
The Dungeon Conqueror System

Hunter is extremely handsome and also freakishly smart, he get's bullied at school by the richer kid's because they are jealous of his high grades. In a bid to defend himself from his bullies, he subsequently learns martial art's and becomes one of the very best martial artist's. He suddenly die's in his sleep and is reincarnated into a fantasy world of magic. Moment's after his reincarnation, he discovers that he had been reincarnated with "The Dungeon Conqueror System", forcing the legendary Dungeon Conqueror main class on him.

Lazy_writer_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 22- Revealing magic talents

"Alright slut" Hunter laughed spanking her buttcheeks, which made her moan loudly.

"Oh so you like your own disciple spanking your ass." Hunter said as he stopped teasing her and positioned his dick back to her pussy, feeling the ecstatic feeling of her pussy squeezing his dick.

Hunter continued fucking her, as he spanked her ass  which now had a tint of red, and grabbed her hair going into full turbo mode, moving in and out of her pussy at great speeds causing her to moan loudly not caring about her dignity and turning into a full blown slut.

"I'm cumming" Claire screamed as she squirted on Hunter's dick she jerked for almost a minute non stop.

"Time to return the favour bitch, ride me" Hunter commanded as he sat down on the toilet seat beckoning for her to sit on his dick.

Claire wasted no time and immediately pounced on his dick wanting more and more pleasure.

She immediately began moving up and down in slow steady movements getting used to the momentum, while Hunter played with her breasts and put both her breasts together and put their nipples in his mouth at the same time, using his tongue to stimulate them, causing Claire to fell a whole new wave of pleasure as she rode his dick dilligently.

Some minutes later Hunter was close to cumming and immediately beckoned for Claire to get down and kneel before him.

"Suck my dick you bitch and make sure you swallow all my cum!" Hunter yelled as Claire immediately grabbed his dick and put it in her mouth and tried to get it as far down her throat as she could. She gagged a bit and put his dick back in her mouth and began bobbing her head up and down his dick in awkward movements but soon got the hang of it.

"Oh shit I'm gonna cum!" Hunter exclaimed as he grabbed Claire head as she almost completely swallowed his entire dick, spurt after spurt of thick hot cum down her throat.

Hunter finally spurted the last as released her head, she struggled to breath but loved the warm feeling hit thick hot cum gave her stomach.

"Time for the final round bitch." Hunter announced as he grabbed both of Claire's hands and pinned them, as he banged her without caring like in beast in heat.

Claire moaned non stop and was about to cum again.

"I'm cumming!" Claire announced.

"Me too." Hunter replied.

"Cum inside me!"

"I never knew you were this perverted, request granted" Hunter chuckled at her perverted request.

The couple cummed at the same time Hunter released loads and loads of cum into the pussy that birthed him, painting her pussy walls white with cum.

"Cum inside this bitch, impregnate me!" Claire screamed in ecstasy, lust overriding her thought process.

"What a bitch" Hunter said as he cummed the last spurt, released her and gavd her a spank on the butt.

He got no reply as Claire was knocked unconscious. 'I better clean Claire up and take her to her bedroom' Hunter thought carrying Claire like a princess as she felt weightless in his arms due to his current strength, he cleaned her up washing her pussy and scrubbing her boobs.

Hunter carried her to her room as he recalled from the previous Hunter's memory, he put her under a blanket and made sure she was warm, before giving her a kiss on her forehead before leaving to train.

After training his fire and earth magic spells he managed to increase his mastery over most of the spells.

He increased the proficiency rank of his fire magic spells; Fire ball, flame burst and fire wall. To C rank after just a few hour's.

He also managed to increase the proficiency rank of his tier two earth magic spells; stone bullet barrage

mud trap and rock armour, to rank C, D and D respectively.

He also increased the proficiency rank of his tier one Fire magic spells; Rock arrow, Rock bullet and Sand barrier, all to rank A.

Hunter sat down on the floor to have a bit of rest.

'Now that I think of it, I can't just possibly tell the whole world that I have eight magic affinities, that would cause an uproar for sure, and I also don't want to be seen as weak until I get stronger.' Hunter pondered.

'The current most powerful mage in this World has four affinities.

'So, I should probably at least equal him, that's four magic affinities and eight to choose from. I would need to choose them by their defensive and offensive capabilities.'

'Light magic is not really necessary as the path I walk doesn't require me to be a medic, I should still learn it though, as I'll be able to heal myself of my wounds in dungeons and forests.'

'Dark magic seems good, as it I well balanced in both attacking and defense capabilities, I guess I'll have a talk with Claire on this one.'

'Spirit magic seems to be the control of mana itself but I'm not too sure about it, guess I'll talk to Claire about this one too.'

'Earth magic probably has the highest defensive capabilities as I will soon be able to use metal magic, which should also have some nice attacking capabilities too. This is my first pick.'

'Water magic I don't really like the water element itself, but I think ice magic is pretty cool too, I don't think it's worth it though. so water magic is out.'

'Fire magic, the direct opposite of water magic, this one is my favourite as it's attack power is on a whole new level, not to talk of lightning magic. This is my second pick for sure.'

'Blood magic, this one's pretty cool, as it has both attacking and defensive capabilities, I'm even sure I'll take it to a point where I can crush my enemies from the inside. Although it's blood magic, my supposed mother is a vampire, so there shouldn't be any problems. I'll pick this one as my third.'

'Air magic, this one has pretty decent attack power but virtually no defense, it would make me faster in battle though. I guess I'll talk this one out with Claire too.'

'So, that's three magic affinities concluded, one more to go. Time to go have some rest.' Hunter thought, getting up and heading to the bedroom.

"You're back from training I see." Claire said as Hunter got in.

"Yeah." Hunter replied, getting into the blanket.

"You made progress right." Claire said, as she believed that with his talents just a few hour's was equivalent to week's when compared to the average mage.

"Of course i did." Hunter nodded.

"Care to share?" Claire asked.

"Sure." Hunter replied.

"I managed to get all of my tier one Earth magic spells to rank A."

He continued  "I also managed to increase the proficiency rank of my tier two earth magic spells; stone bullet barrage

mud trap and rock armour, to rank C, D and D respectively."

"And also my fire magic spells; Fire ball, flame burst and fire wall, to C rank."

"That's some really great progress." Claire nodded in approval.


"So, Claire I think it's time we discuss about exposing the fact that I can use magic to the school." Hunter said with a serious expression on his face.

"You're right. So, telling them you found a fruit that gifts affinities to me isn't really that believable. I say we just tell them that you awakened your magic when you went in a coma. How's that?" Claire suggested.

"That sounds good, we'll go with that." Hunter nodded in approval.

"There's another problem though." He continued.

"Which is?" Claire raised an eyebrow.

"Which affinity or affinities to reveal and may be how many to reveal." Hunter replied.

"Oh, right, I almost forgot about that. How many affinities do you want to reveal?" Claire asked for Hunter's opinion.

"Four." Hunter replied.

"Why four?" Claire asked.

"They say the human emperor has four so, why not." Hunter shrugged.

"This might cause an uproar, if news go out that a kid with the same number of magic affinities as emperor Felix has emerged." Claire stated her fears.

"I don't want to seem too weak or too strong before I'm comfortable to reveal my true potentials." Hunter stated his reasons.

"If that's how you see it, four it is." Claire sighed, as she would probably have a lot of work to do in coming days.

'Oh well, I'm principal afterall and I've been too lazy lately.' Claire sighed inwardly.

"Now, about the magic affinities to reveal. What do you have in mind?" Claire asked.

"I already decided three magic affinities." Hunter replied "Three? Which and which?" Claire asked curiously.

"Earth, fire and blood." Hunter replied.

"What are your reasons for picking earth?" Claire queried.

"Earth magic probably has the highest defensive capabilities as I will soon be able to use metal magic, which should also have some nice attacking capabilities too." Hunter stated his thoughts.

"That's a pretty decent reasoning. What about fire?" Claire queried.

"This one is my favourite as it's attack power is on a whole new level, not to talk of lightning magic which is probably the most lethal type of magic out there." Hunter stated his reasons for choosing fire magic.

"This is an excellent choice." Claire nodded in approval.

"What about blood magic, what are you reasons for choosing this one?" Claire asked.

"You know it's related to the vampires right? Although there is no much enmity between the two races, we can't necessarily be considered trustworthy allies." Claire remained.

"That doesn't change the fact that it's powerful, as it has both attacking and defensive capabilities, hell, I'm even sure I'll take it to a point where I can crush my enemies from the inside." Hunter replied.

"Alright then, I trust your judgement." Claire nodded.