
The Duke's Obsession

She was his addiction, his sweetest temptation and he knew he could never resist the siren call of her body pressed tightly against his. .... [Warning: Slow burn book and mature content] Aamon: She is mine. Mine to play with. Mine to cherish. Mine to fuck. Mine to protect. Mine to destroy. Above all, she is my Obsession. Sly, ruthless, and formidable, his very name strikes fear, compelling soldiers to abandon arms on battlefields. Beneath this unyielding exterior, however, lies an unexpected vulnerability – a delicate girl capable of turning his world upside down with the subtlest change in her smile. In the monotonous rhythm of his life, she became his everything – his salvation, the air he breathed, and the reason to die for. Despite the dangers coiled around him, and especially from him, she willingly embraced his inferno, rising gloriously above the ashes, reshaping his world. To unravel Aamon and Anthea's love story, embark on their journey into uncharted territory.

Joshan_Jo · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Promotion and Demotion

"Too bad, I almost fell for it," Lucifer remarked, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

With those words, he finally stood up, breaking their intimate proximity.

Astrid let out a silent sigh of relief and slowly opened her eyes, which had been tightly shut in embarrassment. However, she quickly averted her eyes. It was only then she remembered that Lucifer was standing before her, naked as a newborn baby, his sculpted body on full display. Her face flushed crimson as she got an unintentional glimpse of his private parts.

Trying to regain her composure, Astrid avoided looking at him directly and instead stood up in the tub.

This bizarre twist in their interactions left her feeling utterly confused and unsure of how she had found herself in such a precarious situation.

She couldn't help but wonder if her mere presence had somehow altered the course of the story, turning it from a dark tale into something far more sensual.

Not only that, but Lucifer's behavior was unlike his usual self. Astrid didn't know him personally, but it didn't align with how his character was portrayed in the novel. So for now, only that explanation seemed plausible to her.

The water in the tub had grown icy cold, causing goosebumps to form on Astrid's skin as she finally stepped out. She shivered involuntarily, the chill piercing her to the bone. Her drenched clothes clung to her body, but she hesitated to leave the room in this state. The thought of causing a scandal at the mansion, especially after the unexpected turn of events, was unbearable.

Not knowing what to do as she stared at the floor, Astrid felt Lucifer come into view in front of her. He had draped a towel loosely around his hips, his damp hair clinging to his forehead as he looked down at her with a hint of concern in his eyes.

With another towel he had picked he wrapped it around her shoulders carefully.

"I don't want my admirer catching a cold," he said softly, breaking the awkward silence. "I'll ask Masha to send your clothes up here so that you can change into them."

With those words, he turned and left her alone in the bathroom, stepping out of the tub. As the door closed, leaving Astrid standing alone in the room with a small pool of water at her feet, she couldn't help but bring her hand to her chest, feeling the rapid thud of her racing heart, as if it might leap right out of her chest at any moment.

Looking down at her trembling hand, she couldn't shake the memory of the warmth of his lips when he had kissed her. The sensation sent a rush of blood surging both up and down her body, leaving her in a state of emotional turmoil.

With her clothes soaked, the prospect of leaving the room was far from ideal. Not only would she inevitably trail water droplets across the marble floor, but she also wished to avoid the risk of being discovered in her current flustered condition.

Astrid stood there, waiting patiently for the maid to bring dry clothes so she could change. The minutes seemed to stretch into eternity, her mind filled with the vivid images of her recent encounter with Lucifer.

Finally, a fellow maid arrived at the door, knocking softly before pushing it open. Masha, with a quizzical look on her face, took in the scene - Astrid's drenched attire and her own dry clothes.

"Did you fall in the tub?" Masha inquired, her tone laced with suspicion, her eyes scanning Astrid from head to toe, as if she had committed a crime.

"I, uh...slipped," Astrid replied, hastily using the towel Lucifer had wrapped around her to dry herself. "Thank you for bringing the clothes."

However, there was no acknowledgment from Masha. Instead, her response carried an air of authority and a hint of hostility, feelings that Astrid couldn't quite comprehend, given their limited interaction.

"Let me wait outside for you," Masha stated abruptly, almost as if she couldn't stand to remain in the room any longer.

Masha closed the door, not leaving Lucifer's quarters. The tension in the room was palpable as Astrid hastily changed into her dry clothes, trying to ignore the unsettling atmosphere around her.

Once she had finished, she ventured out to find Masha standing with her head bowed and not far across the room Lucifer, who sat in front of his desk, with his legs crossed one over the other, the tips and the ends of his black hair still in the process of drying, yet his demeanor seemed unaffected by the recent events in the bath as he looked down on the parchment while writing.

She didn't know he was still here in the room. Astrid had thought after completing his bath and changing his clothes he would be going out knowing she was still inside, but seemed like she had thought wrong.

Infact, she couldn't fathom how he managed to maintain his composure after their intimate encounter. Her cheeks burned, and her ears turned crimson as those vivid images continued to haunt her.

Not hoping to get caught, she bowed her head along with the other maid in the room.

Lucifer turned to look at her, his eyes still carrying a hint of mischief and delight, while his hand still holding the quill in his hand as he hadn't completed writing the new policy changes on trade with the West, requested by the council.

Astrid felt his gaze towards her direction, earning another blush from her, her whole face turning crimson red, as if her blood gushed in reverse direction.

Masha, the Duke's personal maid, was well aware of the change in atmosphere. She couldn't help but notice Astrid's blushing, even beneath her lowered gaze. Curiosity gnawed at her, and while she longed to understand what had transpired, she knew her position didn't grant her such privilege.

The housekeeper chose this moment to intervene, announcing, "Master, dinner has been prepared and is waiting in the dining room." Her voice disrupted the charged silence, and Lucifer shifted his gaze from Astrid to the housekeeper, his eyes sharp and seemingly aware of Masha's thoughts.

Masha lowered her head deeply, silently conveying her apologies for her intrusive expression. She waited until the Duke walked past her and towards the door before speaking.

"I will be skipping dinner tonight and take her to her new quarters. From today, she is my personal maid. Take her to the headmaid tomorrow and ensure she is familiar with her duties. Additionally, take care of her necessities until she is fully settled," Lucifer declared before heading to his office to resume his duties.

As he left, Masha couldn't believe her ears. She had served Lucifer loyally for five years, and now, she found herself replaced so suddenly. It wasn't just about her duties; her position as the next in line to the headmaid was now uncertain. All the maids who had previously bowed to her would now be bowing to Astrid.

Masha couldn't take it. No matter how hard she tried to understand her master, this isn't something she could decipher.

Masha seethed with anger and betrayal, emotions that she struggled to hide beneath her surface composure.

Jealousy coursed through Masha's veins, and it soon turned into an inexplicable hatred for Astrid. She had thought she was close to the Duke, but it seemed her plans were unraveling. Her anger and animosity, though concealed, did not escape Astrid's observant eye. She had already made an enemy before even settling into the mansion, and her future there looked increasingly uncertain.

Masha led Astrid to her new room.

The servant quarters were like a forgotten corner of the estate, a web of narrow hallways and dim corridors. The quarters, initially bustling with activity, transformed as Astrid ventured deeper. The hallways widened and grew eerily quiet. The walls bore the marks of time, with worn-out tapestries and creaking wooden floors.

As she neared her room, the presence of others seemed to fade away. The once lively quarters became strangely desolate, as if everyone had vanished. The hushed tones of servants vanished, replaced by an unsettling silence.

It was evident that this room had been chosen to reflect Masha's jealousy. Tucked away at the far end of the hall, it was isolated from the others and had clearly been neglected for years.

"This is the best accommodation that can be provided to you," Masha's parting words stung, as the unspoken message was clear: Astrid wasn't worthy of even this space.

Astrid chose not to create a scene. Lucifer had warned her not to cause trouble, and she was determined to heed his words.

As she entered the room, she realised it was a simple room, with just a bed, a small desk, and a window that hinted at hidden gardens. The lack of luxury intrigued her, but the solitude didn't feel bad, as it gave her more time to plan, though the weight of uncertainty hung heavily over her, and she couldn't help but wonder what her future held within these walls.