
The Earth After Rebirth

Being a bottom feeder in society is an unpleasant experience. That's how Kiro felt after being left for dead in a back alley. Abandoned and disappointed by the 'work hard' ethic his parents left for him. 'At least the heavens are weeping for me.' As the light from his eyes faded, he declared as the last act of defiance. He awoke in a room he hadn't seen in ten years. Whether it was due to sheer luck or divine intervention, he was grateful. 'Through the VR game, Asgard, I'll become filthy rich in this life time.' Kiro was blissfully unaware that his return was a cry for something greater, for the underlying threats that hovered over his world.

Arrkein · Fantasy
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452 Chs

Investigating Ruins

Kiro walked down the grass infested asphalt as if he were scared to wake up the grass or even the buildings that surrounded them. 

Like they would come alive and start attacking, he thought back to when they were ambushed by trees, he didn't want to rule anything out. The devs were definitely a sketchy bunch.

At a distance, he noticed a rundown shop, that looked like the one he went to the first time he dragged Hiro to buy the head gear. 

He slowly approached, and opened the door so slow he didn't even notice holding his breath. Then a bell sounded from the door opening, something that didn't exist in the real world.

It startled him but he quickly relaxed. "What a dumb addition." He mumbled as he stepped inside.

The inside looked like space rubble. It was a complete mess, as though animals had been inside here throwing the biggest rage of the century.