
The Earth After Rebirth

Being a bottom feeder in society is an unpleasant experience. That's how Kiro felt after being left for dead in a back alley. Abandoned and disappointed by the 'work hard' ethic his parents left for him. 'At least the heavens are weeping for me.' As the light from his eyes faded, he declared as the last act of defiance. He awoke in a room he hadn't seen in ten years. Whether it was due to sheer luck or divine intervention, he was grateful. 'Through the VR game, Asgard, I'll become filthy rich in this life time.' Kiro was blissfully unaware that his return was a cry for something greater, for the underlying threats that hovered over his world.

Arrkein · Fantasy
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452 Chs

On A High Horse

Both Kiro and Hiro gave him looks that could kill. They didn't quite believe this was coming from him, of all people. After everything he'd made them go through, everything he had yet to apologise for. But here he was, acting righteous.

They were both ready to cripple the high horse he was riding. The anger they felt burnt through their cores. Just when they thought Isaac had shed his superiority complex, he goes to show them that old habits die hard.

"Can you believe the nerve of this guy?" Kiro expressed not wanting to address him directly just yet.

"Go back in your little corner big guy."

But it didn't seem like Isaac was going to back down. His eyes glinted dangerously with a sense of justice. Which made the both of them snort in response, what did Isaac Blakeson know about justice?

"Aren't you supposed to be the better people?" He asked finally breaking the staring contest that they were all playing, unwillingly.