On Liam’s 16th birthday day he awakens his first ability, but to his dismay it is useless. Soon enough though he is granted a system, and things start to look up for him, or not.
Liam could hear students in the front of the class conversing loud enough so that he could hear them.
Asking each other "what kind of useless ability do you think Liam will get?"
"He will probably get one that makes plants grow faster."
"Maybe he'll get the ability to grow hair faster"
Listening to the group laughing at him, Liam tried to ignore them but to no avail. Almost everyone in his class would often mock him for any reason they could find. Whether it be his height his looks or his hobbies.
Liam was short with strait blond hair parted down the middle. His nose was long and a little wide. He had very dark brown eyes where you would mistake it for black unless you were to look closer. His resting face always looked uninterested but if you got to know him you would see he was always interested in others.
The teacher gestured for the kids in the front to quiet down, not long after the bell signaled the end of the day.
Liam quickly left the class trying to avoid as many people as he could on the way out of school doing a mix between a fast walk and jog.
Outside of the school he hoped on to his bike and started to head home. The entire way home he could not help him self from smiling ear to ear, anyone who saw him would think he looked creepy with how happy he was. After about fifteen minutes he took a break on the floor still unable to lose his smile.
The old lady the passed him couldn't help but ask, "what mades you so joyful?"
"I'm going to be sixteen tomorrow!" Liam happily exclaimed.
The old lady couldn't help but smile too thinking of when she turned sixteen saying "make sure to practice when ever you get the chance, even is you are not lucky with enough hard work you can succeed."
"I will, thank you" with that Liam then mounted his bike and started to head home, he was never good at making conversation do to his lack of friend so he always tried to avoid an awkward silence the best he could. Usually leaving before a conversation could really start.
Upon opening the door to his apartment he was greeted with the same gloomy atmosphere its had since his dad died.
Liam's mom was killed when he was very young, while his dad died of disease just one year ago only leaving behind the ring he always wore that was a simple solid black ring and just enough money to pay his rent until now.
His apartment was as cheap as it could be as his family was very poor. They did not have a tv or any entertainment, but this never bothered Liam until his dad died.
While walking in he then turned left to head into his compact kitchen that only allowed one person to walk around in it not that this matter much for him. Upon opening his fridge seeing it just as empty as every, he looked in each and every one of the cabinets until he found a box of cereal in the last one
'I can never remember were I leave the food'.
He poured him self a bowl of cereal, not having milk he ate it without it. Once he finished up he headed to his room down the hall from the kitchen.
With nothing else to do, Liam lie on his bed imagining the ability he would awaken for the rest of the day until he fell asleep. He fell asleep happy for the first time in a while.