
Chapter 9

Two months later, the eight of them had been staying at the doctors house. He had been so kind to offer, mainly because he needed to keep a close eye on Catriona. She was doing really well; she was five months along. Her and Rivin both agreed that they didnt want to know anything about their baby until it was born. They wanted it to be a surprise. Both were ecstatic. On top of that. they had all gotten married; Dante to Samara, Aki to Leviathan, and Rivin to Catriona; Athos and Blanca were already married.

All eight of them were so happy, especially Athos and Blanca. They had decided to start a family. Blanca was unable to have children, so they were adopting instead. They had found the cutest little twin boys that were only a few days old. Athos and Blanca decided to name them, Evander Kelso Sears and Nikolai Rainer Sears. The other six rebels absolutely loved the twins; and it made Rivin and Catriona that much more impatient to meet their little one. The ten of them were sitting in the living room, cooing over the twins and reminiscing on old memories, unaware that Lavatera was in extremely bad shape.

Apparently, there was another riot in Lavatera. This one resulted in a war between the rebels and the people of the government. Everyone felt so threatened by this riot, that they started picking sides. The sides even had names. The Fighters were the rebels and the Remainders were the people of the government and the people that remained loyal to the government. It was already getting way out of hand. The Remainders were committing arson with the Fighters houses and property.


Every Remainder that is caught by the Fighters were killed in old fashioned torture methods; for instance, the Brazen Bull, necklacing, the rack, they even went as far as impalement. They did what they thought they had to do to keep the Remainders in check.

There also was a third side, the Neutrals. Just like the title, the Neutrals were neutral in this situation. They wanted absolutely nothing to do with this war. The thing is, the Fighters would torture any Remainder that they managed to snag, which made this war pretty much equal. It proved that both sides were willing to do whatever it takes to win and that they werent planning on bending over backwards for anybody.

The doctor knew about this, but he wasnt about to tell the rebels until Catriona had her baby. He knew if he told them, they would want to join in the war. There was no way he was going to be responsible for their deaths. He would never live it down. He walked into the living room and told Catriona that it was time for her check-up. Rivin helped her stand up, and then she went into the office; the doctor followed.

One hour later, the door opened and Catriona and the doctor walked out. Catriona sat down on the couch and sighed, she looked really shaken. The doctor pulled Rivin away, saying that it was important.

Doc, is there something wrong with Cat?

The doctor sighed, shes perfectly fine.

Well then its the baby!

Theres nothing wrong with your babies.

Yeah but... wait... did you say babies?"

Yes, I did.

You mean?!?


Twins... wow...


Rivin hugged the doctor, then turned and ran back into the living room and kissed Catriona. He was even happier than before. They had to come up with two more names. So, they will be prepared in case its two girls or two boys. They went to their bedroom and began contemplating names. After about twenty minutes, they had come up with two more names that they really liked; Aria Nicole Belinkov and Alistair Phoenix Belinkov. They were pleased with the names. They couldnt wait until they could meet their babies.

Meanwhile in Lavatera, another rebel became leader of the Fighters. His name was Lucien Vaughn. He was a really good person, caring, smart, strong, and brave. Aside from the eight original rebels, he was the most capable rebel to lead the Fighters in battle. He was smart and wouldnt sacrifice others to save his own skin.

So far, there had been three battles between the Fighters and the Remainders. Thanks to Lucien and his lover, Kai Parker, the Fighters have won all three. Lucien and Kai were engaged, but they called it off so they could fight in the war. They knew if they were engaged, it would distract them in battle. So, they called it off until the war is over. All they need now, is the eight original rebels, and theyre as good as gold. But getting them to come back to Lavatera might be a problem.

Back with the rebels in Oaken land, Catriona and Blanca were so happy. Catriona had her babies, a little girl and a little boy. The girl was named Delilah Ruth Belinkov, and the boy was named Alistair Phoenix Belinkov. Now there was four babies in that house. Athos and Blancas twin boys; Evander and Nicolai, and Rivin and Catrionas twins; Delilah and Alistair. It was beginning to feel almost like a utopia, but that was about to change.

The doctor had finally decided to tell the rebels about the war. He walked into the living room and asked Catriona and Blanca to step out and take the babies with them. Once they were gone, he took a deep breath and began.

I... I dont really know how to tell you guys this

What is it, doc? Aki asked inquisitively.

Im afraid I have some bad news.

Spit it out, man! Rivin ordered.

sigh... Im sorry to say that there has been another rebellion in Lavatera; one that has triggered a chain of reactions including shootouts, kidnappings, homicides, and even arson. This is getting way out of hand; it is turning into a war. I really hate asking you all this, but will you go back to Lavatera and...

Of course, we will! Leviathan interrupted.

You will?!? the doctor squeaked.

Yeah, obviously. Aki agreed.

Well then its settled. When do we leave? Dante asked.

ASAP! But I have one condition. The doctor answered

What would that be? Samara questioned.

That Catriona, Blanca, and the babies stay here. He responded.

We cant just leave them here! Rivin exclaimed.

We can, and we will! Aki hissed.

I refuse to go anywhere without my wife and kids! Rivin insisted.

Rivin, do you always have to be so stubborn? We are NOT taking them with us! Aki argued.

I am NOT being stubborn; we are taking them with us and thats that! Rivin boomed.


ENOUGH!! Dante thundered, Rivin, we cant take them with us.

Rivin opened his mouth to argue but Dante stuck his hand in Rivins face and shouted, Let me finish!

Now, think about it. If we take them with us, they will be at risk of getting hurt. We cant have that. You heard what the doc said, Shootouts, kidnappings, homicides, and arson. It is way too dangerous to bring four babies and two young mothers to that place. I understand you wanting to keep your loved ones close by, believe me I do. But you have to understand too. sometimes, being away from someone you love is what will keep them safe. And I know that you would never want to do anything that would put their lives in jeopardy. If you take them with us, thats exactly what you will be doing. Think about it, you know Im right. We cant take them with us.

Sigh... yeah... ok, your right. Rivin sighed.