
The Duchess's Disguise

{WARNING MATURED CONTENT. R18+} A tale of deception, desire, and forbidden love. • • Eveloria Ravenshield, a woman bound by the constraints of her noble birth, finds herself trapped in an arranged marriage with the formidable Duke Gavriel Thornblade, a man she neither respects nor loves. Determined to break free from this fate, Eveloria escapes the Ravenshield family's lavish estate under the cover of darkness, assuming the disguise of a humble peasant. Seeking solace and freedom, she seeks refuge in a village, unaware that her path will soon intertwine with Sir Tristan, a gallant knight in the service of Duke Gavriel. As fate would have it, their unexpected encounter ignites a powerful connection between them. In a bold move, Eveloria makes a decision that could change her life forever—a contract marriage agreement that challenges societal norms and sets the stage for a thrilling journey of love, secrets, and the pursuit of true freedom. Together, they embark on a perilous journey, evading pursuit and navigating the treacherous landscape of political intrigue. Will their love blossom amidst the challenges they face? or Will it all shatter ? ••• I hope you all will enjoy this one. Discord: Kuchi_G #4215 You can contact me if you have any questions about the story. Happy reading ಠ‿ಠ.

Kuchi_G_ · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Shadows Of The Past.

' I don't remember vividly. '

In the centre of a blooming flower garden, a woman and a little girl were seated amidst nature's vibrant tapestry. The woman, adorned in a flowing greenish-yellow dress with delicate white lace adorning the sleeves and neckline, possessed long, dark-brown hair that cascaded in neat curls around her face. Her daughter, mirroring her mother's attire, wore a matching green dress, her own dark-brown hair fashioned into a high ponytail.

As the gentle hum of a nursery rhyme escaped her mother's lips, she guided her daughter's small hands in the art of crafting flower crowns. With scissors and pins held deftly in their grasp, they delicately snipped wild roses and daisies, fashioning them into beautiful adornments. The sunlight, filtering through the canopy of trees above, cast a soft glow upon their work, eliciting a serene smile from her mother. A bird, its feathers slightly ruffled, chirped and gracefully landed upon a nearby daisy.

" This is such a delightful activity, isn't it, Eveloria? " Her mother's warm smile enveloped her daughter, who nodded eagerly in agreement.

" Today, we shall create a lot of flower crowns just for you, " she whispered, gently brushing loose strands of hair away from Eveloria's eyes and tucking them behind her ear. Once again, the little girl nodded, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

In the midst of their creative endeavor, a maid emerged from the grand manor, gracefully making her way towards the pair. With a deep bow, she approached, a sense of purpose emanating from her presence.

" My Lady , the Lord would like to speak with you. He's waiting in the library, " she said softly and quietly, glancing furtively at her mother, who only gave her an encouraging nod in response.

" Very well then. I'll be right there, " she said gently, giving her daughter one last smile before leaving the garden.

" Wait here, Eveloria. I will be back, " she said with another reassuring smile. The child waited patiently as the lady made her way towards the manor.

' I do remember that, her name was Genevieve. However, that's all I knew about her. '


When Eveloria woke up the next day, she thought it would be another normal morning. But as she got to her mother's room, she didn't find her mother asleep. In fact, her mother was nowhere to be found!

Eveloria looked frantically around the empty room. Her stomach dropped and tears stung her eyes. Did something happen? Where had her mother gone?!

' I remember my little feets running round the manor asking each and every servant if they had seen my mother. '

'' Do you know where my mother is ? Did anyone see her yesterday? '' She yelled at the closest maid, the woman shook her head and replied quietly,

" No, my Lady, none of us has seen the Duchess since yesterday afternoon. "

Eveloria felt her heart sink. She turned away, tears streaming down her face silently.

She had spent the majority of her life in her mother's care, her mother was very important to her and if anything ever happened to her, she didn't know what she would do without her.

She just couldn't believe that her mother had disappeared without a trace so she kept asking.

' They all kept giving me the same answer . I got sick of it and eventually accepted that my mother disappeared. '

Eveloria's father, Duke Lucian Ravenshield searched everywhere in the Sabres kingdom for his wife but he couldn't find her so he pronounced her dead.

After that incident Eveloria spent much more time indoors. She didn't want to go to parties or other social events. She felt trapped, like an animal being held prisoner. All she wanted to do was sleep and never wake up again.

' And then my father brought that wretch into our home. '

A year later, Her father brought a woman named Beatrice Ravenshield into their lives. She was his new wife and Eveloria's stepmother.

Beatrice Ravenshield possessed an ethereal beauty that captivated all who laid eyes upon her. Her cascading blonde hair resembled rays of sunlight, framing her face with a delicate elegance. The radiant hue of her locks only added to her enchanting presence, drawing attention wherever she went. Her piercing electric blue eyes held a mysterious allure, yet there was something cold and distant about her that made Eveloria uneasy.

Eveloria's discomfort extended beyond her stepmother's icy demeanor. Her father, once kind and loving, seemed to transform into a different person after Beatrice entered their lives. He became cold and unapproachable, treating Eveloria as nothing more than a common dog. Despite these hardships, Eveloria tried her best not to harbor hatred in her heart and instead focused on finding solace within her newfound family.

At least not until after Beatrice had given birth to Ambrose and Briana.


While Eveloria was playing by herself in the garden, Beatrice entered the garden and stood near her.

" What are you doing out here? I have been looking for you, " Beatrice inquired, her voice cutting through the silence.

Eveloria jumped slightly when she suddenly heard her voice, looking up sheepishly. " Uh, n...nothing m.. mother… " Eveloria stammered nervously. " I was just...looking around. "

A forced smile graced Beatrice's lips, sending a shiver down Eveloria's spine. There was anger in Beatrice's eyes that unnerved the young girl, causing her to tremble involuntarily.

Without warning, Beatrice reached out and grabbed her little wrist tightly. Her gaze darkened and Eveloria felt a wave of fear roll over her. The hand holding her little wrist burned and Beatrice yanked her along. Eveloria stared at Beatrice in utter shock. Eveloria let out a yelp as she was dragged across the garden. " Mother! "

Beatrice dragged Eveloria through the imposing doors of the manor leading to the palor, a cruel smirk etched onto her face. With a forceful shove, she threw Eveloria onto the couch, causing her cheek to collide with the cushions. Eveloria whimpered, her pain both physical and emotional.

In the depths of her despair, Eveloria screamed internally, unable to comprehend how her mother could treat her this way. ' How could she do this to me? I thought she saw me as her child as well! '

Her chest heaved, and tears streamed uncontrollably down her face, blurring her vision.

" Marlene, bring the whip, " Beatrice barked in a cold, commanding tone. Marlene hurried into the living room, clutching a long, menacing whip, and hesitantly handed it to Beatrice. Eveloria watched in horror as her stepmother slowly approached, a sinister expression etched upon her face.

Instinctively, Eveloria shook her head and scrambled away, seeking refuge on the far side of the sofa as her mother drew nearer. The venom in Beatrice's voice sent shivers down her spine.

" How dare you call me mother? " she hissed, her words dripping with malice.

I sincerely hope y'all will love this one.

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