
The Duke Only Needs My Child

After regressing, my second marriage to my ex-husband was solely for pregnancy. A miserable marriage life. My only hope in my loveless marriage was the child. My first life ended tragically, attacked by an unknown assailant. ‘If I could go back, I wouldn’t love him.’ In this second chance, unlike my past life of seeking love, I marry him solely to meet my child again. “Just maintain our marriage for a year.” In exchange, I’ll help him uncover the secret of the incident from 10 years ago. I thought we were just a couple in name… “There’s no need to consummate on the first night.” “I want to.” He was different from my previous life. * I planned to quietly leave once I had the child. But upon seeing his mistress, I couldn’t stay silent. “That woman, she’ll be the one you love.” Confronted with my words, his unexpected reply was, “You’re my wife until this contract ends.” “…….” “I’ll do this and more, only with you.” Seeing his chilling obsession, I reminded myself. Don’t forget, Blair. He doesn’t love you. So this time… I’ll leave you first. Join my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emmi99

Skylume11 · History
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15 Chs

Chapter 7

Under the moonlight streaming through the window, the man's large body was fully exposed.

His coolly extended collarbone, broad and taut chest, arms so thick they could hardly be encircled, and perfectly sculpted abs, without a single gap.

It was the unmistakable physique of a true man.

Blair gazed at his body with eyes that seemed to find it unfamiliar.

Even though she had seen this body countless times in her past life, why did it feel so different now?

"Is it because of his expression?"

Unlike in her past life when she pretended to be in love, this time he was filled only with desire.

In that moment, Blair felt like she understood what it meant to be overwhelmed by a gaze.

Her body tensed with anticipation. Her heart raced rapidly. Just by looking at him, it felt like she might be devoured whole.

Suddenly, she became afraid of the unfamiliar face before her. But paradoxically, a heat began to rise from within her belly.

Even though she had returned from the brink of death to the past, she still remembered the pleasure he had given her.

It was pitiful that she responded to him once again, despite not knowing his body.

Unable to control her body as she wished, Blair decided to avert her gaze.

Herdin's forehead furrowed as he looked at his stubborn wife. She was fearless when it came to arguing about their marital duties in the contract, but now that she was lying on the bed, she looked like she might cry.

"Isn't this more like robbing your wife than having a 'good relationship'?"

In response, Blair flinched. Then, she reluctantly turned her gaze back. It seemed she had no intention of undoing the strange clause in the contract.

Herdin, as if waiting for this, sealed her lips with his own.


The kiss, blocked by the bedsheet, became even deeper and more relentless. Blair's moans sounded like cries.

Herdin released her lips, and his lips descended to her fair neck.

There was a sweet fragrance from the woman's skin. It was like the scent of flowers and fruit.

He became intoxicated by the fragrance and trailed his lips down her neck, tearing apart her slip with a growl. The flimsy garment was easily torn to shreds.

Beneath it lay a slender body, even more beautiful than he had guessed from the silhouette.

Blair, taken aback by the chilly touch of his bare skin, desperately tried to cover herself, but she was easily restrained by Herdin.

He savored the woman in his embrace. Her skin was as smooth as cream. However, no matter how he kissed her, she didn't melt away.

Blair trembled as she pushed against his solid shoulders.

"I don't want this… like this."

She knew that he was doing this out of consideration for her. However, she didn't like how it reminded her of the past.

And she was afraid that she might mistake his touch and warmth as love.

"Just… just do it. Please."

But instead of retreating, he held onto Blair's waist as she tried to push away.


Herdin soon realized that she was lying. One corner of his mouth twitched upwards, and his trembling lips climbed up her trembling thighs.

"Well, it seems like you're enjoying it here."

Ignoring Blair's resistance, he immersed himself in adapting her body to his own. The resistance in her fingers was quite enticing.

In response to her reaction, his lower abdomen grew stiff, and a dull pain began to spread.

Desire, which had already grown as much as it could, was goading him to fulfill her request, but he gritted his teeth and suppressed his desire.

Of course, even if she cried, this woman would still be beautiful.

Just imagining that made him wonder if he might get even more excited just by satisfying his own desire. But if he did that, this fragile woman might not be able to handle it and would break apart.

The valuable witness to 'that' incident could not be lost in a moment of desire. It couldn't happen.

Eventually, Herdin, deeming that Blair was ready, climbed on top of her and took his place.

Blair, with drowsy eyes, suddenly woke up when she saw the large shadow looming over her.

As she met his passionate blue eyes looking down at her, she felt a scorching heat, like fire, that had been impossible to ignore for a while.

The first night she spent with him in her past life had been sweet but painful at the same time. It might have been because it was their first time, but it was also just too overwhelming on its own.

Blair's body, remembering the pain from that moment, stiffened instinctively.

Herdin, noticing this, wrapped her legs around his waist and whispered, "Relax. It's okay."

Innocent Blair from her past life believed those words, but the Blair of the present knew better.

It was a lie.

Those words were a blatant lie. A sweet whisper from the demon trying to lull her into complacency and devour her.

Nevertheless, even though she knew his intentions, she couldn't push away the cruel and beautiful demon.

Blair hesitated, unable to relax or push him away. Herdin responded by kissing her again and pressing his body even closer.

With deliberate intent, Herdin made Blair's body tense up further. Sensing her resistance, he moved slowly but relentlessly, merging their bodies.

Blair's body reacted to this intentional act, and she involuntarily arched her back. Herdin's arms pulled her waist closer to him.

Deeper, deeper.

Herdin thrust forcefully, exhaling roughly. Just waiting for her to calm down was already testing his patience to the limit.

Ironically, the woman who was driving him crazy had no idea how great her patience was, but it didn't matter.

Putting aside the nonsense about having a good relationship that he had spoken a while ago, he wanted to release his desire, which was on the verge of exploding.

Herdin finally lost control and started shaking Blair. Her blurry vision suddenly cleared when she bit her lips.

Gradually, the unfamiliar yet familiar act awakened the sensations her body had forgotten, even as her consciousness faded.

Blair struggled to breathe properly, overwhelmed by the thrilling sensations. Herdin narrowed his eyes as he watched her.

"Breathe, Blair."

His rough voice scratched at her ears. But contrary to his worried words, he became even more relentless.

In the depths of her fading consciousness, Blair instinctively pulled him closer. Knowing that the demon tormenting her was none other than him, she had no choice but to embrace him.

In this moment, in this world, there were only the two of them.

Finally, Herdin reached the end, and as he cooled his body, he admired the woman who was now nestled in his embrace.

The woman who was fully embraced was beautiful.

Objectively, she had a beautiful face, and there was no denying that. However, this fact suddenly hit him.

Everything about her, from her appearance bathed in moonlight, her moist purple eyes, her reddened lips, and her voice trembling as she called his name, was adorable.

…Truly, annoyingly so.

For a moment, she forgot whose daughter she was.

Disgust welled up at the thought of her in that state. But even so, the thirst for this woman was not quenched. He couldn't stop.

These feelings were just a momentary desire.

If he held onto her until this night passed, these ridiculous thoughts would surely stop. Like snow melting away in the night.

With that thought, Herdin embraced her once again.


Blair, with her hazy eyes, belatedly realized the situation and tried to resist, but it was in vain.

Herdin found strange satisfaction in her actions as she clung to him again.

His solid and massive body became a prison, trapping her, and devoured her like a hungry beast.

All through the long winter night, without respite.

Buried in the distant and endless ecstasy, Blair kept reminding herself of one thing tirelessly.

Don't forget, Blair.

He doesn't love you.


Blair, feeling the sunlight creeping on her eyelids, lifted her heavy eyelids.

As her blurry vision cleared, the unfamiliar yet familiar view of the room came into her eyes.

Before returning to the past, it was the room of the Danish Duchess where she had stayed.

At that moment, she almost thought she had dreamed of going back to the past, but the absence of the dolls and items that were always placed around the room made it real.

Furthermore, the dull ache that she felt all over her body, which had lasted since the first night they spent together, proved that it wasn't a dream.

"Although my memories remain, my body has returned to the past, so it's only natural."

Just like the first night she spent with him, or rather, her body felt much heavier and more painful than it did back then.

She suffered through the dizzying pleasure that mercilessly engulfed her, and when she finally fell asleep from exhaustion and woke up again, Herdin still didn't let her go. He clung to her like someone entrusted with a task.

Blair fell asleep and woke up several times, and her last memory was the dim dawn when, exhausted, she fell asleep, with Herdin's broad back moving further away from her.

Blair realized it as she looked at his back.

"This was your true intention."

The man from her past who had guarded her side until morning had been so desperate to extract the truth from her.

And how naive I was to believe it.

The truth he had after miraculously returning to the past was colder and more bitter than she had thought.

But she felt relieved in a way. She wouldn't have to carry the guilt of using him for her purpose.

With a calm heart, Blair forced her heavy body to sit up and pulled the cord.

Note: The translation adheres to the guidelines provided, preserving the names and genders of the characters accurately and consistently.


This novel has been translated up to chapter 96.

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