
The Dull Lady's Knight

Alharin was born with everything one could ever wish for. Everything except something genuine. He desperately sought the missing link but in the process, destroyed all he had so-called 'accomplished' over the years. Just when he had thought it was all over for him, he was miraculously given a second chance. Reborn in a world dominated by blades and magic, Alharin must strive to protect himself and those dear to him using whatever means possible. But as fate would have it for him, he ends up living for the sake of someone else, the infamous dull young lady of the Olden duchy, Sienna Al Olden!

Yevera · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Silence instantly filled the room once again.

The air came to a halt, almost as if it were equally as shocked as we were.

It's been happening more often lately now that I think about it.

Absurd requests have assaulted me left and right these past few weeks whenever I try to get some work done. Granted, they have added to my track record considerably, spreading my fame and prowess far and wide as it should. That's a plus at least.

I'm receiving recognition nearly everywhere I go for my increased efforts which does put me in a great mood.

However, those requests gave the impression of being difficult commissions with high pay bordering the thin line between plausible and impossible.

They made me second-guess myself for a moment when I thought of accepting them. That's how difficult they were.

It was only for a moment though. That's because I was confident of victory should I pull out all the necessary cards available to me.

They also catered to my abilities almost as if they were designed to test the extent to which I can utilize the knowledge I've learned, scaringly so.

I initially thought that Gramps might've had a hand in this. That's how odd it was.

As guildmaster, he most certainly had the power to do so and he's done something similar in the past. He had secretly put up requests specifically for me knowing that I'd accept after some thinking.

By doing so, not only would he be able to indirectly hand me some pocket money, he also would be able to ensure that I wasn't pushing myself.

At least, that's what I heard from his assistant. The contents this time are incomparably more challenging and in some cases, even potentially life-threatening for a mage like me.

I had my doubts again recently so I confronted him about it before he suddenly decided to change his mind. I wanted to know why he was doing so.

But, when I saw his foolishly bubbly attitude when I asked him as well as the practically tangible question marks that appeared around him, I cut him some slack.

I shouldn't always be so suspicious of Gramps just because he can be rather mischievous at times.

He was the kind of father who prioritized my safety above all else. There's no way he would do something like this intentionally and repeatedly so.

However, now, I've come to doubt him again.

At this point, he must have some kind of hidden agenda to be pushing so many dangerous requests on us.

Yes. Us.

The same has applied to me even after I joined 'The Wild Fang' recently. At that point, the requests got even more deadly now that I was part of a stronger group.

I kind of just want things to be over already. To take a break and relax, go shopping for some new fashionable dresses that's been trending lately, or treat myself to popular deserts in high-end patisseries.

There is simply no way we're accepting this request now that we know more details about it.

It's a suicide mission, one I'm more than welcome to pass on to other reckless adventurers.

There's a considerable amount for the rewards, somewhat befitting the danger level, and the fame should you succeed speaks for itself. It's definitely tempting considering how dragons have been defeated by people around my level several times in the past.

However, money is worthless if you die trying. This is evidently no ordinary dragon.

Audar seems to understand this as well considering how readily available his retirement letter is.

It's definitely surprising but not totally unreasonable.

Being an adventurer comes with a lot of risks. Deaths are frequent, even more so now with the rising rates of monster appearances. Injuries or trauma all the more so.

The riches and fame that come with the job are worth the dangers for a lot of people who aren't able to invest their time elsewhere due to a lack of resources available to them.

That's presently why most adventurers are commoners. Education isn't readily available to everyone and even then, it usually isn't adequate enough to pursue an academic career or anything similar.

At least, by being an adventurer, one can develop abilities centered on survival, self defense, and fighting through actual combat experience. It's a lot less stable than being a farmer but exponentially more profitable should you hit big.

For Audar who has already seen his fair share of riches and fame, it isn't too surprising if he was actively taking into consideration his life beyond being an adventurer.

I've known him for several years now and while it might not have been close or long interactions, I was able to discern a few things about him.

Among them is that relatively mild and kind temperament.

As a fallen noble, he initially became an adventurer to revitalize his family name by bringing them honor with his efforts. He was noticeably impatient to prove himself at the beginning which almost cost him his life had Gramps not saved him.

Since then, he came to realize a few things and changed for the better, not that I know the specifics. There's a limit to how much information I can squeeze out of the ruffians loafing around in the lobby.

For one, though, I understand that he isn't the type of guy who would offer up his life for something this ridiculous.

In that regard, I can agree with him.

While I was in the process of realizing Audar's intentions, Gramps picked up his retirement letter and stared at it.

Gramps was silent for a few seconds, staring into Audar intently before speaking up, his initial surprise a moment of the past now.

"Fine. It seems you're being serious. You know I won't accept this nonsense but you gave it in anyway. Let's see what gibberish you came up with this time to convince me."

Gramps said without looking at Audar as he opened it up and read through the letter.

From what I can understand, this isn't a first-time occurrence.

Gramps has it rougher than I thought. For a talent like Audar to be so intent on escaping his grasp, I would be reluctant too if I were in his position.

Serenity returned to the office.

I just stared at my empty cup for a while.

Only for a few seconds did that continue though.

Gramps raised his eyebrow when he came across a certain word before erupting into explosive laughter, surprising us both.


The sudden burst of laughter continued earnestly as Gramps clutched his stomach.

Gramps basically had tears in his eyes now while Audar was visibly disturbed, the two sharing a secret exchange with me having no part in any of this.

I haven't felt this left out in a long time. Few dared to ignore my presence with how widely known my skills are.

Now I had to know.

It could also serve to cover up the topic of Cerise lest I slip up unintentionally and reveal my lack of knowledge.

I will read up on anything related to the Crimson Dragon Cerise when I return, that much is certain.

For now, my curiosity is rising to the roof.

I snatched the letter which had been put aside and opened it up,

The contents of the letter could bring Gramps to tears so it must be sufficiently amusing. I could use a laugh as well in these difficult times.

As I read through the contents, I quickly became stunned, initially bewildered, doubtful, and ultimately certain with amusement.

This is supposed to be a retirement letter? I thought to myself.

It's obviously a love letter!

From the exquisite handwriting and heartfelt words, I could tell it was from a refined lady at that as well.

I turned to Audar, and my impression of him improved dramatically. A hint of newfound respect flashed flashed in my eyes.

"I didn't know you had it in you, Audar! Way to go!"

I smacked him on the back several times, cheering loudly as I was impressed with him.

Even if we might not see eye to eye often, or at all really, it was a joyous occasion for us all if Audar managed to secretly get a girlfriend. I couldn't wait to meet her!

I don't have many friends my age, much less any who were girls. Everyone else is a lot older, the receptionist, assistants, etc.

I have come to terms with it already but I haven't been able to hang out with them often with how busy things get at the guild. If it turns out that Audar's girlfriend is rather likable, perhaps I could invite her to hang out.

If she is interested in a guy like Audar, there's no reason why we can't form a friendship with how open-minded her taste is!

In addition, I have grasped a weakness of his. A day where we can duel isn't far now, and one where I emerge triumphant is near as well!

Delighted with the events to come, I could already imagine his defeated expression, a sight to behold in my eyes as his girlfriend watched nearby.

Audar soon took the letter from my hand, as if in doubt he gave the right one.

Once he glanced at it, he instantly realized what we were making a commotion of.

Somewhat shaken, he calmed himself quickly and carefully put the love letter back into his inner pocket before pulling out a different piece of paper.

He coughed awkwardly as he presented us with the paper.

"Ahem... I took out the wrong letter. Pretend you didn't see that."

In response, Gramps laughed out even louder and I also joined in embarrassing the party leader who now exposed a great contrast from his usual, well-composed veteran demeanor.

Audar opened his mouth in an attempt to say something but reluctantly shut it, lest he revealed even more than was necessary.

Gramps continued with his antics for a while before finally quieting down as he wiped his tears from his eyes.

He breathed out in relief. It seemed he needed that brief moment of respite more than I thought. The recent events have pushed him to work more than normal.

"Haaaa." He breathed a final sigh and continued. "To think an old mule like yourself would have a day like this... How come you never told me you had a lover? After all those years together, you couldn't bring this old man much good news but what a pleasant surprise you brought today! A joyous occasion indeed! This calls for a celebration!" Gramps cheerfully said.

With nothing left to hide, Audar gave in having realized that Gramps wouldn't stop at any cost to learn the details.

"We've only been together for 5 months now, it isn't that big a deal. Shouldn't we get back to discussing the request?"

Audar tried to defuse the excited atmosphere but his words only served to remind Gramps.

He excitedly asked him.

"Wouldn't your little lover be impressed if you returned with the fame of having defeated a dragon? Not to mention the reward is enough to settle together for years comfortably! What do you say? I'll pitch in a good word or two to increase the reward a bit. There's no reason to refuse!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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