
The Dungeon system on the meteorite between the Multiversus.

In short: The guy from the ground, for some reason, comes to a meteorite embedded in unknown space. However, it has a System and a secret gate

Kriuswerus_Pl · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

It happened unexpectedly. Krystian was quite a peculiar case. On this rather unexpected day, Krystian had a really bad day. It was Monday and he had a really hard day at work, and that day the manager gave him the difficult task of moving heavy machine parts. And since he was not very strong physically, his pace was unsatisfactory for the manager.

As a result, the Director urged him on, which happened at fairly regular intervals over a really long period of time. As a result, Krystian's mental state was quite strained that day.

In the past, whether at school, when he was humiliated by others, or at home, where the atmosphere was not very pleasant. As a result, over the years he developed an introvert character. Limited to Discord friends or casual acquaintances at work. In addition, numerous love failures and an overdose of Anime, Comics and Games. In which dark fantasy, gore and many similar genres dominated, because in them he often found solace. As a result, over time, Krystian developed an aggressive secretive character.

Generally referring to his love of novels and fan fiction, Krystian loved literary works in which the main character can be arrogant and ruthless. And the motives of blood revenge really intrigued him.

Krystian had an equally strong taste for the fair sex. The arts depicting Marvel and DC heroines or well-shaped humanoid monsters were a great motivation to read fanfic and have fun. Sometimes just the cover with such art that is pleasing to the eye. It made him read the book.

However, even thoughts about sexy heroines did not improve Krystian's mood that day. Generally because of the past, the natural and lonely boredom of life. Things like that really damaged his psyche. However, what happened when he left the workplace. It was both the most dangerous and the most beautiful sight in his life. Well, it was really bright outside, and when he looked up at the sky. The sight he saw took his breath away.

Meteorites were falling from the sky, but not huge. But it was raining the size of a tennis ball. However, the fact was that they fell from the sky like rain, and when one landed on the ground, it created a large crater. Which only showed the speed of space stones.

Understanding the danger and what threatens him, he decided to return to work to hide under the roof of the building. But before he reached the door, he heard a muffled sound and a light tap on the back of his head, an excruciating pain that made his vision dim.

In the next second, he unexpectedly regained his self-awareness.

He woke up with incredible body pain. The feeling of pain in every part of his body was new to him. However, the fact remains that he feels intense pain in every muscle, bone, or organ in his body. He had a strong urge to vomit, but now he was lying flat on his face to the ground. He couldn't even try, make the slightest movement without causing even more pain.

After a dozen or so minutes, which he felt were really long for him, the pain gradually began to subside.

When the pain subsided a bit, Krystian began to pay more attention to his current condition. First of all, the taste of earth in the mouth, a bit unpleasant. The second fact was the cold wind felt in the back of the legs and the back of the face.

(Krystian)-What the Fuck....

Krystian with pain and numbness took his right hand off the ground and slowly touched the back of his body. Slowly, he pulled his hand away, but he literally couldn't feel the nothing clothes on him. When he realized this, he painfully jumped to his feet.

(Krystian)-I'm fucking naked ... Fuck .... Where the fuck am I? ..... Wooooo ....

The sight he saw literally took his breath away. He was now on a stony island with sandy black soil. The island itself had the shape of an even circle and was perfectly flat. The space around him was really beautiful. Lots of colors, but purple dominated. It looked like outer space, full of nebulae and lights. There were no rare plants in sight, but the view was still beautiful.

When Krystian looked around the island. He noticed a huge stone frame in the shape of a circle with a platform. It resembled the gate from the TV series "Stargate". And next to it is a strange stone computer, but its shape is more like an ATM. As he approached it, he saw that it was a screen, or rather a tablet built into a slab of stone. And when he was close enough he leaned over the screen and heard a voice coming from the tablet. And a window with the text that the computer was reading at the moment was shown on the screen.


[Recognized ..... host .... Hello #0000000001 Multiverse Traveler Experiment.]


A moment later, something like a menu appeared on the tablet screen. It was divided into three options: "Worlds", "Dungeons", "Status". The design of the screen was quite interesting, the menu itself was black, and the inscriptions and symbols of the raven in the corners of the screen were white.

(Krystian)-Experiment… fuck…. wait, let it calm down... What the fuck is going on?

Krystian thought about the current situation for a long time. At first he had a rush of euphoria as he checked if he was dreaming by pinching his arm. However, he didn't wake up. Later, the thought of family flashed through his mind, but only on second thought. He would be dead anyway, not magically moved. But he died, so this alternative is much better than hell. As Enthusiasm subsided and he calmed down. Krystian with a smile began to browse through the options, starting with the "worlds" option.

The worlds menu looked really extensive, it was an extensive list. The first place was a random world for free.

The next tabs showed categories such as anime, movies, comics, books, games, and a few more. It looked like this. Only the bar with the name of the category printed on it. When Krystian pushed for comics, there were really many subcategories, such as Marvel and DC, and even "Bolek i Lolek". But clicking the first one on the list clicked Marvel. And there's a big list of different Marvel worlds like Earth-616 and many more. The bar was the name of the world, in parentheses, like the world of FemalePowerful, whatever that means, and their precious gold looked like 10,000 with an evil white coin icon.

There were many worlds and Krystian was really confused how to choose another one among so many available. Probably valuable, that will be the main factor. However, a world full of beautiful women who are impressed by the mere fact that he is a guy with super powers and a generally stronger guy. It's a nice prospect, nice enough that the mere fact that she thinks about her unattractive appearance, unkempt teeth, and overall thin complexion. He would have a chance, although seeing the system, he hoped for a change of fate.

In general, Krystian's appearance can be confidently described as a well-groomed guy with a below-average appearance. He wasn't ugly or anything. His face is simply described by most as ugly, but not enough to throw up at the sight of him, or laugh at the sight of him. He had blue eyes and short black hair. His teeth were really unkempt, the reason for this was depression and the aversion it caused to anything. Krystian thought about himself in moments of self-reflection. As a distant cousin of Severus Snape during his school days. Except that Krystian was a more evil version in terms of character and would have killed James Potter and his companions

The Dungeons tab was a lot more interesting, to be honest it looked more like a shop but no. There were many categories like skills, clothing, armor, melee, throwing, magic, and many many subcategories. There was really a lot to choose from. And the choice of a saber from the category of white weapons, for example, opened up even more subcategories. However, choosing, for example, the sabers of the Polish Nobility. Next to the name of the weapon, there was the difficulty of the dungeon, this one was very easy, which was the lowest difficulty available when looking at a long list.

The last option was "Status" and it looked like this.



Name: Krystian

Health condition: Healthy


Power level: 60PP




Passive Skill:



Seeing its condition and the entire system, Krystian smiled contentedly and decided to look for something to arm himself with to find something interesting. However, when for some reason the cold wind brushed his naked body, he decided to look for simple clothes in the clothes tab. And after a while he found something really suitable.


[[Jeans Pants],Dungeon Level-(very easy)]


Krystian decided to test these options, out of pure curiosity and because of covering his naked ass. He pressed select Dungeon first, then activate, which was shown as a long button with a white raven logo on it. After pressing the button, a huge stone portal began to activate. First, black sparks appeared in the middle of the portal, which began to spin starting from the center of the circle, and after a while, within the framework of the portal, a huge black portal with white sparks on its edges appeared.

Feeling his excitement grow, Krystian headed towards the portal, and before he passed, he said.

(Krystian)-Now we'll begin.