
The Dungeons of Alorvand

My friends have been hounding me to get this game for the last couple of months. It is an RPG called The Dungeons of Alorvand. I have never played an RPG, I was always into those simulators games, you know building pig farms and horse ranches and stuff. They tell me that there is a special event on New Year's Eve and let me borrow a copy for my PC. So there I was playing that I really don't even like. Now I have sucked The Dungeons of Alorvand as the character I just created a couple of hours ago. This is my story about trying to survive a world I know nothing about.

Dohdohs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

The Lich.

I spent the next 3 weeks moving through the floors of this deep and big cave. I have fought all kinds of things and found all kinds of useful and useless items. I have also found a couple of abilities and a bunch of different types of magic. I fought orcs and spiders and even a really big queen spider, that I think I will have nightmares about for the rest of my life. I fought slimes (which I now hate) and more goblins and kobolds, but these had armor and some of them could use magic. I also picked up some cool armor like some gloves with small spikes, black spider silk pants (which I got for beating the queen spider), some black boots that have knives in the toes, and has a plus 10 to agility. I also got a minotaur's skull from beating him on the 40th floor and when I put it on my head (which it is now always on because it looks cool) I get a plus 10 to defense. I also got a cool set of chest armor that is made from bones.

While I was going through all these floors, I learned that all I had to do to use my magic is, think about it. That made my life so much easier. I am now standing at the stairs leading down to the 50th floor. I check and make sure I have all my weapons in my quick equip which is now a Damascus steel spear, a steel Warhammer, a steel sword, a dragon bone longbow, and a steel dagger. I check all my gear and then head to the next floor.

I reach the big doors again and walked in. When I walk in, it looks like the rest of the big rooms I had been in on every 10th floor. This time there is a gray looking old man, that kind of looks like a zombie. He has really long gray hands and he is wearing an old tattered red robe and he is floating in the air. I quickly focus on his red dot and find out he is called a Lich and he is a level 15.

I did not wait for a second more and used one of my new spells called lightning strike. I can't use it very often because it uses 150 MP but, it causes 1,000 damage to HP. A lightning bolt came out of the ceiling and hits the floating lich. The lich was shocked by the lightning for a second but then he fired a huge fireball at me. While I was dodging his fireball, he summoned a bunch of undead goblins and kobold. They all had armor and they were all coming for me. There looks to be at least 100 of them. I then used my divine sword, and now there are five Damascus steel swords floating over my head and I am now holding a steel sword in one hand and a spear in the other. Oh yeah, one of the abilities I picked up was Dual Wielding which allows me to fight with a weapon in each hand and be good at it.

I then lit the sword I was holding on fire (also one of the magic I picked up) and used stunning light which stuns everything that sees it for 10 seconds, and I start to move through the horde of zombie creatures that are everywhere. The five swords that are floating above me are moving like they know exactly what I how them to be used. I move through the horde destroying all the undead creatures that are around me. Then the lich had to be impatient and started to shoot fireballs at me, taking out some of its horde of undead things instead. I jump into the air and create a platform for me to stand on and jump again, create another platform (another magic I picked up), and then I put away both of my weapons and pull out my longbow and fire 2 arrows at the lich. The cool thing about the longbow is, it turns my regular arrows into fire arrows causing more damage to whatever I hit with them.

As I fall from the second platform, I use levitation (another magic) and slow my descent, and I re-equipped my spear and sword. While I was doing all of that, my five swords were wreaking havoc on the undead horde. I drop down and go back to work defeating all the undead again. I cut down the horde enough for me to fire my magic cannon at him (It's a powerful beam that I shoot from the palm of my hand of pure magic that causes 500 HP damage, but it kills my MP). As soon as my beam hits him, the undead horde stops in their tracks, and the lich screams and then disappears taking his horde with him.

I quickly check my minimap to see if there are any more red dots and to locate the stairs to the next floor. Seeing that there are no more red dots, and the stairs are at the back of the room, I then look for the treasure chests that I know should be in this room. I see 3 treasure chests and I headed over to them, I stab all 3 of them, just like I always do and then I open up the first one. Inside there was a bunch of gold and another book. That now makes 14 books that I have. I have not had time to read them yet. Maybe once I get out of here, I will get a chance. The second chest had more gold and another ring. I have a bunch of jewelry now. Maybe when I get to a town, I can sell some of them. And then, there is the 3rd chest, in there besides a bunch of gold was a long black wizard staff, that is made from really hard, wood. At the end of the staff, there is a giant blue ball that looks like the black wood is the only thing that is keeping it attached. I put the staff into my inventory so I can check the stats. It is called the staff of Zamany. It doubles the attack power of all attack magic that is performed while holding this staff. I guess the guy that I just beat, his name was Zamany.

I then move towards the stairs making sure my MP had fully been restored and started my descent. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs, I was surprised for the first time, in about 2 weeks. Even though I had just left a room with a tough monster in it, I was now standing in front of another set of doors. This set was much different. Instead of being all black like all the rest of them were, this set was gold. Figuring I do not really have much to lose, I pushed through the door, and what I saw I really was not expecting. There was a giant throne room, usually, the room is nothing but stone walls and floor, this time though there were gold pillars, and the walls and floor were made with gold. There was a huge golden throne on top of a stage with a beautiful gray woman with gray hair and blue eyes. She was wearing just enough armor to cover up her dignity and she had a long gray cloak on. She has gray armor-plated boots on, and she was lounging on the throne. She was looking right at me and then she said, "^%$#@^)*(^%$$#@" then on my screen was {New ability acquired. Language level 3. can read right and speak any language once heard or read.}

Then I asked her, "I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"