
The Duke's Venus Flytrap

Jayus Dahl was known to be a mad dog. He is a Mad dog. Always have been, always will be. Who could ever love someone so violent? Someone so filled with putried hate. Someone so venomous. Someone so mean. This was the only problem which brings the Dahl family to their current problem. Inside the Marquess estate held an on-going fiasco as four people sat in a room. The shards of broken glass on the ground, the wine stain on the wall behind Viscount Deborah, and the shocked faces worn by every person except for one. Jayus Dahl. Only Jayus was not shocked by the sudden turn of events, having been the one to throw the wine glass in the first place.

Granny_Jellyfish · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


Jayus spent more money on sword commissions compared with the entire empire combined, even then it was no dent to the Dahl Family's entire bank, asset and future income. Being exceptionally skilled at the sword meant Jayus also had an eye for fine blades, going as far as recruiting Galenius of Borelimis to be his own personal sword crafter. Many people old, new and powerful sailed all seas and rode over mountains just to meet this esteemed craftsman, yet only five people have ever been able to come across Galenius. Even aged, crippled men whom wandered tens of years over the world had rare luck finding Galenius. It was a miracle enough to behold him in your sight. Galenius, a craftsman of all unbreakable weapon, was said to be a close and loyal friend to the first Emperor of Borelimis. Both men spent days on end by each other's company since young, forming an unbreakable bond like no other, people around would often humour how attached to the hip they were. Days passed with the sun never setting from above Borelimis, an everlasting light casting upon the youth and peace of the small city. No one could have ever expected such a disaster to unfold.

"Galenius... I'm sorry,"

In a blur of crimson red blood and rain, night fell upon the never resting city of Borelimis. Everything had happened so quickly, Galenius had no idea what had happened before his dearest friend collapsed in his arms, becoming no more than a bundle of limbs drenched in rain and blood. Vacant eyes staring past Galenius own which would forever haunt him in his life. Galenius could neither identify his own hot tears against the cold rain of that night. The earth beneath him swallowed him whole but he neither sunk or lifted. The Emperor was dead.

No. Galenius jerked as the Emperor's arm fell to the muddy ground, and all Galenius could do was clumsily pick it up.

No... Galenius panicked, struggling to hold himself together as one by one each of the Emperor's limb fell one after another as dirty, trembling hands scrambled to pick up the pieces of what used to be his friend. His Emperor. Galenius kept his eyes wide open, it was getting hard to see everything in front of him with the rain blurring his eyes. His body swayed as he sat on the ground. No longer than that, like a heavy weight had been burdened on his back, Galenius sunk his head on the ground, squeezing tightly on his friend, although the warmth that the former Emperor had originally generated was no longer there, he relished in the familiar traces of his hands, every wrinkle on his skin like guidelines on a map of their home. No one knows how long Galenius had stayed in that mountain embracing the remains of the first Emperor, but it was said that he had gambled with magic and confined the remains in his tools.

Even in death, the First Emperor will forever create achievements.

Although Galenius had long hid away from the world, no one would stop looking for him to request a mighty sword because compared to other craftsmen in the world, a sword crafted by the man of Borelimis has not once failed it's yielder. Others have agreed that Galenius had already specifically chosen people whom to present his work to, but others did not seem satisfied with such a personality. They would have paid a million more watz if it mean even receiving an unfinished blade from him. Only five have been recorded to have been able to receive a gift from Galenius in the past century, all of them deemed as heroes with such astonishing achievements, worthy to be proud to behold such blade. All five weapons recorded to be gifted, yet the last one remains unknown to the world on whom it might be. Jayus couldn't help but smile, hands grazing on the engraved letter of the leather containing a dagger.

"One per selection they say? Then what am I supposed to do when the old man gave me two." Crimson eyes traced the gift of Galenius. Jayus never thought he'd receive two gifts that day he met Galenius by accident. One man in a million others could have waited until they retired before they could meet Galenius but at the age of fifteen years old, Jayus was already practicing how to put Galenius gifts to good use. Although, rather unfortunate according to him, he could not persuade the old man to work for him even if he'd pointed a sword at god as he had hoped he could the moment he heard of Galenius tales. However that was the last he had ever seen of the old man. And the fact that he had been blessed by him remains a secret to this very moment. Delicate hands shone a brilliant copper under the sun as Jayus slipped off the dagger from it's leather case. The blade, a shiny silver from Jayus immense care and attention began to reflect light as soon as it was brought out. He flicked it up in the air and caught it again on the handle and repeatedly threw it up in the air a couple more times.

I wonder how much a Galenius Blade could sell. Jayus thought about it for a moment, then paused his actions. If he remembered correctly, an auction took place at Pericho Theater years ago, one of the items was said to have been a Galenius gift from the former third receiver which was found astray after his death. Even if he were to sell a Galenius Blade, all that money would not be worth such a rare deal. He would have been a fool to do just that. A Galenius gift was more valuable than any life on this earth, akin to receiving a blessing from the goddess herself. Jayus's thoughts were easily cast aside as a knock on the door brought him back to his senses. Emerging from behind the door stood a girl in a maid's outfit. Her black and graying hair pulled back into a neat, tight bun as she lowered her head.

"My Lord, the Marquess and Marchioness requires to see you," Judith said, eyes never meeting her lord's own as she kept her head low, her voice void of any tone, strict and stoic as it always had been. Jayus was the same, eyes never straying from the sight outside his window seeming as if it had more tales to tell than what important stuff the Marquess had to say. Still, it's bad to keep people waiting, he turned his head "I'll be right there, thank you." He smiled. Judith raised her head, hardened eyes staring straight into Jayus own. Judith had worked in the Dahl estate just as long as Aliro had, still her face never gave away anything she thought of or felt as she continued to silently serve the Dahl family.

"Then I will help you prepare," Judith said, signalling with her hands towards the other maids to start working before walking away into a different room to prepare his clothes. It was then when two other people entered the room as well, and soon they all disappeared into another room. Crimson red eyes lingered upon the direction where Judith had turned to. He could never pinpoint whatever thoughts Judith had about the estate, or even remotely guess what she could be thinking as of this very moment, yet she has not once disappointed him nor the Dahl in his entire life. He admitted, he did feel suspicious as he grew older but now, shoulders lax and head pushed back against his chair, he figured that was just the way she was, after all who would be pleased to serve a wild man who casually throws cups at people every chance he gets. At some point, he recalled how Judith started to purposely place his utensils a bit farther from his reach whenever he would show signs of irritation. A trail of sweat lingered on his skin as he swallowed a lump on his throat. It seems like he owed Judith an apology... And maybe a raise even, for always putting up with his behaviour without complaint.

Unbeknownst to the young man was the giggling and high pitched squealing of the maids who went to pick his outfit of the day. Two of them talked among themselves as they sorted out and argued like two parrots about which clothes would suit Jayus better.

"I'm telling you, purple and gold linings makes his eyes stand out more!" Said a younger maid, holding out a beautiful noble attire, looking very determined and confident at the outfit she heks in display with her arms. Her companion rolled her eyes in a silent disagreement "I've served my Lord longer than you have and he has always looked better in red. It's literally his signature color!" She argued "You can't take his signature color away from him!"

Resonating arguments continued as the two bickered amongst themselves with Judith paying no mind to either of them. They were both wrong and right at the same time. She stared for a long time at the outfits that both held in each their arms, her hand on her chin as her mind focused on one thing. She let out a breath as she shook her head, placing both hands on her hips "Both of you- Stop,"

It didn't take another word from them before they froze as if snapping out of their own little world, realizing they were indeed standing in front of the Head Maid. Feeling a bubble of guilt and shame for showing such a display of childish bickering, the two maids stood properly and lowered their heads in shame. Judith glared and in a serious manner, she spoke "There's only one problem we face on regards to this situation, and that is- Our young lord looks good in whatever outfit he wears!" Judith exclaimed proudly, her look of distress steming from a problematic fact. The young lord is just so pretty!

"If you understand this then we will need to work together and make sure that the young lord is always looking his best. Because god did not give him this gift just for us to make him wear rags!" Judith said, now fired up as she raised a fist to the roof, now fueled with determination as the other two maids chimed in in agreement.

"We will make sure the young lord looks outstanding for every breath we breathe!"

Jayus sneezed "It's so chilly in here."

Knock Knock Knock. Came the repeated sound of knocking from the Marquess door. Within the room, sat on an office table was the Maruqess with a look of distraught on his face, his hands intertwined on his chin as he glared at the papers on his desk like they had wronged him in his previous lives. Marchioness Dahl also sat on the sofa in the room, her tea on the coffee table in front of her left untouched as it ran cold. They had just received a report from their accountant and investigator relating the lastest Tritus Corp issue and it did not look good.

"The young master has arrived, My lord." Announced a muffled voice from Judith as she opened the door. Jayus stepped into the room, ruby eyes scanning the faces on both his parents, and based on his father's obvious nervous body language, the news he was about to relay was not going to be fun. Jayus eyes immediately glared, wary. As he sat across his mother, Judith made a move to pour him a cup of tea but upon seeing the Marquess and Marchioness frantically shaking their heads, she abruptly stopped and swiftly took away the teacup in front of Jayus. Then the coaster. Then she also took away the teaspoon, rendering Jayus confused by her actions. Jayus was no fool, he didn't even harbor any intention of lashing out. Much less, the idea of losing control felt disgusting enough to puke for days. Yet, just because he threw a cup at Viscount Deborah everyone in the estate now thinks he'd do it at every minor inconvenience. What an attitude.

Heh, so you'll take away everything I can grab? Don't think I won't lift this table up with my bare hands-on

A rush of blurry colors passed by like a breeze as Judith pulled away the table right in front of the Dahl family. It was as if she had read Jayus mind, leaving the man speechless at the Head maids actions. The Marquess and Marchioness could not have been any more grateful for her quick thinking. Marquess Dahl, holding the documents I'm his hands finally nearly casted them aside as he prepared to bear the news to his family. All aloof charisma from his face lost trace and was now replaced with knitted brows and pursed lips. Rough hands locked together as he nodded towards Judith. Immediately receiving the message, an understanding look exchanged between them as she walked out, leaving only them three in the room.

"Unfortunately, Aliro received the reports for the Tritus Issue. There was more than the junk on the list which were rather... Important. Regardless of the contents in the inquiry, it's been proven and documented that the purchase was done under our family name. By law, Tritus could not care if we had made the purchase or not so long as it is getting paid and we will be paying it right out of our pockets-" He paused, every word getting harder and harder to let out "-For now there's nothing I can do to clear our hands from this problem. They will forcefully withdraw the money straight from the Dahl account."

Wide eyes could be spotted from all across the room in shock. Someone had forged their signature and personally made the order from within the Dahl Estate but for as long as they knew, no one had done that here. Not even the private investigator found any traces of who the suspect could be. Jayus stared at the floor for quite a while. If the money were to be withdrawn, this would lead them to bankruptcy and maybe even selling the whole estate.

"Is there nothing we can do about it?" Jayus turned towards the Marquess, lifting his chin from between his fingers. Marquess shook his head before he paused "I believe the only way we can escape bankruptcy is by loaning from close relations but..." Marquess Dahl stops, his voice fading as he speaks. Borrowing money from those snobby nobles, I'd rather die. Is what he wanted to say. Jayus knew his father was too prideful of a man but he knew where this was going. Being in-depth to those nobles mesnt being tied to them for life. The aristocrats specially were a pain to deal with. It wouldn't have served Jayus any good to be involved in their webs. Hearing all this, Marchioness could no longer stay silent anymore. She spoke up, voice laced with panic and frustration.

"I will speak to my father, maybe he can help with this-"

"AAAAUURRGH---!!!!" Marquess wailed.

As soon as the word 'Father' came out, Marquess Dahl jumped from our of his seat, practically flying from across the desk and on to his wife's feet, carefully holding on to the hems of her skirt as a desperate resort as he blurted out.

"You can't! I promise I'll find a way to fix this but don't ask your father for help. It took me so long to get his permission, he'll have my head if he finds out what situation you're in." Marquess Dahl cried. Cried. Tears practically falling like waterfalls from his eyes.

"You best save those tears for later when they cut off out water supply," Jayus said, earning nothing but a pouty look from his very grown and very huge father.

"If there's no other option you might have to marry Viscount Deborah, son," Replied Marquess Dahl as he stood up from his spot on the floor. Jayus was about to laugh. Such a good joke indeed. His eyes lifted towards his parents only to find nor hear chuckles or laughs from either one. Both only looked at him, completely serious. Even his own mother started to look like she was thinking hard on it. Marquess Dahl waited for son to say something, perhaps maybe even hoping that Jayus would say yes. Just like that, the atmosphere in the room changed.

Seriously... Jayus couldn't help but laugh. That's right, how could he ever forget. It was always like this. The people in front of him were never his father and mother but Marquess and Marchioness Dahl. It feels like no matter what I do they will never change.

He pursed his lips, eyes vacant as they strongly held their gaze against Marquess Dahl's own, and with a clear voice he spoke "No."

No other words were exchanged after that but the silence was deafening. Now I wish I could have just thrown a tantrum instead. Jayus silently cursed Judith for thinking so ahead as his hand itched for something to throw.

Please. Silence

Anything... Say something. With squinted eyes, Jayus gripped tightly to his knees. Finally, with every second that lasted for hours, his father's sigh cut through the silence like a hot knife. A knife that cut through ice that Jayus was thankful for.

"Well I didn't expect you to say yes immediately, but I hope you keep in mind that you need to be responsible now. Think about it clearly, Jayus." Marquess Dahl said. For Jayus, it felt like a bomb for each word that followed the next. How suffocating.

"Let's go have breakfast together," and like a drop of a penny into the ocean, such heavyweights were casted aside like it was nothing.

The bustling roads of the capitol was certainly one way to let your mind off such a things. This was specifically true for Jayus. Fancy shops left and right lined down the roads as nobles from far places wandered back and forth. Staring out the window of the carriage, red eyes gazed upon numerous people. Jayus knew why it was busier than usual- The Cartellieri. Cartellieri is famous for all sorts of pastries you could crave in the world, with it's richness in flavor and amazing texture, it felt almost like magic. Needless to say, Jayus was a big fan of Cartellieri, he balled his hands into fists, almost failing to contain his excitement as a flood of different delicacies floated to his brain. Most specifically the ones they call Cobbler crumble.

Ah, if there is a god thank you for letting me exist at the same time as Cartellieri. Jayus was getting fired up. Soon, they had entered the street of Cartellieri and my it was crowded. As busy as they always were, today was specially bustling. Of course why wouldn't it be when they're releasing a new recipe? Jayus was looking forward to this, not even earliers event could have stopped him from riding afar and coming all the way to the Capitol just to purchase such delicacy. A smile couldn't help but reach ear to ear at the thought. Not a moment later, the carriage slowed to a stop as the coachman announced their arrival.

"My Lord, we're here." The door open as Jayus steps out, shoes clicking against the pristine concrete road. He turned towards the coachman with joy "Thank you, Mr. Russle. I'll call for you when I'm done here." The old man shook his head, though Jayus couldn't see his smile behind his white mustache, he could tell from the way his eyes wrinkled "I'm only doing my job, my Lord."

Walking further down the road, Jayus finally found the infamous bakery. His eyes flashed a look of disappointment upon seeing the long line up ahead. At this point they're going to sell out before I even take a step inside. It seems like everyone else had the same thought of arriving at an absurb time, smalls chatters from all around gave Jayus enough information to know what people were willing to sacrifice just to get to Cartellieri. Left and right, up and down people got into debates on who got here the earliest.

"Hmph! I arrived here and camped just the other day, if you all wanted to get in line first then you should have claimed your spot three days prior!" Proudly said by a man as he crossed his arms at the person behind him, being too proud of himself he failed to notice that the woman rolled her eyes at him and his ridiculous claims.

"I've been here for hours and the line hasn't even moved. I'm going to die!" Complained a lady further into the line.

Just then another man ran towards the shop, seemingly frantic, he wore a simple outfit yet one could tell he served a noble family. The moment he saw how long the line was, he panicked. "It will take forever to get those macarons!" He dropped to his knees in disdain as he wailed, hands digging into his hair as he continued to cry out. No one even batted an eye on him, it seems like everyone else was emersed into their own despair. Like a struck of lighting, the man on the ground sucked in a breath.

"My Lady is going to kill me..." he murmurs "My Lady is going to kill me." He echoed with a voice as clear as he was about his Lady's wrath once she finds out he had failed her. What a wicked lady she must be for her own servant to grovel so pathetically on the floor like that. Jayus shook his head, cold sweat running down his neck as he took his position in line. I'm that Lady though?! Admittedly, Jayus knew he was also very cruel at times so what right did he have to judge another noble. Jayus tilted his head back and forth for every second, however unfortunate, that action did not make the line any smaller. How long was this going to take? He silently complained after standing in line for more than three minutes.

"Well what a lovely encounter to meet you here, Jayus Dahl." Jayus spared no more than a glance at Viscount Deborah before looking away "Viscount Dorabel," He greets back with his arms closely crossed in front of him. Hearing this, Viscount Deborah strongly held his smile, teeth gritting behind his lips. There's no point correcting the son of the Marquess, Viscount Deborah knew that so he held his composure firmly.

"I see you're a fan of Cartellieri as well, My Lord. They have quite the exquisite pastries. Would you like to share them over tea? After all, I don't think you would manage to grab hold of their latest product," He gently shook the box in his hand containing Cartellieri's new recipe "Maybe we could even discuss my offer, hm?" Viscount Deborah smirked.

I see he's still on about that, Jayus let out an airy laugh. Is he seriously bribing his hand in marriage with pastries? What a joke. Pulling back his sleeve, he balled a hand into a fist but paused. He didn't expect what the Viscount would say next would make his sweat go cold.

"You're going to need me if you want your family to survive losing their name," Viscount backed away. Oh how long have he been always wanting the upper hand, to see the look of despair on Jayus face was the only thing he could ever ask for. No one has ever been able to put down the this poisonous flytrap before. Viscount Deborah might be the first. The very thought itself brought him excitement he couldn't help but laugh as he bent down to see the face of despair this beautiful man wore.

"Did you actually think I could care less if the Dahl Family were to lose everything in it's name?" Viscount Deborah broke in cold sweat at the sight. He had not expected Jayus to laugh so whole heartedly at the news- no, he was actually tearing up from laughing so much! Jayus was known to be such a mean and cold man but to laugh at the chance the Dahl Family could become non-existent...

"Y-you! Don't you even have a remote idea of what could happen to you if you're family goes into bankruptcy? Not even your own dignity could be salvaged in all-!" Viscount Deborah bellowed. Maybe this could make this foolish man finally realize the weight of his words.

"Oh, Viscount...the Dahl family could be brought to ruins and I would not even flinch," Jayus interrupted. Perhaps it's because Viscount Deborah has never seen him smile at all but seeing that face was absolutely terrifying. "Do you know how the Dahl family came to be acknowledged by the Emperor when our achievements are not even as mildly impressive compared to other nobles? Even other viscounts, Earls and Barons hold a greater chance to be acknowledged by his Majesty.

Viscount, listen well. I am the reason for the prosperity of the Dahl Family. If my father were to lose all his assets now, it would not hurt our family...not one bit." He placed a hand on top of the dagger sheathed by his hip, pulling out the blade just enough for the Viscount to see the handle. Viscount Deborah flinched. No way was Jayus Dahl seriously planning to put a blad eon him, right? He can't be unless he really is crazy... but something in those dangerously red eyes told Viscount Deborah not to test him any further. This is a warning. Before Jayus could say more, the shop bakers assistant stepped out "Everyone go home, we're sold out for today. We're closing the shop now!" Without waiting for responses, the shop bakers assistant went back inside and closed the door in their faces.

"What!? But I waited forever for my turn!" Blood red eyes shot towards the closed door as Jayus bellowed, people also shared their own dismay and voiced out complains, still the shop remained closed and there was nothing they could do but go home. It was as if all the menacing air blew away, Viscount Deborah snapped out of his trance. That's right, Jayus can't touch him when they're out in public. So what if he's got a weapon when Viscount Deborah brought guards to protect him. What was he suddenly so scared for? To him, Jayus was just another immature, stuck up sons of a Marquess. Even he won't be safe under the judgement of the Emperor. What rotten luck was lingering on Jayus today? Viscount Deborah would laugh if he wanted to, in fact, he did. This serves you right, you spoiled brat. I'll tear away at everything you love until you have no choice but to choose me-

"Keurgh-!" Viscount Deborah let out a strained sound as he dropped to the ground, practically flying mid air as he landed with a thud. Someone had accidentally bumped into him with force, causing him to fall along with the deserts. Sweet pastries smeared all over the ground, cupcakes, pieces of pies and even the cobbler, none of it survived the impact and all but none for destroyed in the process. The only edible thing left was a cupcake which flew out of it's box and perfectly landed on the Viscount's face. Good for him, he could still salvage that for himself. Viscount Deborah stuttered out, failing to form words as his rage bubbled up, rendering his face red in frustration. Oh he was about to let this stranger have it now. He's going to give him a piece of his mind, and once does he's going to make him regret ever deciding to go outside today. He turned towards the young man, skinny and dry finger pointing accusingly at him as he raged "You-! How dare you walk right through me, do you have any idea who I am?! I am going to-" His words stuck within his throat as the man turned to face him. A young man with long hair as dark as midnight, cascading behind him in a low ponytail, his cold gaze embroidered within deep blue hues as he stared with such a blank stare at the Viscount on the ground. Jayus could tell at first glance he was a noble man with status based on his attire but he lacked information on who this man could be, after all he wasn't a fan of engaging with others. All he knew in that moment was that Viscount Deborah should have kept his mouth shut. Quietly upon the arrival of a new person, Jayus hid back the Galenius gift. A breath of relief escaped his lips, he had only planned to show Viscount Deborah the dagger of Galenius, he would have left Jayus alone with just enough time to figure out how to deal with the Tritus situation. However, he can't just brandish the dagger with the presence of this new person.

"Ah, Viscount Deborah..." This stranger didn't so much as change anything in his expressions but it was clear as day that he was annoyed, still he smiled and reached out a hand towards the viscount "My apologies, I got in your way, haven't I?" In that moment, he glanced at Jayus before returning his full attention towards the viscount. This action was left unnoticed by Jayus as he pitifully stared at the inedible desserts on the ground.

"No..." The Viscount's voice betrayed him before he could finish his sentence. The young man's face scrunched in annoyance "...What?" He snapped.

"N-no! No no no," Viscount Deborah stammered "I mean, you do not need to apologize, my Lord! It was completely my fault for not looking. I will take my leave now!" Viscount Deborah spared no moment left as he pulled himself up, forgetting the humiliation he felt and sprinted away as fast as he could. Jayus watched this all unfold, he couldn't believe such a cowardly man like that pulled cheap tricks like this just so he could humiliate him. What a coward.

Both men watched him fled with his tail between his legs, Jayus too was about to leave. He turned around, could a day like this could have gone any worse? He needed to find a way to deal with the mess Viscount Deborah started.

"Wait," The nobleman called back for him, Jayus paused just as he was about to leave. Turning to look at the man now, he didn't seem to be any more older than he was. We're practically the same age. Jayus thought, yeah, he definitely didn't seem younger either. The man offered him a smile as he spoke "It seems your friend ran away in rush. I was about to offer my most sincere apologies," As he spoke, all blood thirsty aura dissipated into air. Jayus wondered for a second if he had misjudged him too soon, otherwise he must be staring at a completely different person right now because he certainly did look sincerely apologetic.

'It's fine, he's not my friend. Moreover, I would rejoice if you bumped into him harder,' Despite what he wanted to say, he kept it short and simple.

"You could hit him harder," Jayus said. To his surprise, the man only let out a small laugh, never minding his reaction towards the assault to his friend.

"Allow me to make it up to you and your friend. Take this, I brought it fresh from Cartellieri earlier before they sold out. Since I wasted your share, it's only fair you take mine," It seems like this man was under the impression that him and Viscount Deborah shared a buddy-buddy friendship. A million bugs crawled on Jayus skin as he grimaced at the very thought itself. Still, he wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to get free pastries from Cartellieri. He is definitely accepting it with open arms!

'God loves me so much, doesn't he?' He cheered internally as he opened the pastry box. Within the box held rich and colorful pastries of all kind, they practically shone gold!

"Wow... Thank you," As he continued to gawk in awe, he failed to notice blue hues stare at him the entire time "I still have many places to be so I will take my leave first. Please enjoy them whole heatedly."

"Oh I definitely will," Jayus froze. Crap he didn't mean to say that out loud, fortunately the man had already started walking away, leaving Jayus standing in the middle of the now deserted pastry shop. He should also head back home since it was getting late. He started walking towards his carriage when he abruptly stopped. Crap, he forgot to ask his name! He stood there for a moment in a silent battle with himself before he gave up. It's not like he was known to remember people's names anyways, he'll just ask when they meet again, no biggie.

As soon as he stepped into the carriage, the old man turned his head to the curtain separating him and Jayus, "Did you find everything you need, my Lord?" He asked. Leaning back on his seat, legs crossed as he stared at the pastry box safety tuck beside him, he gleefully responded "Yeah, I got more than I initially planned."