see if someone is lying." It was a very powerful ability when it mattered. Of course, Tang Mo didn't know what the woman's ability was, he was just guessing.

Fu Wenduo's voice was calm: "My powers seem to be better than hers."

Tang Mo's footsteps jerk to a halt and he looks back at the man in surprise. Chaoyang rises and reflects on Fu Wenduo's face. The eyes were deep and dark, still not completely illuminated by the sunlight, and his expression was cool and calm. He looks steadily at Tang Mo, who also looks at him quietly.

After a moment, Tang Mo laughed, "If I take her powers, I promise, I'll use them on you first."

"?" Fu Wenduo didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, why the sudden change of topic?

Tang Mo swept him with a downcast glance, "I'd like to see what's going through your mind every time you say something like that with a blank face."

Fu Wenduo : "..."

Fu Wenduo averts his gaze without changing his face and strides forward.


The author has something to say.

Tangtang : It's a loss, a blood loss! This man's powers are useless!

Mr. Fu: Only enhance the senses in a certain area, all other abilities are weakened ah ...

Tangtang : ...[Something doesn't seem right?