
A seat at the table (2)

"Why did you tell her about the mines when you knew we were not on good terms?" Alessandra asked Alfred, whom she had pulled to the side, to speak about what he spoke about with Rose.

"I had hoped that it would end her trying to change you. It was a great mistake on my part. It wasn't my secret to tell, and I shall never do it again," said Alfred.

"I should hope not. I would like to think I can trust you to keep a secret. This secret concerns not only me but also relatives I just reunited with not long ago. I don't trust Rose to keep her mouth shut about it, and I don't want my grandparents to think I revealed it to help with my status. I have learned that we cannot always try to make peace for others. That is why I step back these days and let others come to me," said Alessandra.