We finished the battle, and we jumped to fly in the sky through the night and clouds and under the stars. Only the moon was our witness and the referee.
This shameless man was making me struggle into this silly competition of his. I didn't start it, not at all. I was only testing the mightiness of my shadows, not that I wanted to see him losing against me.
Well, it would be a lie if I was not looking forward to going faster to Docrem to my dear husband, and my Irina and so, I have to go quickly. We started competing among ourselves to alleviate the boredness of the journey and of course, to go faster as the sun will arrive in no time.
I was winning, of course, how can that butterfly man reach this eagle-like woman. However, if I were for a second absent-minded he would fly faster taking advantage of my distraction. Just what are those freaking wings made of?
I shouted at him when he dared to pass me to breathe his mist. Shameless!