
The Duke's Masked Wife

The baron’s daughter, Alessandra Barrett, has worn a mask from a young age due to an injury. Many say if you were to see the face behind the mask, you would be cursed and die soon afterward. She is seen as a ghost, avoided by all who visit the baron's home until she becomes the duke’s wife. No one could understand why the duke would pick such a wife. Did he wish to die? What would become of the girl who once hid in the shadows but now had the spotlight on her as the duke’s masked wife? What would everyone say if they were to learn the truth that she was in a contracted marriage with the duke? Tales of Castro Nobility story timeline order - The King’s Unbreakable Wife The Knight’s Mysterious Maid The Duke’s Masked Wife

Violet_167 · History
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572 Chs

Just you (1)

"Good evening, duchess. Did you have a good time out with your friends?" Alfred greeted Alessandra at the door the moment she returned home. "Good evening, Sally." 

"Good evening Alfred. I had a lot of fun. Has Edgar returned already?" Alessandra looked up the stairs expecting to see him come to greet her.

"Yes, he returned not long before you. He went to your bedroom to freshen up. Are you hungry? Should I have something sent to your room?"

"No thank you. All I want to do at this moment is take off my shoes. It has been a pain to walk around with them all day long. I'm going to let Edgar know that I have returned and take a quick nap after freshening up. I will see the two of you at dinner. Goodbye for now," Alessandra stated then proceeded to go upstairs to find Edgar.