
The Earth After Rebirth

Being a bottom feeder in society is an unpleasant experience. That's how Kiro felt after being left for dead in a back alley. Abandoned and disappointed by the 'work hard' ethic his parents left for him. 'At least the heavens are weeping for me.' As the light from his eyes faded, he declared as the last act of defiance. He awoke in a room he hadn't seen in ten years. Whether it was due to sheer luck or divine intervention, he was grateful. 'Through the VR game, Asgard, I'll become filthy rich in this life time.' Kiro was blissfully unaware that his return was a cry for something greater, for the underlying threats that hovered over his world.

Arrkein · Fantasy
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452 Chs

First Encounter

Name: Kiro

Level 35

Race: High Dreki

Class: Sagehood

Subclass: Beast Tamer

HP: 9000/9000

MP: 9900/9900

Attack: 2000(+100)

PDEF: 1000(+100)

Strength: 60

Vitality: 60 (+5)

Dexterity: 60 (+2)

Stamina: 60

Intelligence: 60

Constitution: 60

Equipment: rare dragon newt cloth armour and boots and Ryu the Staff.


Vibrations (AOE Rank S, can evolve)

Consumes 5MP per second, no cooldown.

Blink Step (Rank S, can evolve)

Consumes 10MP per second.

Martial Arts (Ranked S, can't evolve)

Chi (Ranked A, can't evolve)

Bending Kick (Ranked A, can evolve)

Regeneration (Ranked S, cannot evolve)

The skill regenerates 100 HP and MP per second

Whirlwind (Ranked A, can evolve)

Uses 100 Mana Points per second. No cool down.

Meditation (Ranked D, can evolve)

Lightning Manipulation (F ranked, can evolve)

Uses 200 Mana Points per second. 5 minute cool down.

30 AP

25 SP

Kiro couldn't believe his eyes, Vibrations went from can't evolve to evolve. No matter what he did, the system couldn't answer why it had changed. He figured it was because of his blood awakening.

So he checked out his awakened staff Ryu.


Mythic Rank

Attack Power(10%): 2000

You can resize the staff, you can also recall it, but these options are available if it recognises you as the master.

Kiro's eyes almost fell off his head. It was 10%, but, but, 2000 damage? This must be a joke, he figured there was a glitch in the system somewhere. He'd never seen a weapon this overpowered, not even in his previous life.

'Wow, awakening your true blood was worth it after all.'

He finally snapped out of it and looked over at Hiro who was now glowing, wait, was he gaining a bit of height? He seemed taller than an average dwarf.

"Dude, you're taller than a regular dwarf!"

"Hey! Your ears are pointier than before!"

"Did you get a subclass too?"

He looked deflated, "yeah, Architecture and an alchemist skill." He said with disappointment.

Kiro looked at him incredulously. "Do you not get what this means? You can design and charge all those guilds that haven't been built. The game charges 900k per design. You can charge 500k. You'll be rich!

"What's the skills rank? Dump all your skill points on it, if it can evolve."

His disappointment turned into a smile immediately. Kiro seemed to have had a bad influence on him, he loved money as much as he did now.

"The skill is B rank, it can evolve. I'll do as you say and evolve it then make some in-game money," he said excitedly.

He knew this was just in-game currency, but it excited him nonetheless. The more he thought about it, the more it was apparent to him that, gamers spend tons of real money in games they love. Since he was a craftsman, selling armour, weapons and potions for real money wasn't totally impossible.

He caught a little bit of glimpse to what this could mean for him, though his dreams were much lower than Kiro's since he didn't think he'd make billions. His thoughts were still just, the middle district, which was still a kind of paradise to people like them.

"Then, what subclass did you get?" He asked curiously.

"Beast Tamer. I can tame them, and I bet I can sell them after that too." He noticed how dejected he looked, he must have wanted this kind of class, so he quickly said, "don't worry, I'll catch you a pet. It's a promise."

As they chatted, Kiro noticed someone. It was Isaac, his stupid face pissed him off, but what made him more furious was the fact that every time he saw this guy, his heart would rummage inside his ribcage.

His essence would travel him in time, to the world he suffered under Isaac's reign. It was an instinct that refused to disappear.

He had to remind himself that, he wasn't in that 'past' anymore. He was no longer Kiro the wimp but maybe, the wolf? The trauma of his past bullying didn't leave him so readily. And he hated the vulnerability it caused him. It was a true inconvenience.

So once again, he gave himself a little peptalk and went over to him and activated PvP. He had no plans of letting him weasel his way out of this, that's why he activated it before he even said anything.

The rich brat had his back on them as they approached. He was startled by the notification of a PvP, so he turned around to see who dared to challenge him.

"Sir Isaac! I can't tell you how good it is to finally meet you here, in Asgard, your majesty." Kiro said and bowed mockingly.

Hiro understood that he was taking a jab at him, for bowing to Isla before. He roared with laughter. This infuriated Isaac even more. He didn't know where both of these rats got their confidence from.

"A slum scum like you dares."

Isaac was a mage, a spell caster. He looked at how normal Kiro seemed, even his armour was cloth. His weapon was a simple rod? He sneered.

"You've been strutting around the academy like you were something more than that you are. Today I'll put you in your place!" His lips curled into a smile.

Kiro did not intend to go easy on him. He wanted to use his absolute full power, to scare him senseless. He wanted to inflict the same kind of damage he carries because of him.

What's more, he was going to wait for him every time he died, so he could kill him again. He'd keep killing him until he stopped logging in. He wanted to chip his arrogance away.

He didn't give his opponent a chance to speak again, as he activated blink and with all his might, he smashed him hard on top of the head. With a 2000 attack power plus 40% of staff wielder, he didn't stand a chance. He immediately pixelated, Isaac's last expression was that of anger and shock.

Those who watched were perplexed. People started recording the person who one-shotted someone who was above level 20. How strong was that guy? Was everybody's question.

They weren't stupid enough to provoke him to find out. They saw that he didn't leave, so a crowd gathered.

"Well, let's go mine!"

"Not yet." He smiled innocently.

"What are we waiting for?"

"Him." He said pointing at the spot Isaac died at, just then Isaac came back online.

Tell me your thoughts about the story, I'd love to hear them.

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