
The Duke's Son Is Full Of Ambition

A man with blonde hair was panting, covered in blood in the middle of a bustling city. His eyes stared at the void, trying to accept what had happened. Behind his physical pain, he reflects on how much he has wasted and how much he could change if he only had the will. However, fate said otherwise. He was reborn as a baby one day, into a prominent magic knight family, the Duke Everett family. The baby then realized that he had extraordinary ancestry, his ancestor was a legendary magicswordsman, and his father was a famous Sword King on the continent. In his new life journey, he feels challenged to surpass his previous descendants and become the strongest among them. With sheer determination, he embarks on a long journey to master magic and the art of the sword, while discovering his true identity and facing challenges that test his mettle.

godsfavperson · Fantasy
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6 Chs

3 Rotten And Fresh Blood

Diland was spellbound in silence, his eyes focused on his father's agile movements as he sliced through the wind with his sword.

Each move was executed with mesmerizing precision, as if the sword were an extension of his own body. Every step, every swing of the sword, showcased extraordinary strength and grace.

Meanwhile, his mother stood beside him, weaving circles of light in the air with her magic wand. The light spun around, forming intricate and beautiful patterns, as if dancing to an unheard melody.

Diland couldn't tear his gaze away, captivated by the beauty and power of his mother's magic.

Over the past year, Diland had absorbed knowledge about nobility from various sources. However, the deeper he delved into the world of nobility, the clearer it became to him that not all nobles were worthy of respect. Some of them, in fact, were involved in despicable and cruel actions against the common people.

The documents he found painted a dark picture of life among the nobles. Stories of kidnapping, oppression, and murder circulated among them. His anger surged within him, igniting a desire to fight against the injustices in society.

"This cruelty cannot be allowed," Diland muttered, his frustration boiling over. "They are demeaning human dignity and forgetting their duty as leaders and protectors of the people. I will not let this slide."

Diland gazed up at the sky, setting his heart on making a difference. "I will be the voice that defends the weak, I will be the hand that protects the oppressed," he declared with unwavering resolve.

As the heir of the Everett family, Diland felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He knew that one day he would inherit titles and wealth from his parents. But more than that, he felt a calling to make meaningful changes in the lives of his people.

With fervent feelings, Diland felt that a change was happening within him. He felt a power flowing through him, giving him new courage and strength. Yet, he didn't fully understand what was happening.

"Why do I feel stronger?" he asked his father, confusion evident on his face.

His father smiled, then nodded. "You have found your own strength, Diland," he replied. "When someone sets their heart on becoming better, when their determination is sincere and strong, it becomes an unstoppable source of power."

Diland smiled, understanding. "I am becoming stronger because I have set my heart on improving this world, on protecting the weak, and on fighting injustice."

"You have found your own path, Diland," his father said proudly.

"You know, my son, being a knight is not just about physical strength, but also about emotional strength. Every step on this path requires strong determination and deep emotions."

"Absolutely, Diland. But remember, there are many paths one can take. The path of a mage, for example, requires sharp intellect and the ability to control magical energy." His mother said

"So, to become a Swordsman, one usually has to set their heart and determination. And they usually reach that level when they're teenagers, right?" Diland replied

"Yes, that's usually the case. However, there are exceptions for geniuses. They can reach the Swordsman level even at a very young age, like 8-10 years old." His father answered with a happy tone

"And you, Diland, are a very rare example. You've become a Swordsman at a very young age, only 2.5 years old. You're truly remarkable." His mother praised him

"Thank you, Dad, Mom. I promise to use this power for good, to protect the weak, and to fight injustice in our world." Diland nodded his head

"And that's what makes you a Swordsman."

Diland nodded again, feeling a wave of happiness and pride within him. He had found his calling, and he was ready to pursue it with full confidence and determination.