
The Duke's Obsession

She was his addiction, his sweetest temptation and he knew he could never resist the siren call of her body pressed tightly against his. .... [Warning: Slow burn book and mature content] Aamon: She is mine. Mine to play with. Mine to cherish. Mine to fuck. Mine to protect. Mine to destroy. Above all, she is my Obsession. Sly, ruthless, and formidable, his very name strikes fear, compelling soldiers to abandon arms on battlefields. Beneath this unyielding exterior, however, lies an unexpected vulnerability – a delicate girl capable of turning his world upside down with the subtlest change in her smile. In the monotonous rhythm of his life, she became his everything – his salvation, the air he breathed, and the reason to die for. Despite the dangers coiled around him, and especially from him, she willingly embraced his inferno, rising gloriously above the ashes, reshaping his world. To unravel Aamon and Anthea's love story, embark on their journey into uncharted territory.

Joshan_Jo · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Following the Duke - Part2

Lucifer Lysander.

Lucifer, the sole heir to the previous Duke, swiftly ascended to the position upon reaching adulthood, however, he was treated merely as a tool to be utilized and discarded, thrust into war at the tender age of seventeen.

Against all odds, the boy miraculously returned victorious, which made him stand at the pinnacle of the empire. Despite his significant contributions, people persisted in seeking his downfall, intent on stripping the Lysander house of its power—the genuine source of authority behind the Royals.

Though he is young, he is a tough nut to crack. The hardships of his upbringing, devoid of even a hint of affection, the constant occurrence of assassin attempts had shaped him into this formidable character. Forget about love and affection, his own family is afraid of him.

Astrid couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for him. Despite being the main character, she could sense the immense weight of his solitary existence, devoid of companions to share genuine feelings and thoughts with.

However, she quashed her empathy swiftly.

"Ha, who's sorry about who?"

Now wasn't the time for peaceful contemplation or to think about the sorry plight he is in.

She was inside a novel, a realm where her life could be extinguished by him in an instant, just like she had experienced earlier. Fear gripped her as she remembered those chilling moments. Why did it have to be like this? And why did he do that?

Contrary to her expectations, he revealed himself to be different than she had thought. Yet, this was his true nature—a man devoid of sympathy, unwilling to spare anyone attempting to harm him.

Moving on to the next person—William Rosenthal, the elder cousin of the Duke.

This young man hardly required an elaborate introduction.

He was a wild, spirited soul with a He was a wild, spirited soul with a fiery temper, a sharp intellect, and an unfortunate penchant for picking fights with Lucifer whenever their paths crossed. Lucifer, far from being a saint himself, never backed down when faced with William; the two often resorted to childish bickering.

This dynamic seemed quite contradictory to her. Witnessing someone like Lucifer lose his cool and engage in word battles with his cousin was an intriguing prospect.

Their rivalry, rooted in the fact that William is next in line for the Dukedom, had brewed since childhood, fueled by his mother's specific instructions—or rather, commands.

Astrid clicked her tongue in contemplation, mulling over the information about these two key characters. "Perhaps there's a chance to mend their relationship," she thought aloud but then shook her head. She marked an emphatic 'X' next to their names on her list. It wasn't her place to interfere in the story carelessly, which might in turn affect her own survival.

"These two are hopeless. They care for each other, yet never showed their affection for each other, " Astrid sighed in resignation.

"Now, onto the second prince, Michael Ashford Avalon."

He was the favored child of the emperor. Following the death of Princess Beatrice, he had become the heir, causing upheaval among the imperial and aristocratic factions, eventually dethroning the current crown prince. Michael stood as a potential future emperor.

Astrid quickly moved on to the next character on her list, Ian Roxburgh. He was a formidable wizard, appointed as the Archmage due to his extraordinary mastery of magic and mana control. Additionally, he was the heir to the marquis.

It's not just that, he made a major contribution in studying magic and created many spells, improving the magic abilities and defence of the empire.

Beyond that, Astrid had minimal information about him, as he didn't play a prominent role in Lucifer's story.

Also, she got vaguely successful in guessing the part of the story she got dropped into, from the conversation between Victor and Lucifer earlier.

Despite noting down all these details, Astrid was still unable to decipher why she had been summoned into this book. "Is this another dimension? Should I return to the place where I first appeared?" she wondered.

"I survived luckily this time, but isn't it too cruel? According to novels, protagonists become aristocrats, leverage their modern knowledge, and achieve a happily ever after. So, why am I a character who just dropped into the book, a nobody? Why do these things always happen to me?"

Contemplating, she briefly considered staring out of the window, offering a view of the sinister forest from prior events, which brought back the memories she wanted to bury deep in her heart. So, she quickly dismissed the idea, averting her gaze in the opposite direction.

Falling into a trance once more, her mind raced. As if grasping her mission, she sprang out of bed, speaking to herself with newfound excitement. "I was transported into this book before the actual story began. Everything happens for a reason. So why did I meet Lucifer and not anyone else from the story?" She pondered, replaying the entire episode and trying to piece it together.

Having read stories where the female lead, after transmigration, played a pivotal role beside the main character, aiding in their success and happiness, Astrid wondered if her presence here followed a similar narrative. But then, why her?

Soon, an idea dawned on her. "Perhaps it's because I wished for someone to stay by Lucifer's side and show him the love he deserves? Is that how it works? If so, wouldn't the problems be solved if the princess were alive?" Uncertain about the accuracy of her assumptions, she felt compelled to explore every possible avenue.

"Perhaps changing the story is the answer. Then, I must save the princess," she declared, setting a new goal for herself.

However, uncertainties loomed. How could she protect the princess when the mastermind's identity remained unrevealed even at the end of the story? So, how?

She grasped that if she got involved with the princess, her life would be in jeopardy at the hands of someone someday. Furthermore, there was no guarantee that she wouldn't die even if she made sure to save Princess Beatrice.

"...I can't die," she told herself resolutely, determination taking root.

"Yes. I can't die here. Not after everything I've done to reach where I am in my world."

"I'll not die no matter what. My new position at the office is waiting for me. I'll live and go back to where I belong. For God's sake, I didn't even have a life until now, compromising every prospect till I achieved my goal. So I can't give up now," she affirmed, determined to see her plans for business expansion and other aspirations come to fruition.

She decided to return where she belongs, blankly staring at 'she don't know what', determined to live.

As she continued staring, thoughts swirled within her mind. Survival was her foremost goal, and she knew that in any world, power was the key for it. She needed that power, and if she couldn't obtain it, she would have to borrow it.

It takes time to become familiar with this world, play by its rules and to get acquainted with the other characters inhabiting it. However, that's a luxury she couldn't afford right now. Navigating among the other main characters to select the one who might be the most easy and useful was a luxury she couldn't afford at the moment.

Moreover, in reality, approaching them in her present status was out of the question. She remained nothing more than an outsider who still hadn't grasped the lay of the land.

So, Lucifer emerged as her best bet, possessing both power and the resources to fill the gaps in her knowledge about this world. Despite her initial fear of Lucifer, she realized that gaining his trust was essential to navigate the intricate threads of this new reality.

It was a daunting task, but she resolved not to be afraid of him any longer, recognizing his crucial role in her survival. Trust, after all, was a bridge that could never be built on fear.

Despite her attempts to reassure herself, fear gripped her as she remembered those chilling moments when she first arrived in this unfamiliar world. Nevertheless, she knew she had to overcome it to secure her place in this new life.

Thinking about this and that, she started to feel hazy.

'I need to eat something.'

Food is the main source needed for everything. It was past dinner now.

However, from the shock she has gained today, she didn't really feel anything would go down her throat.

'Ah, whatever.'

Feeling lazy now, she closed her eyes, with sleep being the foremost thought on her mind.

Perhaps it was her way of escaping from reality.

Soon after closing her eyes, she drifted into sleep.

Not long after, the sun greeted the land, and Astrid, an early bird, exerted effort to get herself out of bed, despite being tired as heck and her body sore from the long day she had yesterday.

With light footsteps, she first checked her neck wound. It seemed that she had applied too much pressure during her sleep, causing the bandages to seep blood. Cleaning and redressing the wound became the first order of the morning.

Stepping out of her room, she was astonished by the transformation of the mansion. Mere hours ago, this place resembled a foreboding haunted house, a place of punishment. But now, illuminated by the gentle morning sunlight, the interior had transformed into a breathtaking spectacle.

Magnificent walls exuded an air of grandeur, and Astrid's eyes carefully absorbed every intricate detail. It was undeniably a mansion befitting a Duke. While she harbored a strong desire to explore it like a museum, her courage faltered at the thought of crossing paths with the formidable Lucifer who resided here.

"Let's not even go close to where this guy is for a few days to ensure our survival, at least not until we have a strategy to confront him," she thought, uncertain about how fast her resolve might crumble. She forgot that he would soon leave this mansion.

She concluded that wandering around someone else's home was impolite, and the retreat was definitely not because of her fear of facing the grim reaper, chewing back her words from last night.

"That's right!! It's impolite, not because I am afraid of him!!" She reasoned with herself, attempting to stay strong, and observed the place.

Victor appeared occupied with various tasks, not even sparing a minute for rest. Consequently, she retreated to her room, recognizing that she had no specific tasks to undertake.

Astrid saw Victor moving things out earlier. There wasn't much left to move over, so it didn't take much time before everything could be done. That's when everything dawned upon her.

" How could I miss that? He said he will be leaving first thing in the morning, my brain!! Why ain't you braining at moments needed? " She could tell that they are ready to leave the mansion, but never Lucifer mentioned what he was planning to do with her.

Her overthinking brain began to take action, upon not receiving any confirmation.

" Did he conclude me as nonsense and decide to abandon me in this abandoned mansion? Oh my god!!! I can't stay here alone, especially after witnessing those dreadful murders and screams. I need to convince him," she finally chewed back her words, deciding to take action, pacing the hall anxiously, waiting for him.

Soon right after she made a conclusion, Lucifer emerged from his room.

Unlike earlier, Lucifer was impeccably dressed, clad in the finest garments tailored to accentuate his broad shoulders and physique. His clothing exuded an air of authority, emphasizing his power and presence.

Wearing a black coat, topped with red cape surely conveyed his magnificence, making Astrid feel he overdid it.

He looked like the main character that popped straight out of a comic and Astrid couldn't almost believe her eyes.

In fact, she couldn't shift her gaze away from him, mesmerized by his looks.

She had to remind herself that she was inside a novel because such a perfect specimen of a man seemed almost unreal.

Stepping into the center of the hall, he noticed both Victor and Astrid. Without a moment's delay, he began walking, asserting, "If everything has been taken care of, let's proceed."

Lucifer continued forward, and Victor followed closely behind him. Astrid hesitated for a moment, her anxiety evident. However, she summoned her courage.

Her voice trembled as she uttered, " Master, please don't leave me here alone." Her plea hung in the air, an unexpected request from the one who had witnessed his ruthless side not long ago.

Lucifer halted in his tracks, his steps faltering as a torrent of conflicting thoughts surged within him. He couldn't believe his ears, questioning his hearing ability.

Is this the same girl who had cowered in fear just yesterday? He needed answers.

Closing the distance between them, he gently lifted her chin with his hand, his piercing gaze locking onto hers.

He had choked the life out of her without hesitation before, but now, there was something different in her eyes, something he couldn't quite decipher. It's definitely not fear, then what could it be?

"You want to come where I go? You might regret it later," he warned.