
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 135 - You give me no reading again!!!

Bai Ruoyao's injuries were more serious than Fu Wensheng could have imagined, and the two men tossed and turned in the kitchen for a quarter of an hour before emerging. As they walked, the baby-faced youth raised his right hand and looked at his bandaged wrist. To be honest, as good as Fu Xiaodi's powers were at healing, his bandaging skills were atrocious.

Bai Ruoyao looks at his wrist with a deep sense of humour, and suddenly gives a cheeky laugh.

Immediately, the child blushes and runs to his big brother and Tang Mo in a depressed manner. After a few steps, Fu Wensheng stopped and looked at Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo standing by the door, quietly waiting for him. The child looked twice at them strangely and finally ran up again, muttering in his mind: ... Why do I feel something is wrong?

The three of them packed up their things and left the restaurant together. They had just taken a few steps when the doll-faced young man followed them. Tang Mo turns his head to look at Bai Ruoyao, who looks at him with a smile and makes a gesture: you want to wait for me?

Tang Mo turns his head straight away, ignoring his opponent for a moment.

Ruan Wangshu said that they would not come after Tang Mo from now on. But Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo had no intention of stopping there. They won't come after Chosen, but they have already made a deal. If they run into each other in the future, it will be difficult for them to work together; if they do, it will be the perfect time to get rid of them.

But their immediate priority is not the Chosen, it is the Transparent.

The three of them walked swiftly in the direction of Fu Wensheng's house. On the way, the three of them were on tenterhooks, wary of the Chosen's backtracking, and wary of the baby-faced young man behind them. By mid-afternoon, the three of them were about to turn a corner into a wide avenue when suddenly Fu Wenduo stopped in his tracks and reached out to take Tang Mo's wrist at the same time.

Tang Mo is slightly stunned.

Fu Wenduo: "Someone."

Tang Mo calmed down and took a good look. In the middle of the spacious intersection, there is nothing but empty space. A few dead leaves are swept up in a small whirlwind, mixed with sand and stones, and floating in the air. There was a dead silence, and Tang Mo could not hear a single sound, except for his own faint breathing.

Fu Wensheng was surprised at the sight, then quickly settled down and looked around him warily. With his strength and powers of observation he could not yet detect an ambush, but he understood what his elder brother and Tang Mo were doing. They were watching quietly from the corner, and Bai Ruoyao was just five metres away, leaning against the wall and waiting with a smile on his face, not moving.

Three minutes later, a rustling sound came from the west. The next second, two large, brawny men leapt out of a shady alleyway in a single bound and pounced on the thieving man. The man was startled and the three men wrestled. Tang Mo stood in the corner, watching calmly until the men knocked the man unconscious and took him away before continuing on their way.

The sky darkened at noon and there was a heavy rain.

The three of them find a hot pot restaurant and stop. Bai Ruoyao, his hands in his pockets, seems to ignore the rain beating wetly on his head as he walks slowly into the hot pot restaurant. Soon after he enters, Fu Wenduo stands up and walks Fu Wensheng to the door. Tang Mo stands by the door and talks to them for a while, but when the rain stops, Fu Wenduo and his brother suddenly leave the hotpot restaurant.

Bai Ruoyao's eyes narrowed at the sudden sight, and he looked silently at Tang Mo, who was not far away, with a smile on his lips.

Tang Mo didn't seem to notice the sight of him as the rain stopped and he got up with the intention of leaving the hotpot restaurant.

"Hee hee, Tangtang ..."

As soon as the words left his mouth, a sharp crack of wind suddenly came from behind him. Tang Mo sidestepped it with great speed. Bai Ruoyao's face was completely devoid of smiles as he flipped his right hand and a slender silver butterfly knife twirled between his fingers and grazed Tang Mo's throat.

Tang Mo pulls out his small parasol with one hand. He looked up coldly at Bai Ruoyao and the two attacked together.

Bai Ruoyao's speed, strength and reflexes are all slightly higher than Tang Mo's. Each of these is just a little higher, and the combination is quite terrifying. The combination of each of these is a little higher, and the combination is quite frightening, as Tang Mo is quickly losing ground without using his powers. Tang Mo bends backwards and braces himself on the ground with his right hand to avoid a silver butterfly knife strike. However, he never expected a flick of Bai Ruoyao's left hand and a black shadow swirled between his left hands. When Tang Mo was unable to dodge, another butterfly knife came at him.

The two butterfly knives were pinned left and right, completely blocking Tang Mo's path of retreat.

The thin blade looked slender, but it glowed with a cold, cold light. Bai Ruoyao laughed slowly and had no intention of stopping, both blades stabbing at Tang Mo's neck together. At this point Tang Mo rolled over and crouched down, pressing his hands into the ground and whispering, "Gravity suppression!"


Bai Ruoyao hit the ground with a thud. Because of his extremely quick reaction, he rolled on the ground without being hurt. But when he stood up again, he just felt like his body had been filled with leaden water, and every movement was incredibly difficult. He tried a little to feel how much gravity he had been subjected to. Bai Ruoyao simply sat down on the ground and looked at Tang Mo across from him: "Gravity powers? That ... white-looking kid from before?"

Tang Mo quickly withdraws his hand and pulls away, sweeping Bai Ruoyao a faint glance, and without speaking, gets up to leave.

Bai Ruoyao watched Tang Mo's back and slowly narrowed his eyes. When Tang Mo was almost out of the door of the hotpot restaurant, he suddenly realised, "... Did you just use me to try out your new psychic powers?!"

Tang Mo walked straight out the door without stopping at all.

Bai Ruoyao sneered and got up from the ground to follow him again.

Yes, Tang Mo had deliberately asked Bai Ruoyao to attack him. He had already known that Bai Ruoyao was very clever and had probably guessed that he had multiple powers. This man was like a dog's skin, he couldn't get rid of it. Tang Mo's multiple powers would be revealed sooner or later, so he might as well just use him as a target to test how well the new powers would work against a powerful player.

[Ability: Gravity Imbalance]

[Owned by: Ruan Wangshu (Stowaway)

[Type: 4-D].

[Function: Manipulating the power of gravity]

[Level: 5].

[Restriction: Need to touch the ground with both hands to use the ability; can be used three times a day, total use time is 30 seconds. Difficult to advance.]

[Note: I am a rare and serious alien, bracket, even the notes are incredibly serious].

Tang Mo's version of this power can only be used three times a day for a total of 10 seconds. If stepping on dog shit can bring you luck, Tang Mo must have stepped on a whole shithole of dog shit in his past life.

Tang Mo didn't avoid Fu Wenduo when he was checking out Bai Ruoyao's powers.

In fact, many things had been guessed. The feeling of déjà vu, the tacit understanding without words, the familiarity but also the strange distance. Tang Mo just never imagined that with a population of 1.3 billion in China, Viktor would still be alive and that he would run into himself at the same time. The probability is so small that an infinite non-probability pocket watch could work, but it just happened.

Tang Mo is calm on the surface, everything is just a normal online face-to-face. But he was so happy that he forgot to turn Fu Wenduo away. When he opened the book on psychic powers, the phrase "stepped on a whole shithole of shit" immediately came to his attention.

Tang Mo: "..."

Fu Wenduo: "..."

Tang Mo snapped and threw the alien book out of the window, where it dutifully disappeared into thin air. Tang Mo was torn. He was tempted to argue that the book had always been clean and civilised, despite its poor mouth. This time it was purely an accident! An accident that lowered itself to his detriment.

Before Tang Mo could say anything, however, Fu Wenduo gave a low chuckle.

Tang Mo's heart gradually calmed down. He looked up at the man in front of him and slowly smiled, "When did you know it was me?"

Fu Wenduo: "In Nanjing, at one point you talked about your job." After a pause, he added: "Well ... librarian?"

Tang Mo recalls it curiously.

He did talk to Fu Wenduo about his previous job, but he remembers that Viktor wasn't supposed to know about it ...

Fu Wenduo: "Last June, you said once that someone came to borrow a book and lost it and refused to pay for it."

Tang Mo now remembers that he did say something like that once. It was impossible to play bridge without talking at all and paying full attention, and the two of them would occasionally talk. On that occasion Tang Mo was really angry, he had always been rather aloof, and the other man, a middle-aged man of over fifty years, said that he had returned the book when it was clearly lost, and that it had been lost by a colleague of Tang Mo's when he handed it to him.

It's not often that you see such an oddball, so Tang Mo had a chat with Viktor during the evening poker game.

Tang Mo suddenly thought, "Wait, you guessed I was the librarian based on that alone?" He remembered that he had only mentioned that he had had a bad day and that someone had borrowed a book and not returned it.

Fu Wenduo raises an eyebrow.

The two men stared at each other and after a moment, laughed in unison.

It was hard to identify each other, but there wasn't much time to catch up. While Bai Ruoyao is away, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo make a plan for the next few days. Ostensibly they were going to Fu Xiaodi's house to find out if there were any more clues about his relatives. In reality they took a long detour and approached The black tower above the Forbidden City.

Here Tang Mo split up with Fu Wenduo and Fu Wensheng. While the latter went to challenge the tower game together, Tang Mo decided to go to Peking University to participate in a dangerous copy of reality. The three of them part at the hotpot restaurant, Tang Mo fumbling with the turkey eggs in his pocket, seemingly looking ahead, but physically alert for Bai Ruoyao, who will attack him at any moment.

Fu Wenduo and Fu Wensheng had to go for the tower attack game.

If there hadn't been the Transparent Man incident, they wouldn't have had to be in such a hurry. Now, The black tower version 4.0 is ready to be updated. The attitude of the mysterious Transparent Man camp players is currently unknown, and judging by their behaviour so far, they are not likely to get along well as they are hunting Earth players like crazy. And since Mu Huixue has been proven to be a Transparent player, it is likely ... that the reason she received a separate rhyme from The black tower is that she cleared all four levels of The black tower.

While Tang Mo and Russian player Andrei had only just cleared the third floor of The black tower a few days earlier, Mu Huixue had already cleared the fourth floor of The black tower.

The strength of the Transparent camp cannot be underestimated.

Fu Wenduo and Fu Wensheng could have taken part in the tower attack game, but they had kept it to themselves. Now that they have left for the tower attack, Tang Mo's only concern is this snakehead who has just said that he "wants to find a chance to kill himself". But it would be extremely difficult for him to kill Bai Ruoyao, and extremely difficult for Bai Ruoyao to kill him.

The two keep a suitable distance, watch out for each other and pretend to be perfectly calm on the surface.

Slowly, Tang Mo walks into a quaint neighbourhood. When Tang Mo rounded a corner and was about to enter a certain alley, Bai Ruoyao suddenly stopped in his tracks. He stood at the entrance of the alleyway for a moment and said, "Are you going to the copy of reality at Beihang University?"

Tang Mo ignored him and continued on his way.

The copy of reality at Peking University has some notoriety in Beijing, and this copy was discovered half a month ago. Except for the Chosen, which did not come to conquer it, all the other large groups of psychics in Beijing have come quite a lot. Without exception, they all died inside. Tang Mo has the King's Gold and he currently needs to improve his strength and is not up to the challenge of a new tower attack game. So he chose this place.

Tang Mo thought that Bai Ruoyao would be a bit of a pain in the ass, but the doggy was still following him.

"Guessing why I followed you here?"

Tang Mo glanced at the man and struck up a conversation with the other man for the first time, "Why?"

Bai Ruoyao grinned cheekily, his gaze slowly sliding down from Tang Mo's head and back down to the top of his shoes. Finally he winked, "Because ... Tangtang, you don't seem to be dying oh."

At these words, Tang Mo froze abruptly, and he immediately remembered something. The next moment, Tang Mo closed his eyes and when he broke them open again, a light flashed in his eyes. He couldn't stop looking at the doll-faced youth in front of him. He said he was looking, but his eyes did not quite produce focus, as if he did not see a specific person. The more he looked, the more odd Tang Mo's face became, and he looked on in silence for half a day.

After a long time, Tang Mo hooked the corners of his mouth and said, in a rare and very pleasant manner, "By your good fortune, you don't seem ... to be dying either."

Bai Ruoyao was keenly aware of a hint of anomaly, but he looked closely at Tang Mo, who looked calm.

Tang Mo walks happily towards the north gate, while Bai Ruoyao follows with suspicion, calculating in his mind.

A majestic female voice boomed out as the two walked near a stone lion by the north entrance. The two men quickly turned their heads to look inside the North University gates, only to see a lanky, frightening shadow running and moving through the gates at breakneck speed, holding up a rolled-up book and slamming it hard on a little girl who was sleeping on a rock.

The stout mountain of a woman yelled angrily, "You're lazy and not reading again, Mosaic!!!"

"Dingdong! Players Liu Wansheng, Lin Qian, Tang Mo and Bai Ruoyao have triggered the side quest 'Curse of the school scum who don't study properly after entering school' and have officially entered the reality copy 'All things are inferior'. Please enter the school immediately and start the game."

The piercing gaze faded and Tang Mo squinted to finally make out the terrifying female standing in the middle of the school gates.


The author has something to say.

Mr. Fu: ... Can we still have a relationship line in this article?

Tangtang: You should attack the tower properly!